preparation of physique for badminton

Discussion in 'Techniques / Training' started by jmat45, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. jmat45

    jmat45 New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    I was told that this one is a good article on various exercises to get Yourself fit to play at higher levels,unfortunately i cant understand this language:crying: any one understand this...if so can U pls take the pain of transalating this to english..i guess it would be of help to a lot of us...Thanx&rgrds..J

    I) Introduction à l’activité et spécificité physique induite

    -On constate qu’au badminton la distance parcouru au cours d’un match de simple homme est d’environ 6 km a raison d’en moyenne 4 match par jour sur les grandes compétitions : a peu près 25 km
    -Il est plus difficile de reculer que d’avancer
    -500 impulsions par set qui sont horizontale, avant, arrière, verticale
    -A tout moment, le joueur jailli, freine, se bloque, relance son propre mouvement dans toutes les directions
    -L’efficacité est liée à sa propre position équilibrée (gainage)
    -Le temps de pratique est a peu près égal au temps de repos et il faut savoir qu’un match de badminton peut être long voir très long.

    Définition : le badminton c’est donc l’expression d’une puissance optimale organisée dans la durée et inscrite dans des stratégies d’économies, mais aussi des qualités de force dans le temps car le joueur doit être capable d’alterner entre une activité très intense, un repos orienté (le joueur marche sur le terrain entre les points) et une récupération performante pour durer dans la compétition

    Donc le badminton dans sa dimension physique, c’est être explosif très longtemps

    Au niveau réglementaire, la seule contrainte imposée est que le joueur ne peut se reposer souvent et à des moments souhaités ; en effet les temps d’effort ne sont pas déterminer à l’avance et la durée des matchs peut varié énormément ; de 20 minutes à 1H45 avec un maximum de 3 pauses durant le match.

    II) Séance de préparation physique badminton

    1°) Mise en tensions

    Le début de la séance commence de manière classique avec un échauffement en footing de 5 à 10 minutes pour mettre ne tension les organismes et permettrent aux muscles une première mise sous tension.

    Fin de l’échauffement orienter badminton afin d’être vraiment prêt physiquement :

    -Travail de déplacements latéraux en pas chassé avec changement de direction sur un plan transversal. (5 minutes)
    - travail de coordination et de changement de rythme : (5 à 10 minutes)

    Position centrale des pieds

    On déplace les pieds dans les quatre directions avec toujours le pied droit à l’opposé du pied gauche (ex si avec le pied droit, je vais vers le haut, le pied gauche vas en bas) il faut toujours repasser pas la position central et tout ceci doit se faire de façon dynamique sur la pointe des pieds.

    - Sprint sur place durant 5 sec avec 20 seconde de repos en sautillant sur place pendant 2 minutes. Soit 4 sprints sur place. On réalise 2 séries (5 minutes)

    2°) Séance physique axé sur le maintien de l’explosivité des jambes et du gainage au niveau des abdominaux et des dorsaux

    1er exercice : (10 minutes)
    Travail de corde à sauter sur 1 pied pendant 15 secondes
    l’autre pied pendant 15 secondes
    faire des enchaînement avec 2 tours de corde

    2ème exercice : (10 minutes)
    Travail d’explosivité avec une personne au sol allongé sur le dos avec les jambes tendu vers le haut. Son coéquipier vient poser son torse sur la plante des pieds de la personne au sol et y repose son poids de corps.
    Le but étant de fléchir les jambes et de repousser le plus vite possible son coéquipier vers le haut (5 fois 10 répétitions)

    3ème exercice : (10 à 15 minutes)
    Parcours avec plusieurs objectifs

    Le but est de mettre un cloche pied droit dans les cerceaux a droite puis gauche dans ceux à gauche et enfin les 2 pieds dans les cerceaux situés au milieu. Lorsqu’il y a un obstacle, le franchir en passant par-dessus. Enfin pour terminer, il faut faire un sprint pour arriver 2 pieds dans le cerceau et au moment de l’allégement, on lance un médecine-ball à droite ou à gauche. Ce dernier doit être rattraper en fente et relancer tout en se relevant.

