Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's injury

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by badminton_fan, Feb 16, 2002.

  1. As titled. Thanks!
  2. Christian

    Christian Guest

    Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    I read in a Danish newspaper this weekend that Gade does not have to undergo surgery, and that he expects to be back later this season. However, he still does not know whether he will be ready for the All England
  3. Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    His web site has the scan result of the injury but only in Danish, the English has not been updated.

    Could you help to translate what it said?

    Thanks a lot!
  4. Mag

    Mag Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    He says that the scanning shows that it's the same injury again. Aparrently he was afraid that something else in the knee had gotten damaged, so in one sense he's actually relieved. He says he knows just what it takes to recover from this injury, as he's done it before. He's not going to have an operation.

    Furthermore, he doubts that he will be able to participate in the All England, and fears this will make him drop even further on the world ranking list.

    (He's mentioned this several times before, and seems to be very concerned about his world ranking... Why? It is just that he will get worse seedings in tournaments or does it have any direct economical effect too? Does anybody know?)
  5. Christian

    Christian Guest

    Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    Here is a "rough" translation...:

    15/2 2002

    Late Thursday I recived the result of the scanning of my knee. And it showed as expected that the knee cap has been down and made a deeper whole in the gristle, which was already damaged.

    It is of course not so positive in itself, but it was however positive that nothing else in the knee has been damaged. I was actually a little bit afraid of that.

    It also means that I do not have to undergo surgery, but it is still unsure when I can start practice. That will not be until the swolling has disappeared.

    As I have previously written, the chances that I will be able to participate in the All England are not so good and that is definetely not fun. It affects my ranking on the World Ranking and that is embittering when you have spent so much time coming back to now have to go through it all again - but now I know what it takes.

    Resultat af scanning
    Sent torsdag aften fik jeg resultatet fra min scanning af knæet. Og det viste som ventet, at knæskallen har været nede og lave et lidt dybere hul i det brusk, som jeg har beskadiget.

    Det er selvfølgelig ikke så positivt, men positivt var det, at der ikke er andet i knæet der har taget skade. Det frygtede jeg faktisk lidt.

    Det betyder samtidig at jeg ikke skal opereres, men det er endnu usikkert hvornår jeg kan begynde at træne. Det sker nemlig ikke før hævelsen har fortaget sig.

    Som jeg skrev sidst, så er chancerne ikke særlig store for, at jeg kommer med til All England, og det er bestemt ikke sjovt. Det påvirker min placering på verdensranglisten, og det er bittert, at man har brugt så mange kræfter på at komme tilbage og så skal igennem det én gang til - men nu ved jeg selvfølgelig hvad der skal til.
  6. Christian

    Christian Guest

    Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    My guess is that his sponsorship contracts include special bonusses that depend on his world ranking.
  7. Re: Anyone know the latest info of Peter Gade's in

    Thank you!

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