String Review: Gosen Nanocubic Nanomicro

Discussion in 'Badminton String' started by demoniez, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. demoniez

    demoniez Regular Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    HK, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia
    Hey guys,

    Bought many strings to try out over the past few weeks and would like to share my experiences with you guys here. More reviews to come :)

    GOSEN Nanocubic NanoMICRO (BS910)

    Gauge: 0.66mm

    Core: ??
    Outer: ??
    Coating: ??
    No idea. All the jap words and the only english says clear sound on durable 'nanocubic' resin. Guess nanocubic is Gosen's patented tagline :)

    Tested on:
    Gosen Ryoga Issen
    Tension 26 x 28, Yonex 4 knots
    2 months, 3 hours per week at least

    Yonex BG66


    1) Stringing
    So so for stringers. This does not have a smooth surface like titanium and nano coated strings have. But some players may like it as it certainly grips the shuttle better esp for net play. String is indeed thin, more true than BG66's so called 0.66mm.

    2) Gameplay
    Damm! This string is explosive:) Yeah at the same tension if i were to compare with BG66 this is more responsive and powerful! Every shot goes right down! This is an extremely thin looking string, more like Zymax 62 than BG66 though it is listed as a 0.66mm string. Shock absorption is the best i have ever played for a reason which i will explain soon. Control is good but.....

    Here comes.... this string is an extremely soft string. Certainly one of the softest i have played but amazingly on softness to repulsion relative scale, this has to be the most incredible of the lot! This is so soft that it feels like a trampoline in low tensions <24 (I ve tried on other rackets) and yet still as repulsive as a BG66 at high tension! On higher tensions like >26, this trampoline effect is negligible. So do be aware. Hitting sound is rather muted but unique sounding. Sounds like shooting a rocket from a M203 rocket launcher .. something shooting out from a hollow tube.


    Repulsion: 9.5/10
    Durability: 8/10 (seems good)
    Hitting Sound: 7/10
    Shock Absorption: 10/10
    Control: 8/10
    Feel: soft feeling
    Tension Retention: Good (~-2LB in a month of 2hrs a week at least)
  2. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    BC Janitor
    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    thank you for all the reviews!

    so among all the thin gauge strings that you tested, which one do you like the most?
  3. demoniez

    demoniez Regular Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    HK, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia
    I havent exactly tried that many thin strings. There are certainly other strings from lesser known but well reputed manufacturers like Oliver which i havent tried. I presume you consider 0.66mm and below as thin. There are many factors to consider in which one i like. Sometimes i prefer some decent durability, sometimes i want power and repulsion and sometimes good control. I really like the properties of BG66UM and the superior quality JP equivalent and Maxima. But BG66UM doesnt retain its strengths long enough while the JP equivalents are too expensive. For Yonex, i prefer BG85 and NBG98. BG85 has i would say nearly all of BG80's strengths without equaling with even better feel and control. My favourite Yonex is NBG98 which lasts nearly twice as long as a BG66 from my style of play and great repulsion, power and shock absorption being the only pity is it is a tad too slippery. However NBG98 JP is another different story. It is not slippery and feels harder.

    I also like Zymax67 except for its durability. The cheaper price is kinda attractive. I am also highly suspicious of Zymax62 and Li-Ning AP62 being the same string. Both are extremely repulsive (Better than BG66UM at the same tension) with acceptable durability similar to BG66. I also like the spin, power and repulsion of another ultra thin string, Gosen R4X100. And lately, Toalson Nano Premium 66 has become another of my fav! Have used it for nearly 2 months, still holding on to its fibres and power! Next to try will be R4X110 :)
  4. ssgg007

    ssgg007 Regular Member

    Jun 20, 2008
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    how often do your strings last? Or do you like cut them out at a regular basis? ie every 3-4 months if they don;t snap by itself.
  5. demoniez

    demoniez Regular Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    HK, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia
    Frankly speaking, the only string i cut is BG66UM because it feels dead after losing tension. I don't think i have any string that holds longer than 3 months except those 0.70mm ones. I particularly like NBG98 because after >2months it still holds on to its everything well. Honestly each time i use NBG98, the racket broke before the string!
  6. ssgg007

    ssgg007 Regular Member

    Jun 20, 2008
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    sounds like a very expensive endeavour everytime you use nbg98. broken racket each time.
  7. bigfishoz

    bigfishoz Regular Member

    Dec 12, 2008
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    My top 4 Strings at the moment
    Babolat Micro 0.67 - durability 1/10 - anything else 10/10 sometime only last 1 session - most of the time 12hrs of play
    (but may be due to the age of the actual string it was siting in a warehouse for 3 years before I took the lot)
    NBG98 Japan - durability 7/10 Give me good replusion power 8/10 and 10/10 hiting sound and 9/10 control
    BG80 - Above avg on every aspect good string for daily player
    BG66UMX - durability 6/10, 10/10 replusion (that is the trouble) for me it is too much power and made it harder to control for the clear shot - I love it when it is toward the end of the 4hr session
  8. fmqpt791004

    fmqpt791004 Regular Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    College Student
    Dallas, Texas, USA
    I want to try this string and Nanocubic (0.70gauge). I was looking for soft string.

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