Rudy Hartono has resigned from PBSI's Head of Development Affairs..

Discussion in 'Professional Players' started by ctjcad, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    u.s.a. reported here:
    it's a bit of a surprise news, as he was only there not too long..Looks like Lius Pongoh will be his replacemtn?? But who will replace Lius?? Will they bring back Icuk again??..anyone willing to help us in translating(ie. indra, babonimut, DoublesPlayer)..thanks in advance;):cool:

    Rudy Lepas Jabatan Kabid Binpres
    Oleh admin
    Minggu, 19-Nopember-2006, 06:06:58 2 klik

    Jakarta - Desakan musyawarah luar biasa (munaslub) yang disuarakan Pengurus Daerah (Pengda) PBSI DKI Jakarta tidak terwujud. Pada hari terakhir Musyawarah Kerja Nasional (mukernas) PB PBSI 2006 di Medan, Sumut, kemarin, seluruh pengda masih mendukung kepemimpinan Sutiyoso menjadi orang nomor satu di olahraga tepok bulu di Indonesia tersebut.

    Namun, desakan reshuffle (pergantian pengurus) tidak terhindarkan. Kepala Bidang Pembinaan Prestasi (Kabid Binpres) PB PBSI, Rudy Hartono kemarin mengundurkan diri.

    Saya telah gagal di Piala Thomas dan Kejuaraan Dunia 2006. Sebagai bentuk pertanggung jawaban, saya mengundurkan diri, kata Rudy ketika dihubungi Jawa Pos tadi malam.

    Rudy sendiri sudah merasakan adanya desakan pergantian pada posisi yang dijabatnya sejak lama. Dia pun mengaku sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi kondisi setelah kegagalan di Piala Thomas lalu. Sejak saat ini, saya lebih banyak mendelegasikan tugas saya pada Lius Pongoh (kepala sub bidang pelatnas, red). Agar sewaktu-waktu saya ke luar sudah ada orang yang mengurusi, papar Rudy.

    Nah, menurut Rudy, Lius adalah orang yang pas untuk menggantikan posisinya. Selama ini, dia terbukti telah mampu menjalin komunikasi dengan baik pada para pemain maupun pengurus. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, Lius pula yang mendampingi ketua umum maupun petinggi PB PBSI lainnya. Tugas yang seharusnya dijalankan oleh Kabid Binpres.

    Bidang pembinaan prestasi adalah bagian terpenting dalam tubuh PB PBSI. Baik tidaknya bagian ini akan berpengaruh langsung pada prestasi bulutangkis tanah air. Meski demikian, reshuffle juga akan dilakukan pada bagian-bagian lain.

    Bidang organisasi dan pengembangan daerah, tahun depan perannya akan lebih dimaksimalkan. Sejalan dengan kritikan Pengda DKI, Sutiyoso berjanji akan membantu pusdiklat yang kesulitan pendanaan. Bentuknya bukan dengan memenuhi semua kebutuhan pusdiklat tersebut. PB PBSI akan memberikan dana stimulus untuk menghidupkan pusdiklat bersangkutan.

    Kelangsung pusdiklat di tanah air sangat berpengaruh pada pembinaan prestasi jangka panjang bulutangkis tanah air. Selama ini pebulutangkis nasional memang berasal dari klub besar di Jawa. Namun, mereka sejatinya adalah produk pusdiklat daerah yang hijrah ke Jawa. Pada awalnya, pusdiklat kecil di luar Jawa bisa menjadi penghasil bibit. Namun, ke depan mereka bisa bersaing dengan pusdiklat besar Jawa jika memiliki pendanaan yang kuat. (ang/vem/
    #1 ctjcad, Nov 18, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2006
  2. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    I cannot read the article but I am not too surprised. He was the big name brought in to steady the ship. It did not work out because I think he's moved on from badminton and does not have the interest anymore.
  3. indra

    indra Regular Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    Rudy Has Resigned as Head of Achievement Development
    Oleh admin
    Minggu, 19-Nopember-2006, 06:06:58 2 klik

    Jakarta - The pressure to convene an extraordinary meeting as voiced by the Regional Badminiton Association of Jakarta failed to materialize. On the final day of the PBSI's National Work Meeting 2006 held in Medan, yesterday, all regional badminton associations still supported Sutiyoso to lead the Indonesian badminton association.

    However, the pressure to reshuffle the bearers of the organization was unavoidable. Head of Achievement Development , Rudy Hartono, yesterday resigned from his post.

    I have failed to bring back the TC and meet the target set for the World Champisonship 2005. "Resignation is a form of my accountability" said Rudy when contacted by Jawa Pos last nighr.

    Rudy has long felt the pressure on him to resign. he admitted that he was prepared to resign following the failure to bring back the TC. I have therefore oftentimes delegated my responsibility to Lius Pongoh (head of Training Center ) to ensure that somebody will take charge when I leave, said Rudy .

    According to Rudy, Lius was the right person to replace him. So far he has proven himself that he has been successful in maintaining good communication with players and PBSI management. In a number of occassions, Lius has often accompanied the chairman and high ranking officials of PBSI.

    The achievement development division is the most important one in the body of PBSI. The face of Indonesian badminton is determined by this division. nevertheless, reshuflle will also be made in other divisions .

    The regional organization and development division will be given a maximum role nexyt year. In line with the criticisms made by the Badminton Association of Jakarta, Sutiyoso promised to give assistance to training centers experiencing financial difficulties (funding). It will not be in the form of meeting all the training center's needs. PBSI will provide stimulus funds to make the training center alive.

    The existence of training centers in the country is influential on the development of long-term badminton achievement. SO far national shuttlers have come from big clubs in Jawa . Actually, they originally came from small clubs outside Jawa who migrated to Jawa. (ang/vem/[/quote]
  4. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Appreciate your help in translating, once again..

    (rest of translation snipped for brevity)..
    Thaaaank you very much for your help, indra, for another very well done translation!!...Been waiting for someone to finally translate it..:p ;):) :D :cool:
    #4 ctjcad, Nov 21, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2006

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