Tony Gunawan to join Indonesia team again?

Discussion in 'Indonesia Professional Players' started by taufik-ist, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. taufik-ist

    taufik-ist Regular Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    it administrator
    as usual, CTJAD
    would u mind sparing a bit long time to translate this news below
    thanks in advance

    Candra/Tony Dirayu Lagi

    Seperti pahlawan. Candra Wijaya/Tony Gunawan kembali dielu-elukan di Surabaya. Suasananya mirip ketika keduanya memenangi medali emas Olimpiade Sydney 2000. Kini mereka kembali dirayu. Kenapa?

    Candra/Tony seolah memberikan angin segar bagi publik bulutangkis Tanah Air. Bukan hanya karena berhasil merebut mahkota juara ganda putra turnamen Djarum Indonesia Open, tetapi juga sekaligus memberikan jaminan bahwa mereka sebenarnya salah satu ganda terbaik dunia.

    “Melihat penampilan mereka, sepertinya tidak ada perubahan seperti enam tahun silam. Kalaupun ada, kekurangan itu hanya power yang sedikit melemah,” sebut pelatih Pelatnas Cipayung, Christian Hadinata.

    Pada partai final di GOR Kertajaya, Surabaya, Minggu (4/6), Candra/Tony menggusur juara bertahan, Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan, 21-17, 21-16. Tepuk tangan panjang penonton mengiringi kemenangan mereka. Padahal, sebenarnya mereka bertanding di turnamen berbanderol 250 ribu dolar AS hanya untuk bersenang-senang sekaligus reuni.

    Maklum, setelah terakhir merebut emas Olimpiade Sydney 2000, keduanya langsung bercerai. Candra berduet dengan Sigit Budiarto, sedangkan Tony dipasangkan dengan Halim Haryanto. Dua tahun kemudian, Tony memutuskan keluar dari Cipayung dan pindah ke AS.

    Nah, karena Candra memutuskan pensiun dari Cipayung dan Tony sedang mudik ke Tanah Air, mereka kembali berduet. Ternyata mereka menang, mengikuti jejak kejuaraan serupa pada tahun 2000 di Jakarta.

    Ditarik Kembali
    “Hari ini saya begitu bergembira. Saya bisa menjadi juara, saat anak saya merayakan ulang tahun. Ini tentu anugerah luar biasa,” sebut Candra. Memang, hari itu, Wintania Wijaya genap berusia tiga tahun.

    Hal serupa juga diakui oleh Tony. Saat mereka merayakan pertandingan reuni, ternyata hasilnya menjadi juara.

    “Hasil ini merupakan kegembiraan luar biasa. Kami melakukan pertandingan reuni dan berhasil menjadi juara kembali,” tutur Tony, yang kini selain melatih juga menjadi karyawan perusahaan QWIP Technology Inc. di Orange County, California, AS.

    Atas penampilan gemilangnya itu, Ketua Umum PB PBSI Sutiyoso pun berniat meminang kembali Tony. Diakuinya, penampilan suami Etty Tantri itu masih menawan. Apalagi, saat ini kondisi sektor ganda Cipayung mengalami kemerosotan.

    “Tony akan saya tawari untuk kembali. Ini sebagai persiapan menghadapi Piala Sudirman 2007. Syukur-syukur ke tim Piala Thomas 2008 kalau ia masih mau. Tony/Candra saya yakin tetap bisa masuk ke tim utama,” tutur Bang Yos seusai pertandingan.
    Broto Happy W./Fahrizal Arnas
  2. taufik-ist

    taufik-ist Regular Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    it administrator
    i'm sorry, i meant CTJCAD not CTJAD
  3. blckknght

    blckknght Regular Member

    Mar 31, 2003
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    Vermont, USA
    Is this story really true? and can someone tell me what it says? :)
  4. ricksakti

    ricksakti Regular Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    hahaha... leave Gunawan alone, he has forgotten to speak ina... hahaha.... I dont think they are as sharp and accurate as before... old machine... just the opponets sucks
  5. *izzyC*

    *izzyC* Regular Member

    May 2, 2004
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    Hey guys, this is the first time I'm doing a translation for an article in Bahasa Indonesia. I know I'm not as good as CTJCAD, i just thought that I want to give it a try. If there are any mistakes, CTJCAD, please correct me. Here goes:

    Candra/Tony are persuaded again

    Just like warriors. Candra Wijaya/ Sigit Budiarto are welcomed back at Surabaya. It was exactly the same when both of them won the 2000 Sydney Olympic's gold medal. Now, they are persuaded again. Why?

