hendrawan new men single coach for indonesia

Discussion in 'Japan Open / China Open 2006' started by chris-ccc, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. chris-ccc

    chris-ccc Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    Professional Badminton Coach & Badminton Promoter
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Hendrawan to help Taufik Hidayat from 16-Oct-2006


    After all that has been said about the Japan Open 2006 Men Singles Final on 15-Oct-2006, Lin Dan Vs Taufik Hidayat... Hendrawan will be helping Taufik from now on.

    I have just received this report.

    Cheers... chris@ccc

    ====== start report ======

    Indonesian Badminton names new coach for men's singles

    The Indonesian Badminton Association has named a former world champion as the new men's singles coach replacing Joko Supriyanto.

    Hendrawan, the world champion in 2001, said Monday he is ready to take his new job at the national training camp in Cipayung, East Jakarta.

    "Big challenges are facing us ahead and I have been asked to make things better than today," said Hendrawan, who was previously the coach for female shuttlers.

    "I will do my best," he said.

    Meanwhile, Joko said he resigned from the national training camp and refused a new job to coach female players.

    "I resigned because I didn't feel comfortable with my new job to coach women's singles," Joko was quoted by the national Antara news agency as saying.

    Source: Xinhua

    ====== endt report ======
  2. By You

    By You Regular Member

    May 7, 2005
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    Jember, INA
  3. Eurasian =--(O)

    Eurasian =--(O) Regular Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    :eek: They are replacing Joko Suprianto? Wow! Any idea where he is going to work now?
  4. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room
    looks like a sad state of affair for INA singles.
    We got an blurry outlook response from hendrawan 'i'll do my best' and another coach (joko) who see job status (me me me) more important than helping his country (with pay). How ironic that hendrawan is still so patriotic to INA when he was a second class citizen for most of his life, denied of a visa until the dying minutes (literally) so he can fly out to play for indonesia in WC and then bring back a gold for INA.
    #4 cooler, Oct 16, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  5. ye333

    ye333 Regular Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Could you explain a bit about Hendrawan being 2nd class citizen? What does that mean? Indonesia has caste system like India or something?

  6. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room

    please refrain from dwelling further into this topic, dont want the thread get closed:D Beside, it is mostly history now, i think things are improving:)

    I was only praising hendrawan, for being a women team coach that no one wanted and now men coach position as a last resort.
  7. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    thx for sharing the news, chris@ccc...sounds interesting & i wonder which players will be under him ...I'm just wondering, who will take over his spot as the Women's Singles coach??..:confused: :rolleyes:
  8. maa2003

    maa2003 Regular Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    cooler ........ dun try to spread provocation here boss ........

  9. maa2003

    maa2003 Regular Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    that's old story ......... nowadays especially after this August 2006 (new citizen bill), all Indonesian-Chinese can use their own name into his/her Indonesia passport, also all Indonesians are allowed to have dual-citizenship till 18 years old (especially who was born at overseas), and after that should choose whether still want to be Indonesian or whatever.
    I talked with many Indonesian-Chinese here in Singapore who hold Permanent Resident status and asked why they still hold Indonesian Passport eventhough has lived more than 1o-years, they said coz they love Indonesia.

    you do not want this thread to be closed, but you yourself started by saying 2nd-class of Indonesian .........

    to moderator, you have better close this thread ... thanks to cooler.

  10. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    another interesting thing is, based on this thread's heading, then i wonder how will Taufik's personal coach(Mulyo) feel abt Hendrawan joining the camp??..Specifically, what will Hendrawan's role be??..:rolleyes::confused:
  11. niel.dan

    niel.dan Regular Member

    May 21, 2006
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    Mountain View
  12. niel.dan

    niel.dan Regular Member

    May 21, 2006
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    Mountain View
  13. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Here's the article..

    ..indra, babonimut or anyone else, please feel free to jump in and help with the translation..thanks in advance.;):):cool:

    Hendrawan Siap Tangani Tunggal Putra
    Written by Antara News
    Monday, 16 October 2006

    Hendrawan Tertantang, Joko Jenuh, Tim inti Piala Sudirman ditentukan Juara
    dunia 2001 Hendrawan mengaku siap melatih tunggal putra Pelatnas Cipayung, meski tugas tersebut dinilainya cukup berat karena ia dituntut memperbaiki prestasi.

    "Ini sebuah tantangan bagi saya karena tuntutannya harus lebih baik dari sekarang," ujar Hendrawan di Jakarta, Senin.

