pre entry tests for junior HP squads

Discussion in 'Coaching Forum' started by jnr4re, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. jnr4re

    jnr4re New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Badminton Coach
    New Zealand
    I am the Northern Region Development Squad Coach in New Zealand. I am introducing minimum entry tests for my players for the first time. I am very interested in whether other coaches out there have any age related testing standards, or any pre entry tests, and what sort of tests you are using. I am also interested if anyone else is using any tests to identify sporting talent in 5-6 year olds, such as hand eye tests, reaction tests, agility, speed vision tests, or learnability tests (that natural talent test). I am also interested in how young you V.A.R.K test your players.

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