    It was as though Candra/Tony gave a fresh air to the national public badminton. Not only because they succeeded in winning the Djarum Indonesia Open men's doubles crown, but also assuring that they are one of the best men doubles pair in the world.

    "Judging by their performance, it was as though there wasn't any difference with their performance six years ago". Even if there is, it is only the lack of power," said the Pelatnas Cipayung coach, Christian Hadinata.

    At the finals in GOR Kertajaya, Surabaya, week(4/6), Candra/Tony defeated the defending champion, Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan, 21-17, 21-16. The audience gave a thundering applause when they won. They ended up winning this 250 thousand US Dollars tournament where they were only competing for fun and to reunite with each other.

    Because of Candra's decision to retire from Cipayung and Tony returning to his homeland, they team up again. Once again, they won, just like they did back in 2000 in Jakarta.

    Invited back
    "I am so happy today. I became the champion on my son's birthday. This is a very special gift," said Candra. Indeed, Wintania Wijaya celebrated his third birthday on that very same day.

    It was the same thing for Tony. "We competed in this tournament just to reunite and ended up becoming the champion again," said Tony, who is also the QWIP Technology Inc. writer in Orange County, California, United States.

    Due to his remarkable performance, the head of PBSI, Sutisuyo is interested to get Tony back. He admitted, that the performance of Etty Tantri's husband is still very inspiring. Furthermore, the men doubles' department in Cipayung is suffering from a downfall.

    "I will invite Tony to come back. This is as a preparation for the 2007 Sudirman Cup. Better if he is willing to stay on until the 2008 Thomas Cup.
    I'm confident Tony/Candra is able to join the main team," said Bang Yos after the tournament.

    Broto Happy W./Fahrizal Arnas
  6. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    So the title of the thread is wrong! There is only the invitation. And there is no decision.
  7. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    On a related Tony news...and current INA MDs news..

    ..just found this article from Kompas(Feb. 02, 2007 edition) online..Kinda similar news to another earlier report..
    Anyone willing to help us in translating is much appreciated (ie. indra, babonimut, DoublesPlayer, ssuly, Krisna)-thanks in advance..;) :cool:
    A recap of the article:
    -Looks like Tony's contract of coaching @ OCBC will continue until 2010..
    -Tony mentioned abt the current situation of INA MDs' outlook..
    -There's also something else which Tony mentioned that will be another surprise-what could it be??..well, to find out, you guys better ask the aforementioned people to translate..hehe;):D :cool:
    Kontrak Tony hingga 2010

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Meski sangat berminat dan bangga jika dipanggil kembali ke pelatnas dan membela Merah Putih di berbagai ajang internasional, pebulu tangkis Tony Gunawan menilai hal itu tidak mudah dilaksanakan. Pasalnya, kini dia terikat kontrak dengan Asosiasi Bulu Tangkis Amerika Serikat hingga tahun 2010 sebagai pelatih.

    Selain itu, dia telah memiliki pekerjaan di negeri Paman Sam tersebut dan telah berkeluarga sehingga keputusan yang diambilnya akan memengaruhi istrinya.

    "Kalau PB PBSI memanggil saya kembali, saya bersedia. Itu kehormatan besar bagi saya dapat kembali membela Indonesia. Apalagi usia saya sudah 31 tahun, sudah tua untuk ukuran bulu tangkis. Namun, tidak gampang menjalankannya karena saya masih terikat kontrak hingga tahun 2010," kata Tony Gunawan saat jumpa pers menjelang resepsi pernikahannya dengan Eti Tantri di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (26/12).

