Latest MD ranking

Discussion in 'Professional Players' started by whizkelv, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. whizkelv

    whizkelv Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2002
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    Some interesting points on the latest MD standings released yesterday.

    1) Jonas/Lars still hang on their no.1 position! Congrats, JR!:)
    2) Cai/Fu are now the world no 4! A great achievement for China, I think this is the first time in the new millennium they have a pair in the top 4 of MD.
    3) Choong/Lee regained their Malaysian no 1 status, after advancing to the semis for 3 consecutive tournaments. They are now the world no 13.
    4) The top 2 Koreans are sliding down the ladder. However, it's not really a major concern to them as things will change after the European circuits.

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