    Hendrawan yang selama ini melatih tunggal putri pelatnas, diminta untuk menangani tunggal putra sejak salah satu pelatih tunggal putra Joko Supriyanto mengundurkan diri, Sabtu (14/10) lalu.

    "Saya akan coba semaksimal mungkin sampai 2008, karena sejak bersedia menangani tunggal putri pun hanya sampai 2008," kata Hendrawan yang mengaku agak berat meninggalkan para pemain tunggal putri.

    "Memang sampai sekarang mereka (tunggal putri) belum mencapai prestasi yang spektakuler, namun paling tidak sudah ada peningkatan. Tetapi rencananya penanganan putri akan dilanjutkan oleh Sandiarto asisten saya, jadi tidak masalah. Tetapi semuanya masih menunggu SK (Surat Keputusan)," tambahnya.

    Sementara itu saat dikonfirmasi atas penguduran dirinya, Joko Supriyanto mengatakan bahwa ia menyatakan mundur setelah ditawari untuk melatih tunggal putri.

    "Saya mundur karena merasa kurang `sreg` dengan posisi baru saya, melatih tunggal putri. Jadi karena digeser kesitu saya memilih untuk istirahat dulu, sudah jenuh," jelas Joko.

    Joko memperkirakan alasan ia digeser mungkin karena prestasi pemain tunggal putra yang ia latih, salah satunya Sony Dwi Kuncoro, tidak juga mengalami peningkatan.

    "Sejak Sony prestasinya menurun karena cedera, bahkan tahun ini saja ia absen dari delapan turnamen besar, saya merasa menjadi `sasaran tembak`," katanya.

    Usai pengunduran dirinya tersebut, Joko yang pernah membawa Taufik Hidayat menjadi juara Indonesia Terbuka dan Sony menjadi tigakali Juara Asia serta peraih medali perunggu Olimpiade Athena mengaku masih ingin beristirahat. "Belum ada rencana apa-apa," kata juara dunia 1993 itu.

    Tim bayangan

    Sementara itu, Ketua Sub Bidang Pelatnas PB PBSI Lius Pongoh menyampaikan pembentukan tim bayangan Piala Sudirman.

    Tim bayangan yang dibentuk berdasarkan nominasi yang diumumkan Juli lalu itu terdiri atas 21 pemain diantaranya lima pemain tunggal, tiga putra (Taufik Hidayat, Sony Dwi Kuncoro, Simon Santoso), dan dua putri (Adrianti Firdasari dan Fransisca Ratnasari).

    Dua pemain tunggal putri yang termasuk dalam nominasi, Pia Zebadiah dan Aprilia Yuswandari tidak termasuk dalam tim bayangan.

    Sektor ganda putra juga mengalami perubahan, semula tiga pasangan yakni Luluk Hadiyanto/Alvent Yuliano, Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan dan Flandy Limpele/Sigit Budiarto masuk dalam nominasi, tetapi pada tim bayangan pasangan Flandy/Sigit digantikan Hendra AG/Joko Riyadi.

    Perubahan juga terjadi pada ganda campuran yang semula menominasikan pasangan Nova Widianto/Lilyana Natsir dan Anggun Nugroho/Vita Marissa. Anggun/Vita akhirnya diganti oleh pasangan yang baru menjuarai Jepang Terbuka, Flandy Limpele/Vita Marissa pada tim bayangan.

    Seperti tunggal putra, sektor ganda putri yang semula menominasikan tiga pasangan tidak mengalami perubahan dengan pasangan Jo Novita/Greysia Polii, Lita Nurlita/Nathalia Poluakan dan Rani Mundiasti/Endang Nursugianti.

    "Tim inti Piala Sudirman akan ditentukan Januari mendatang," ujar Lius.

    Kejuaraan dunia beregu campuran Piala Sudirman akan digelar di Glasgow, Skotlandia pada 10-17 Juni 2007.(*)
    #13 ctjcad, Oct 16, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  14. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    And here's a related article to why Joko left Pelatnas

    ..again indra, babonimut or anyone else, please feel free to do the translation..there's some very interesting points in the article and in a way sort of proof the presence of politics-in-play...thanks in advance..;):):cool:

    Joko Berontak
    Written by Jawa Pos
    Monday, 16 October 2006

    Tolak Latih Tunggal Wanita, Mundur dari Cipayung
    Pelatnas Cipayung bergolak. Setelah pemain ganda pria Sigit Budiarto meninggalkan kawah candradimuka bulu tangkis tanah air tersebut, kemarin giliran pelatih tunggal pria, Joko Suprianto, yang melakukan keputusan serupa.