    Menurut Tony Gunawan, selain melatih, dia pun bekerja di bidang keuangan pada perusahaan yang memproduksi chip kamera, Qwip Technology, di Orange County, Los Angeles, AS. Istrinya pun bekerja paruh wak- tu di perusahaan tersebut dan aktif melatih bulu tangkis anak- anak.

    Meski tidak lagi turun dengan mengusung nama Indonesia, Tony masih akan berpasangan dengan Candra Wijaya. Keduanya dijadwalkan tampil di beberapa turnamen super series, termasuk dua turnamen awal pada Januari 2007, Malaysia dan Korea Super Series.

    "Sesudah itu saya kembali ke AS, sedangkan istri saya setelah resepsi langsung terbang ke sana," ujar Tony, yang berniat segera memiliki momongan.

    Setelah hengkang ke AS, Tony kembali berpasangan dengan Candra sejak Juni 2006. Dengan gelar juara di Indonesia Terbuka, Korea Terbuka, dan Jepang Terbuka dalam waktu empat bulan, Tony/Candra kini menempati ranking 16 dunia.

    Tony dan Eti menikah empat tahun lalu, 29 Juli 2002 di Kapel Monte Carlo di Las Vegas, AS. Ketika itu tidak ada orangtua mereka yang hadir, selain kakak Eti dan teman-teman dekat mereka. Sebelumnya, mereka bertunangan pada 21 Oktober 2001 setelah sama-sama bergabung di pelatnas Cipayung.

    Mengenai pasangan ganda putra Indonesia sekarang, Tony menilai pasangan yang ada sekarang sangat berpotensi. Hanya saja, mereka perlu pematangan. Melihat hasil di Asian Games, ganda putra dianggap menjanjikan. Proses regenerasi di ganda pun tidak terlambat. "Sudah saatnya kita mendukung penuh mereka, seperti ganda Markis Kido/Hendra. Mereka masih muda," katanya.

    Siapkan pasangan muda

    Untuk pasangan pelatnas, pelatih ganda putra Christian Hadinata tengah menyiapkan pasangan muda Joko Riyadi/Hendra Aprida Gunawan untuk menjadi pelapis dua seniornya pada Turnamen Super Series tahun 2007. Selama ini, di sektor ganda putra, Indonesia hanya mengandalkan dua pasangan, Luluk Hadiyanto/Alvent Yulianto dan Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan.

    Turunnya Joko/Hendra di Turnamen Super Series dimungkinkan karena mereka saat ini menempati ranking 20 dunia. Sesuai dengan peraturan Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF), sistem super series hanya memperbolehkan 32 nama, masing-masing untuk nomor tunggal dan ganda, dalam daftar pemain yang akan bermain di babak utama.

    Berpasangan sejak tahun 2003, prestasi terbaik Joko/Hendra adalah menjadi peringkat kedua turnamen bintang empat Filipina Terbuka pada Mei lalu. Adapun pada turnamen-turnamen bintang lima ke atas, Joko/Hendra masih sering tersingkir di babak awal. (TIA/IYA)
    #7 ctjcad, Jan 2, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  8. babonimut

    babonimut Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    requested translation...

    Tony's contract till 2010
    Source: Kompas online (Feb. 02, 2007 edition)
    Translated by babonimut

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Though feeling highly interested and proud if being recalled back to the Indonesian national training centre and representing "Red White" (Indonesia) in various international events, Tony Gunawan analysed that it was not easy to carry out. The main reason was he was contracted to the America Badminton Association till 2010 as a coach.

    Besides, he has already working in the US and started a family and therefore, any decision he made would affect his wife.

    "If the Indonesian Badminton Association recalls me, I'm ready. It's a great honour for me to be able to represent Indonesia. What is more, my age is reaching 31, quite old for badminton standard. However, it is not easy to carry out because I'm still contracted till 2010," said Tony Gunawan at the press conference during his wedding reception with Eti Tantri at Hotel Ritz Carlton, Kuningan, Jakarta, Tuesday (26/12).

