What is your badminton training routine like and what's your level?

Discussion in 'Techniques / Training' started by Birdy, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Birdy

    Birdy Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    My level is intermediate (8th week into playing/training again).

    Monday's are ladder's competition to apply what I learned in lessons/drills into games and to develop actual game play. This is usually 2-3 hours of playing getting around 6-8 total games.

    Tuesday, Wed, Thur is group training around 1.5 hours + private training right after or before for 1 hour each of these 3 days.

    Friday is regular recreational badminton drop in to ease down a bit and to apply what I learned from the lessons. (2-3 hours)

    All above are usually evening times. I sleep around 8-10 hours per day to recover.

    Sat and Sun are usually my rest days.

    I'm thinking of incorporating some core and light weigh training into my routine but still haven't figured out how yet.


    Please share your routine and hopefully we can adapt from one another. Thanks!

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