    4ème exercice :(10 minutes)
    Travail des abdominaux sur du gainage ; se pendre sur la barre fixe ou des espaliers, monter les genoux a la hauteur du bassin puis tendre les jambes et ainsi les laisser tomber tout doucement (5 séries de 10)

    5ème exercice (15 minutes)
    Travail en stato-dynamique ; le joueur avec une barre de 50 kg sur les épaules doit faire une légère fente vers l’avant du coté droit et gauche, et la même chose vers l’arrière. (5 séries de 4 répétitions de la série de fente)

    6ème exercice : (10 minutes)
    Travail des dorsaux avec une phase statique de 10 secondes puis 5 seconde en dynamique très très rapide ; ceci pendant 1 minutes (5 fois avec 1minutes de repos entre chaque).
  2. martin8768

    martin8768 New Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    et voila:

    I) Introduction to the activity and induced physical

    - it notes that with the badminton the distance covered during a match of simple man is of approximately 6 km at a rate of in average 4 match per day on the great competitions: about 25 km

    -it is more difficult to move back than to advance

    -500 impulses by set which are horizontal, front, back, vertical

    - Constantly, the spouted out player, slows down, blocks himself, revival his own movement in all the directions

    - The effectivness is related to its own balanced position (balance) it time of practice is about equal to the rest period and it should be known that a match of badminton can be long to see very long.

    Definition: the badminton it is thus the expression of an optimum capacity organized in the duration and registered in strategies of economies, but also of qualities of force in time because the player must be able to alternate between a very intense activity, a directed rest (the player walks on the ground between the points) and a powerful recovery to last in the competition Thus the badminton in its physical dimension, it is to be very a long time explosive At the lawful level, the only imposed constraint is that the player cannot often rest and at desired moments; indeed times of effort are not to determine in advance and the duration of the matches can varied enormously; from 20 minutes with 1H45 with a maximum of 3 pauses during the match.

    II) Physical meeting of preparation badminton

    1) The beginning of the meeting starts in a traditional way with a heating in jogging from 5 to 10 minutes to put to tension the organizations and permettrent with the muscles a first powering. End heating to physically direct it badminton in order to be really ready:
    - Work of side displacements in step driven out with change of direction on a transverse level. (5 minutes)
    - work of coordination and change of rate/rhythm: (5 to 10 minutes)

    Central position of the feet One moves the feet in the four directions with always the right foot contrary to the left foot (ex if with the right foot, I go to the top, the left foot go in bottom) it is always necessary to pass by again not the position exchange and all this must be made in a dynamic way on the point of the feet.

    - Sprint on the spot during 5 dryness with 20 second of rest while hopping on the spot during 2 minutes. That is to say 4 sprints on the spot. One carries out 2 series (5 minutes)

    2)centered on the maintenance of the explosiveness of the legs and balance on the level of the abdominal ones and the dorsal ones

    1st exercise: (10 minutes) Work of skipping rope on 1 foot during 15 seconds the other foot during 15 seconds to make sequence with 2 turns of cord

    2nd exercise: (10 minutes) Work of explosiveness with a person on the ground lengthened on the back with the legs tended upwards. Its fellow-member comes to pose his chest on the plant of the feet of the person on the ground and rests his weight of body there. The goal being to bend the legs and to push back as quickly as possible its fellow-member to the top (5 times 10 repetitions)

    3rd exercise: (10 to 15 minutes) Course with several objectives The goal is to put a bell right foot in cerceaux on the right the then left one in those on the left and finally the 2 feet in the cerceaux ones located at the medium. When there is an obstacle, to cross it while passing over. Finally to finish, it is necessary to make a sprint to arrive 2 feet in the hoop and at the time of the reduction, one launches a medicine-ball on the right or on the left. This last must be to catch up with in slit and to start again all while being raised.

    4th exercise: (10 minutes) Work of abdominal on sleeving; to hang themselves on the fixed bar or of the rib stalls, to assemble the knees at the level of the basin then to tighten the legs and thus to drop them all gently (5 series of 10)

    5th exercise (15 minutes) Work in stato-dynamics; the player with a bar of 50 kg on the shoulders must make a light slit forwards with dimensions right and left, and the same thing backwards. (5 series of 4 repetitions of the series of slit)

    6th exercise: (10 minutes) Work of dorsal with a static phase 10 seconds then 5 second in very fast dynamics very; this during 1 minutes (5 times with 1minutes of rest between each). :)
    #2 martin8768, Aug 22, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2006
  3. martin8768

    martin8768 New Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    ok i fixed it pretty good i think its ok
    #3 martin8768, Aug 22, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2006
  4. martin8768

    martin8768 New Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    sorry bout the double post dont know why it does that, good article, i used google translate, takes to long to type the whole thing up myself, althow i could, i go to a french school, anyways, i might try this out for this pre-season.
  5. martin8768

    martin8768 New Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    i can fix the mistakes later, i will re-read it, and make a new topic maybe 2morow
  6. Eurasian =--(O)