    "Saya bukan lagi pelatih Pelatnas Cipayung, saya telah berhenti," kata Joko kepada Jawa Pos kemarin.

    Kenapa Joko berhenti? Pria asal Solo, Jateng, itu merasa keberadaannya di Cipayung sengaja dipinggirkan beberapa rekannya sesama pelatih dan pengurus pelatnas. Tanpa alasan yang jelas dan pembicaraan lebih dulu, dalam pertemuan di kediaman Ketua Umum PBSI, Sutiyoso, Sabtu (15/10) malam lalu, dia tiba-tiba diputuskan melatih tunggal wanita.

    "Kabid Binpres (Rudy Hartono, red) tidak pernah mengajak ngomong saya dalam masalah ini. Saya tidak bisa menerima keputusan tersebut, karena itu saya memutuskan berhenti," papar Joko.

    Untuk mengisi posisi yang ditinggalkan Joko, Hendrawan, yang sebelumnya melatih tunggal wanita, akan digeser ke tunggal pria. Posisi Hendrawan akan digantikan asistennya Sandiarto.

    Sejak menjadi pemain, Joko merasakan ada pergulatan kepentingan antarbeberapa kelompok di Pelatnas Cipayung. Ketika Icuk Sugiarto meninggalkan pelatnas sekitar setahun lalu untuk menjadi staf ahli Menpora, sejak saat itu Joko merasa karirnya di Cipayung hanya tinggal menunggu waktu. "Saya merasa sejak lama ditarget untuk meninggalkan Cipayung. Inilah puncaknya," aku Joko.

    Sementara itu, Rudy menyatakan bahwa keputusan pemindahan Joko ke tunggal wanita dengan tujuan meningkatkan prestasi bulu tangkis tanah air. Selama ini, Joko dinilai kurang mampu melahirkan juara di tunggal pria.

    "Dengan memberikan suasana baru di tunggal wanita, kami berharap Joko lebih baik. Eh, Joko malah mengundurkan diri. Kami tidak bisa menahannya karena dia mengaku jenuh," papar Rudy.

    Namun, keputusan PBSI memindahkan Joko ke tunggal wanita menyisakan sedikit tanda tanya. Pada sektor yang tengah terpuruk seperti ganda wanita, seharusnya dibesut pelatih yang handal. Kalau selama ini Joko dinilai kurang sukses melahirkan juara, PBSI seharusnya memiliki pertimbangan kalau hal itu malah akan membuat tunggal wanita makin terpuruk.

    Pemindahan Joko memang sedikit berbau "penggusuran". Seharusnya, PBSI berani mengambil sikap tegas memecat Joko jika memang dia dianggap tidak berprestasi. Sistem reward and punishment harus dilakukan secara transparan, agar setiap penghuni Pelatnas Cipayung memiliki tanggung jawab tinggi pada tugasnya.

    Pengurus PBSI pun tidak seharusnya hanya pintar menuntut. Mereka harus lebih fokus dalam memberikan perhatian pada pelatih dan pemain pelatnas. Rudy yang paling bertanggung jawab pelatnas melahirkan juara, sangat jarang berkunjung ke pelatnas. Dalam satu bulan, belum tentu dia datang sekali ke sana. (ang)
    #14 ctjcad, Oct 16, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  15. kemana

    kemana Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    But i guess Mulyo will still be Taufik's coach ,right?
  16. chris-ccc

    chris-ccc Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    Professional Badminton Coach & Badminton Promoter
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Mulyo Handoyo is still TH's close friend/mentor

    Hi kemana,

    I think TH's dear friend and mentor Mulyo Handoyo would still be TH's closest personal advisor/coach.

    But when TH plays in matches for Indonesia's PBSI glory, perhaps Hendrawan has more say.

    But will TH listen to Hendrawan ??? :confused::confused::confused:.

    Anyway, Hendrawan is to help all Indonesian Men Singles players to achieve/perform with better results.

    Cheers... chris@ccc
  17. chris-ccc

    chris-ccc Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    Professional Badminton Coach & Badminton Promoter
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Indonesian Translator Required for Post#13 & #14

    As ctjcad asked...... we also hope that someone could translate Post#13 & #14 for us.

