Yonex Strings JP vs SP vs EX

Discussion in 'Badminton String' started by WoOZY, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. WoOZY

    WoOZY Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Being an early adopter of NBG99, I've stuck with NBG99 JP but it's really causing a dent in my wallet. I know there was an earlier post asking JP vs SP but no one has really asked about EX version.

    Previously I've used NBG98 JP, SP, and CH. Personally I've found the CH is to dull and lost tension EXTREMELY quickly. Also SP and CH strings ACTUALLY break on me. So far with NBG99 JP, I haven't broken any of my strings but it just got really loose on me and I can't play with it without getting hurt.

    Anyways, I see that Stringers World sells NBG99 EX in reel of 200m and the price is really attractive. So I'm here to ask, how is the EX different from the SP and CH?
  2. maxout

    maxout Regular Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Apart from the SPELLING :D ... ;) I would say, JP (domestic - always the BEST) > SP (fanatics and diehard supporters) > CH (too big and too good to ignore) > EX (they also play ?) in terms of "perception" and hence affect the PRICING ...

    Although I have not had the opportunity to try CH or EX strings, I dare say, that whenever I had the chance to compare against SP, "somehow" JP strings do feel and last better ....
    #2 maxout, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
  3. R20190

    R20190 Regular Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    London, UK
    My personal opinion on this is there is no noticeable difference, if any.

    I play mainly with NBG95 and have tried CH, SP, UK and JP (I have also tried BG65Ti and NBG99 in different country codes too). I honestly cannot find any difference that I can attribute to the country code and it wouldn't make sense for there to be a difference imo.

    I can understand the generally accepted notion that JP Yonex racquets may be higher quality, although I've yet to be convinced in terms of playability but I do accept that Yonex can select the best "cosmetically finished" racquets and label them JP for their own market - just as feathers are graded for the best shuttles. I can also accept that better material grades can be used for their domestic racquets.

    However when it comes to strings, I cannot see the point or advantage in making different quality strings when they are supposed to be of the same specification. It just wouldn't make sense, financially or have any business gain in my opinion.

    As far as I know, professionals around the world use the same strings that their country Yonex reps supply and these are the same as that sold to the public. The only difference may be that certain colours may only be available in certain countries and not others.

    Having used NBG95 from different country codes, I will be sticking to whichever one the cheapest, be it UK, SP or CH. It's all the same to me.
  4. demolidor

    demolidor Regular Member

    Jan 21, 2003
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    If you see blue or yellow BG80 on a professional player, like Gade, it is EX. "They also play"? :D Yeah that is the code for the rest of the world ;) (Denmark, England, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Canada, USA, etc.).
    Lastly there is TH code as well if one is looking for the cheapest (single packs at least) afaik ...

    Now reading further back upwards only to find out it is actually a brand new thread! :eek:. I bet the previous time I replied to this is probably still on page 1 :rolleyes: ... (ahw, just bumped onto page 2 [​IMG])
    #4 demolidor, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  5. WoOZY

    WoOZY Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Well I've asked my stringer to string both my MX80 to 27lbs... I gave him 1 pack JP and 1 pack SP... I asked him to copy down the serial number so that I can differentiate between the 2... I just haven't seen any comments about EX. I see threads about SP and CH but nothing on EX.
  6. demolidor

    demolidor Regular Member

    Jan 21, 2003
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    #6 demolidor, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  7. demolidor

    demolidor Regular Member

    Jan 21, 2003
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    15 mins ... Any review from a country outside the SP region that doesn't specifically mention it is SP or something specific should be safe to assume it is a review of "EX" (and it surely isn't going to be worse than SP).
  8. Shinichi

    Shinichi Regular Member

    Dec 22, 2011
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    Brunei Darussalam
    I only try the 66UM for JP and SP. I cant tell the different between the two
  9. maxout

    maxout Regular Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I used to think just like you until a week or so ago when I accidentally discovered (while searching about BG66Maxima availability in Malaysia) the EXISTENCE OF HIGH COPY (see thread or pixs : http://www.badmintoncentral.com/for...quot-HIGH-COPY-quot-Yonex-Strings-sample-pixs-.... ) of Yonex strings and after a lot of checking and discussion with my playing partners (some of them are stringers as well), well, there are tons of them in the market and majority are CH coded and usually selling at 30% cheaper than normal RRP.

    Personally, I have done some sleuthing and have gone to a number of shops and yes, whenever I see a "super offer", the strings are usually CH-coded !! Since I know some of these sellers personally, I will usually ask them IF this is REAL YY stuff and the usual response I got is, best to use SP and JP with GENUINE SUNRISE STICKERS if unsure (i.e pay FULL PRICE). As you can see from the HIGH COPY website, they are selling strings at RM7 per pack and selling at around RM30 (average RRP in Msia for BG66UM), so even if they offer at RM20 which is considered a GREAT BARGAIN, they still make a whopping 200% ... :eek:

    Even they have a tough time to tell them apart physically but one characteristic feature is that most of these HIGH COPY strings cannot take tension above 25-26 lbs. That is why many stringers in Malaysia normally recommend 24 lbs and when someone wants to string beyond 26lbs, they will recommend a HIGH-END Yonex string (GENUINE stuff). Furthermore, they also noted that the playing "feel" is different esp for the high-tech strings like Nanogys.

    PS: BTW, if you still insist on HIGH COPY at tension beyond 26lbs, don't be surprised if your tension is not what you wanted !!
    #9 maxout, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  10. zombie0517

    zombie0517 Regular Member

    May 25, 2009
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    Sorry but my experiences does not reflect your opinions. For NBG 98, somehow I have noticed the CH version does not last as long as the EX version (CH packs, white/EX reel, cosmic gold).

