Cross court pushes to the opponents forhand

Discussion in 'Techniques / Training' started by ploppers, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. ploppers

    ploppers Regular Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    Near Toronto
    Recently, I've been trying to work out more and more strategy's to controll the base in singles. I've noticed that flat pushes from my backhand (at the net) to the opponents forehand can work wonders when applying prussure and tiring out the opponent. However, I usually use this when the opponent gives a slow straight drop. Now, I noticed that when the opponent gives me a straight drop to my forhand, a flat push can't be used effectivley. The only time I find useful to use a croscourt push would be when my opponent gives me a very weak nt shot where he is caught up front. My question is, are there any other situations where a cross court forhand push would be efective?

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