    According to Tony Gunawan, beside coaching, he also worked in the finance field at a company manufacturing camera chips, Qwip Technology, at Orange County, Los Angeles, US. His wife was also working part-time at the same company and actively involved in coaching badminton for children.

    Even though he no longer represented Indonesia, Tony would still partner with Chandra Wijaya. Both of them are scheduled to play in various super series tournaments, including two tournaments in early January 2007, Malaysia and Korea Super Series.

    "After that I would return to the US, while my wife would follow suit after the reception," added Tony who was planning to have a child.

    After migrating to the US, Tony returned to partner Chandra since June 2006. With titles at Indonesia Open, Korea Open and Japan Open within four months, Tony/Chandra were now ranked 16 in the world.

    Tony and Eti were married four years ago, 29 July 2002 at Monte Carlo Chapel in Las Vegas, US. At that time, none of their parents were able to be present with exception of Eti's (brother or sister) and their close friends. Prior to that, they were engaged at 21 October 2001 after they together joined the Indonesian National Training Centre at Cipayung.

    When asked about the current outlook of Indonesian men's doubles sector, Tony commented that the existing pairs have a great potential. They only needed time and exposure to be mature. Looking at the results of the recently concluded Asian Games, Indonesian men's doubles sector still looked promising. Its regeneration process was also not too late. "It's time we gave them full support, just like Markis Kido/Hendra. They are still young," said he.

    Preparing young pairs

    For the Indonesian National Training Centre's pairs, men's doubles coach Christian Hadinata was currently preparing young pair Joko Riyadi/Hendra Aprida Gunawan to be a replacement for their two senior pairs at the 2007 Super Series Tournaments. So far, in the men's doubles sector, Indonesia only depended on two pairs, Luluk Hadiyanto/Alvent Yulianto and Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan.

    Joko/Hendra's participation at the Super Series tournaments was made possible because they were now ranked 20 in the world. According to the Badminton World Federation regulation, the Super Series only allowed 32 names, each for singles and doubles disciplines, in the list of players who were playing in the main rounds.

    Being partners since 2003, Joko/Hendra's best achievement was being second seeded in the four-star Phillipine Open at last May. Joko/Hendra still frequently lost at the early rounds of the above mentioned five-star tournaments. (TIA/IYA)
  9. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    Great translation. Thanks:)
  10. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Thanks for the translation..

    ..babonimut, appreciate again your help in translating..;):cool:
  11. DinkAlot

    DinkAlot dcbadminton
    Brand Representative

    Feb 20, 2005
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    Southern California
    Yes, thanks so much! :)
  12. babonimut

    babonimut Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    I'm just trying to help.. Cheers...
  13. harimau

    harimau Regular Member

    Jul 18, 2002
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    ITs, CEs, P&C Insurance Agent
    It is now official that TONY G will become the backbone of Indo team in the upcoming SUDIRMAN CUP and perhaps others as well.
    Jakarta (SINDO) – Ketua Umum Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia (PBSI) Sutiyoso menarik kembali mantan pemain ganda putra pelatnas CipayungTony Gunawan/Candra Wijaya.

    Sutiyoso siap mengongkosi Tony yang kini bermukim di Amerika Serikat untuk kembali berada di bawah bendera Merah Putih. Ditemui di kediamannya di bilangan Cibubur, Jakarta Timur, Sutiyoso,yang juga Gubernur DKI Jakarta, mengatakan bahwa PBSI akan menarik kembali Tony/Candra untuk memperkuat Indonesia di Kejuaraan Piala Sudirman di Glasgow, Skotlandia, 10–17 Juni mendatang.

    Menurut Bang Yos–sapaan akrab Sutiyoso–, saat ini sedang dipersiapkan teknis penarikan kembali Tony memperkuat Indonesia. ''Kita akan menarik kembali Tony/Candra. Persiapan, seperti biaya penginapan, transportasi, dan lainnya sedang diurus. Semua akan kita sediakan. Ongkosnya akan saya kasih,'' kata Sutiyoso, kemarin.