    Cheers... chris@ccc
  18. Loh

    Loh Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2002
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    Singapore Also Can

    You see how difficult it is to be a coach considered good by your trainees and your country!

    Now even the amiable Joko, a great player during his time, is at a loss for words and has the vaguest idea what he is going to do next. But most probably he will still be involved in badminton.

    I think what TH needs most is a specialist who can teach him how to strengthen his mental qualities, not particularly another top badminton player to teach him how to improve his playing skills.

    Pray tell me, which player now can beat Taufik when he is in his right frame of mind?
  19. babonimut

    babonimut Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Translated article...


    Hendrawan is ready to handle men's singles.
    Written by Antara News
    Translated by babonimut
    Monday, 16 October 2006

    Hendrawan challenged, Joko worn out, Sudirman Cup Key Team members formed

    2001 World Champion Hendrawan said he was ready to coach men's singles at Indonesian centralised national Training Centre, Cipayung, even though the assignment was not easy as he was tasked to improve the performance in the Indonesian men's singles sector.

    "This is a challenge for me as the main target is to be better than today," said hendrawan in Jakarta on Monday.

    Hendrawan who was so far coaching Indonesian national ladies' singles, was asked to handle men's singles sector since one of the men's singles coaches, Joko Supriyanto resigned on last Saturday (14/10).

    "I shall try my very best possibly till 2008, because previously I committed handling ladies' singles only till 2008," uttered Hendrawan who felt sad leaving the ladies' singles sector.

    "Even though they (ladies' singles) have not reached satisfactory performance, they have already shown some promising improvement. My assistant, Sandiarto, will be taking over the ladies' singles sector, so there shouldn't be any problem. However, everything will be decided upon the official confirmation letter." He added.

    Meantime, when queried over his resignation, Joko Supriyanto commented that he resigned after being offered to coach ladies' singles.

    "I resigned because I don't feel comfortable with my new position, coaching ladies' singles. So, because of that I decided to unwind first, I felt worn out," explained Joko.

    Joko guessed the reason of his reposition was mainly due to the current performance of his charges, one of them was Sony Dwi Kuncoro, did not show significant improvement.

    "Since Sony's performance dropped due to injury and having to skip eight major tournaments, I feel being 'targetted'," Said Joko.

    After his resignation, Joko who once brought up Taufik Hidayat to be Indonesia Open winner and Sony to be three-time Asian champion and Athens Olympic Bronze medallist, admitted he wanted to take a break. "No plan yet," said the 1993 world champion.

    Shadow Team

    Meanwhile, Indonesian Badminton Association's Chief of sub sector of National Training Centre, Lius Pongoh announced the formation of Sudirman Cup shadow team.

    The team formation was based on the nomination announced on last July comprised of 21 players: five singles, 3 mens's singles (Taufik Hidayat, Sony Dwi Kuncoro, Simon Santoso), and 2 ladies' singles (Adrianti Firdasari dan Fransisca Ratnasari).

    Two ladies' singles who were nominated, Pia Zebadiah dan Aprilia Yuswandari, were not included in the shadow team.

    Mens' doubles sector also underwent changes. Three pairs, Luluk Hadiyanto/Alvent Yuliano, Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan and Flandy Limpele/Sigit Budiarto, were initially nominated, but Flandy/Sigit were replaced by Hendra AG/Joko Riyadi in the shadow team.

    Changes also occurred in the mixed doubles sector which initially nominated Nova Widianto/Lilyana Natsir and Anggun Nugroho/Vita Marissa. Anggun/Vita were eventually replaced in the shadow team by the newly formed pair of Flandy Limpele/Vita Marissa who had recently won Japan open.

    Just like mens' singles, ladies' doubles sector initially nominated three pairs, Jo Novita/Greysia Polii, Lita Nurlita/Nathalia Poluakan and Rani Mundiasti/Endang Nursugianti, did not exerience any change.

    "The Sudirman Cup key team would be determined in January," said Lius.

    The Sudirman Cup mixed team events championship will be held at Glasgow, Scotland, on 10-17 June 2007.(babonimut)
  20. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Isn't Mulyo what Taufik had asked for??..

    thx for your input, Loh...Hmm, but i thought that's why Taufik requested to PBSI to have Mulyo come back and be his coach again??..Didn't he win the Olympic Gold and WC with Mulyo as his coach/mentor/specialist??..Isn't that enough and what Taufik needs??..Or he's now "bored" with Mulyo and the way he coaches??..:confused: :rolleyes: ;)

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