badminton videos

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AS, Jun 5, 2001.

  1. AS

    AS Guest

    What do you guys/gals look for when watching badminton videos to learn from them. Do you watch one player for the whole game and observe his footwork etc etc.
  2. Lao Liu

    Lao Liu Guest

    An interesting topic. I quite often to watch badminton videos in order to learn something from the top players. Two things I particularly interested with help of endless replay of the video:

    1. How the player (say Handrewan.) played his deceptive shots. I watch his play from preparing the shot....executing....follow-ups. Ask me self why the shot is deceptive?

    2. Game strategy or point stategy rather. I would like to watch two top players are playing the last a few points or in setting. Figure it out the game strategy for the last few points of each player. This is particularly useful for winnning games.
  3. Zclyh3

    Zclyh3 Regular Member

    Aug 22, 2004
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    Not employed during academic school yeah
    San Leandro/San Jose, CA
    I watch how they perform and mistakes they do. So I can learn from their mistakes and not commit them in my own game. I also look at the double's deceptive shots and how quick I have to move. I watch it several times a month.

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