VICTOR SH8600ACE-F Sizing... Help needed!/ Recommendation

Discussion in 'Clothing & Footwear' started by J-Dragon, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. J-Dragon

    J-Dragon Regular Member

    May 15, 2009
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    Montreal, QC
    Hey guys, last year i bought a pair of VICTOR SH8600ACE-F and i ordered them in size 9. If i remember correctly, at that time, i used to wear 8.5 in regular shoes, but wanted to get them a little bit bigger just to make sure they fit me. After playing a few games, I realized that my feet were hurting because of the shoes. At first, i thought it was because my shoes didn't have the time to "adjust" to my feet so i kept playing with them. About 3 months later, I realized that the shoes were just too small for me... Badminton season is starting soon and I want to buy myself a new pair of badminton shoes because I have been playing with NIKE running shoes for the past few months. I was thinking of being myself the SH9000ACE-E and wanted to know what size I should get. I now wear Size 9 in regular shoes and I'm ordering them from Eric(Squash_mart). Please help! If not, can you guys recommend me other good shoes that have good insoles since I have touchy knees. THANKS Budget ~100$
  2. canti

    canti Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2008
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    Campbell, California, United S
    i woudlnt reccomend 9000 if you want heavy cushion, i would say go with yonex for that

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