    Juara Olimpiade Sydney 2000 berpasangan dengan Candra Wijaya itu, kata Bang Yos,sudah memastikan kesiapan untuk kembali mengibarkan bendera Merah Putih di kejuaraan antarnegara. Karena itu,Tony, yang kini bekerja di bagian keuangan perusahaan yang memproduksi chipkamera, Qwip Technology, di Orange County, Los Angeles,AS, akan datang ke Indonesia menjelang kejuaraan digelar.

    Menurut Bang Yos, meski suami mantan pebulutangkis pelatnas Eti Tantri ini masih terikat kontrak dengan asosiasi bulutangkis AS hingga 2010, saat ini masalah tersebut sudah bisa diatasi. Untuk itu, diungkapkan Presiden Bulu Tangkis Asia (ABC) ini, Tony sendiri yang akan mengurus soal perizinan untuk bertanding atas nama Indonesia. ''Tony bisa menjamin soal urusan dengan Asosiasi Bulutangkis AS,'' tutur Bang Yos.
    (nur mekah/
  14. azn_123

    azn_123 Regular Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    oo lala lol!! Good website!:D
  15. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Thanks for the article..

    ..harimau, thanks for sharing that...Looks like it's a go(w/ Tony just arranging & taking care of some minor issues w/USAB&OCBC)..I know it's not official yet what will both Tony&Candra be responsible for, if not to compete, but then what will happen to the INA MD youngsters?? Are they now being "sidestepped to the curb"??..:confused: :rolleyes: :p Anyways, anyone willing to help us in translating is much appreciated (ie. indra, babonimut, DoublesPlayer, ssuly, Krisna)-thanks in advance.. ;) :cool:
    #15 ctjcad, Jan 7, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007
  16. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room
    but if china wins the XD, WS and MS, the MD and WD events need not be played, like in 2005 sudirman:p
  17. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Off topic-That's true..

    ..but my guess is, INA/PBSI is expecting/hoping the MS(50-50 chance) & XD(50-50 chance) to win their ties and will bank on the MD(barring any major injuries, more than 50%, esp. if Tony/Candra are being featured as the #1 pair:p;)) as the deciding tie. But if that's the case, then pressure again will then be on none other than Taufik himself..If they fail, then Tony will probably "blame" it on Taufik..hehe:p :D ;)
    #17 ctjcad, Jan 7, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007
  18. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room
    chinese need only to win one of XD, MD or MS, the WS and WD is a give me:p (i hope i'm right:D)

    i wonder who would tony pair up with since candra and halim are no longer in the team. Sigit, candra? Not much time to practice together:D
    #18 cooler, Jan 7, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007
  19. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Off topic-Only guarantee for CHN team is..

    ..a 2-0 advantage with their WS & WD field. The other 3 fields are up for grabs, IMO..;) :cool: Personally, if Tony is "officially" on the squad, what i would ask of him to do is to motivate and put some fire under Taufik to train, focus and prepare for the SC(goodness, can't believe i'm suggesting those esp. for 1 of the top MS player in the circuit) .:p:mad: ;)
    For Tony's partner, it'll be Candra. Plus the other 2 MD pairs.;)
    My hunch is, after reading his bios & knowing Tony's character, he(and Candra) will join the team, but will not compete. Rather will act in a "supervisory" and as "sparring" partners/players and let the younger MD pairs show their abilities(unless both pairs are injured).;):cool:
    #19 ctjcad, Jan 7, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007
  20. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room
    hmmm, it shows how much faith the pbsi has on their INA MD squads, They had to lure back someone that had 'retired' 2 years ago (+ candra had also retired from pbsi too) I bet the sweetener is very sweet indeed, keke, like:

    pbsi: i'll give u what i had given to taufik
    MD: sweet, okay :)
    #20 cooler, Jan 7, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007

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