How popular is Victor Brand in Malaysia ?

Discussion in 'Market Place' started by alanwong76, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. alanwong76

    alanwong76 Regular Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Interior Deco
    Petaling Jaya
    To : moderator, sorry to open this thread, if you think is not suitable.. you can remove it. Thanks

    we all knew that yonex is the most popular brand around the therefore, most of us will also buy it.. so far as i seen, mostly around peoples playing.. using yonex, lining, apacs, wilson, and others brand, but rarely can see people using Victor.

    there is also i heard about because of the Victor distributor got some problem and communication with the local seller..

    and just 2 days ago, i went to restring my traded arcsaber 10, and since there is a good recommendation about Victor MX 80. then i ask the owner about Yonex VT-80 and Victor MX-80. after some introduction and knowledge about both racket. i decided to buy the MX-80 for a try on next month..

    and a question for myself, what if MX-80 really didn't suit me and i want to sell it or trade it, will there be many Victor fans ? and i believe there is many malaysia player in this forum...and just want to know from you guys, did you prefer use yonex or victor or others brand (i mean for high end racket).

    hope to hear comment from you, Thanks !!

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