Effeminate men

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Micky, Aug 8, 2001.

  1. Micky

    Micky Guest

    what happens when u play against effeminates in a match? i hate looking at them theyre weird and i think theyre looking at me funny kinda. All i wanna do is go round and kick them but i hafta play the game. after if i lose i get raggy and wanta sabotage their car or sumthin. people whove got sexual weirdness shouldnt play a sport, least not where they can put off opponents of same sex with funny looks. i just wanta kick them.
  2. Brett

    Brett Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Stop posting this sort of rubbish

    About fifteen years ago there was a guy named Morton Downey (uncle of actor Robert Downey, Jr., I think) who had a television talk show in the U.S. and was probably the inspiration for Jerry Springer's trashy show. Downey had a lot of sensationalistic nonsense on his show, but I did hear him make one comment (on an episode featuring skinheads and neo-nazis) that was not just intelligent, but brilliantly astute. The comment was: "I have never met a bigot who liked him or herself or who was a happy person."

    The only reason people make bigotted, prejudiced comments like the one you made is because they lack self-confidence, maturity and happiness, and they feel some need to elevate themselves by putting down other people.

    Am I correct in guessing that some of the reason why you profess to dislike these so-called "effeminate" badminton players is because they are better players than you?

    Learn to tolerate other people and look for some form of happiness in your life that will leave you mature and content enough not to have to hate other people. Maybe you should consider getting some professional help to deal with your anger and prejudices.
  3. disgusted

    disgusted Guest

    grow up!

    we don't need you your juvenile rantings on this message board. there are plenty of HATE sites elsewhere.
  4. myc

    myc Guest

    you sure needed to see a doctor soon
  5. Dr. Freud

    Dr. Freud Guest

    perhaps a psychiatrist is in order. this person probably hasn't come to terms with their own sexuality... homophobia is often a sign of denial or of unresolved inner conflicts.
  6. Brett

    Brett Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    A very valid point from the good doctor. The most homophobic guy in my college later "came out" when he was in med school.

    I don't care if my neighbor likes some foods that I don't - as long as he doesn't try to get me to partake in the feasting, it doesn't bother me at all. This metaphor should apply equally to most other sorts of preferences.
  7. Eric Shawn

    Eric Shawn Guest

    geeez..what the hell was that mickey?!
  8. Dr. Jung

    Dr. Jung Guest

    I concur Herr Freud... latent behaviour would seem to be indicated.
  9. shake spear

    shake spear Guest

    a rather troubled fellow. methinks he doth protest too much. it gives one cause to wonder (why)?
  10. Dr Zhivago

    Dr Zhivago Guest

    Here in Australia, most men are REAL men. They think that only effeminate men play a pansy sport like badminton anyway. When they say this to me I reply "Oh you big bwute. Say that again and I will smack you with my handbag."

    Actually, I think Mickey is confused. When you are playing mixed doubles, Mickey, the people you are referring to as effeminate men are actually women.
  11. JC

    JC Guest

    Wow! That guy Mickey really has a secret. You know about Hitler being partly Jewish ? That's apparently why he had to bansih the demon in his own imperfect self. Mickey, have you recently taken it out and talked to it and asked it what it likes? That chap can give you away some day. Why don't you just lie back and enjoy it instead of fighting it so aggressively? It could be very nice and that chap you want to bash mght just be the type you want. JC

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