    Eurasian =--(O) Regular Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    just do 400m sprints. theres the secret to cardio vascular and lactic acid
  7. Iwan

    Iwan Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    You still need a lot of footwork exercise to make that raw fitness become on-court fitness though.
  8. Eurasian =--(O)

    Eurasian =--(O) Regular Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    im assuming that your also playing badminton while doing this. The thing about 400m sprints is that its such a good base fitness. Once you are able to do 10 400m sprints in 1:15 or less you have the physical endurance to work on your footwork and be able to maintain it. The biggest problem with many players is they are fast and consistent the first game, then taper off once they start to get slightly fatigued. This is because as you start to get tired your technique begins to dip, this in turn makes you take more steps which only increases the rate of physical drain. It doesn't matter how good you are at footwork if you can't maintain it.
    While footwork does help with fitness its more anaerobic and won't really make you last a full game. 400m are anaerobic and aerobic, they are really tough.
  9. Iwan

    Iwan Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I understand what you mean. I myself run 400m runs as well. But despite that, if I dont do enough footwork training or random feeding, I will get tired while playing a tough game. Mostly its because my body needs to be conditioned for play through intense footwork training or random feeding. Personal experience though.
  10. modious

    modious Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Thomson, Singapore.
    Cardiovascular/Interval trainings, Strength/Resistance/Plyometric Training and actual specific badminton trainings all complement each other.

    I believe what Iwan was try to put across was that even if a player's stamina is good, he may actually end up using more strength and become more tired than his opponent if his footwork is not good and energy efficient.

    Likewise one must have good fitness levels because even if your footwork is energy efficient and good, you'll still tire out in the end.

    Regular Strength/Resistance/Plyometric training also helps as they help you develop muscular power and explosiveness (doing plyometrics)..... not to become a bodybuilder! To develop more functional strength, use free weights rather than machines as machines are one dimensional.
  11. Monster

    Monster Regular Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Calgary, Canada
    I second that. I can sprint a lap (400m) under 1:15 but still feel completely worn out after two singles match consecutively, maybe poor footwork.
  12. Eurasian =--(O)

    Eurasian =--(O) Regular Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    How many times can you run it under 1:15 though? If I go all out I can run one in around 50 seconds, but that doesn't help me at all in a match. Also anticipation is a big factor. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying not to do footwork, skipping. The title of this thread though is 'preperation of physique for badminton' which (if I interpret it right) means beginning to play badminton. If your beginning to play badminton you need the cardio vascular ability. Afterwards if you read the beginning of the original post it says to achieve higher levels of play.

    However there is another obvious way to interpret this. If your just beginning to play badminton, there isn't a ton of running involved and therefore your cardio vascular is not as important as learning basic footwork.

    If your just beginning I would do shadow badminton. When you've improved and are playing against players smarter than yourself, or in better physical condition, then 400m are an absolute must. All international players do 400m sprints. At the IBF training center in Saarbruken if you fail to make the cut in 400m sprints they can send you home.
    #12 Eurasian =--(O), Aug 25, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2006
  13. Monster

    Monster Regular Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Calgary, Canada
    Running all out at 50 secs but won't bring how long can you do that - precisely the point ! footwork !! Or in your sprint case, if you intend to run 800m, you wouldn't want to run all to your heart at once.

    I had poor cardio when I started badminton and I initially practised through footwork and in time complement with my trained stamina. I don't know about others though.

    Let's not bog down to what exactly the title of this thread specificilly wants. The exact title doesn't specifically sound tight and so, yes, you can get physically ready with tonnes of stamina. Maybe you meant the transcript to be translated sounded like a stamina enhancement training.

    Well, you can train all you want, run like a x-country runner before you play. Why not? No doubt and pretty obvious that good stamina is good for any sports. So I seconded a more important point to mention - To be physically and efficiently ready, proper footwork is better than having a marathon runner running around mindlessly around his/her court. It helps you reach quicker and saves energy. Hence, for anyone out there, if you have the best footwork, you can then fill up the smaller crevices to improve on your game - stamina or even strength training !
    #13 Monster, Aug 27, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006

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