    For the "they also play?" part, I have found string performance of the EX version is on par with CH version(BG65, NBG95/98), if not better. For the "I dare say..." part, have you done a blind test to verify your claim? (same racquet, same stringer, same tension/pattern, same string model, different country code)
  11. maxout

    maxout Regular Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I don't disagree with you one bit or the other forumers that GENUINE YY string should not make any difference .... hence, my rather liberal/loose definition and usage of ... "perception" , "I dare say", "somehow" ... implies that IT IS ALL IN THE MIND :D - placebo effect .... :p I know that when one of my playing friend came with a NG98 JP for one session a few months back, he was "flying" that evening - same effect seen with a new YY JP racquet too !!!

    But, I do emphasise strongly on the post regarding the HIGH COPY ... really saddens me to see them in the shops that I thought were reputable .... but since I can not ascertain 100%, I rather not name or condemn them but for me to just stay away from those strings !!

    I just want BC forumers here to be aware and alert and not be cheated !!
    #11 maxout, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  12. WoOZY

    WoOZY Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Well I'm gonna be doing a blind test soon... I'll find out how JP compares with SP for NBG99...
  13. R20190

    R20190 Regular Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    London, UK
    People will convince themselves of differences if they go looking for differences.

    I'm not saying Yonex are incapable of subtly tweaking the makeup of the strings to give a slightly different feel but I personally do not believe there is any. Afterall, if they wanted or needed to give a string a slightly different attribute, they would give it a different name. Just as they have Ti, Power, Pro, Sharp, Maxima, Ultimax etc variants.

    The trouble is people will tend to perceive that the more expensive something is, the better it ought to be. As long as it says "made in japan" or "Japan", it is ok to charge twice the price regardless of what it is! Then would feel the need to justify paying more for effectively the same thing.

    On products as cheap as strings, it just doesn't make financial sense to have different specifications of what should be (and is labelled as) the same string. I can understand it if we're talking about grades of carbon for a racquet, or if it was produced locally in each country, but for strings produced in the same country, and quite possibly in the same factory?

    Ok, if there is a question over authencity then thats a separate issue. But if we're talking only about genuine strings made by Yonex japan, then I personally cannot feel any discernable difference.

    I've just come up with an idea, I should go to Japan, bag up some air, label it "JP" and sell it on here as it will improve your badminton skills. :) Group buy anyone?
  14. WoOZY

    WoOZY Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    But my friends and I do find a noticeable difference when using NBG98 JP and SP... The JP is more crisp and tends to last forever (not the tension)... It really isn't a placebo effect because JP strings don't break on us...
    iraditia likes this.
  15. Wingu

    Wingu Regular Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Kyoto, Japan
    How many meters string have you compared? I use strings purchased both in Japan and Europe, and truthfully, when it comes to durability, I haven't noticed much difference, if any at all.
    You'd have to compare the strings for quite a while in a few different ways such as how many hours you play, where on the string bed you hit, climate etc etc. There are so many factors one have to think about before there can be any concerete conclusion at all.
    The most important factor of all I think is if the stringer knows how to properly string a racket or not.
  16. WoOZY

    WoOZY Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Climate... Normal Canada indoor climate around 19-25C.. Varying from dry cool condition to hot humid gym (they didn't turn on the AC in time).. We usually play about 20 hours a week give or take.. The factor remains pretty much the same because it's the same stringer and the same player as well...

    But for NBG98, my friends are going to stick with the JP version because it lasts him almost 2 months when originally strung to 26lbs on a BS10.
    Indra Raditia likes this.
  17. yan.v

    yan.v Regular Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Montreal, Canada
    Just wanted to dismiss a rumor that seems to be very widespread.

    Yonex DOES NOT intentionally degrade the quality of some products for different country codes. That would be insanely inefficient and actually cost them more money to produce. All their Japan made products are actually made in the same factories.

    There is also no proof that JP is better than other country codes and psychological effects can play a HUGE role when one tries to compare products. That said, it could be possible for them to sort the products according to some quality tests (because not every product will come out EXACTLY the same).
  18. Wingu

    Wingu Regular Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Kyoto, Japan
    Mmm, but if they did such tests and it turned out that JP-coded strings are better, no doubt they would be quiet about it anyway since it would be the downfall of their other coded strings, mind you still bearing the same string name as the JP ones. Either that, or name the non-JP coded ones "Low-end" and sell it for cheaper coin.

    But yeah, it does sound weird though if all products would be the exact same. Just like with any other product for that matter.
    #18 Wingu, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  19. Limited328

    Limited328 Regular Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Markham, Ontario
    As long as we're still talking about strings here. IMHO, there's a difference in the value of a string because of where the string was originally produced. The process should be the same but the cost of labour might be different on varying countries. Canada does not produce strings but I know if they did, it'll cost an arm and a leg, e.g. CD coded YY rackets versus a SP coded YY racket. Sure, I am guaranteed warranty if I were to buy a CD coded racket, but I am saving money purchasing a SP racket that I know I am not going to be aggressive with (high string tensions). It's all a matter of preference, hence the numerous strings produced by Yonex to cater to various player's needs. Control for net drops, and Power for smashes.

    If there isn't a need for a high-tension strung racket then maybe a HIGH END COPY version (CH) of the string is acceptable for some people. Not trying to bash or critique, and no one should...just my opinion.
  20. yan.v

    yan.v Regular Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    USRSA MRT & Certification Tester
    Montreal, Canada
    The code does not mean the place where it was produced. It's simply a distribution code. All the top end rackets are made in Japan regardless of the code. The same goes for strings.

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