Christian Hadinata - His Dedication to Indonesian Badminton never ends..

Discussion in 'Professional Players' started by bh185008, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Kesetiaan Christian Hadinata di Dunia Bulu Tangkis

    Tak Mau Bisnis karena Takut Bangkrut
    Bulu tangkis dan keluarga. Dua hal itulah yang mengisi kehidupan Christian Hadinata. Dari keahlian memainkan raket bulu tangkis, Christian mendapat penghasilan. Hingga usianya mencapai 57 tahun, bulu tangkis masih mengisi mayoritas waktunya.
    Minggu (7/1) lalu Christian Hadinata tidak bisa menjalani rutinitasnya seperti biasa. Karena memiliki janji wawancara khusus dengan Jawa Pos, dia tidak bisa makan siang bersama keluarganya. "Berangkat saja dulu, nanti saya susul," pesan Christian kepada istrinya, Yoke Anwar.
    Makan siang bersama keluarga pada hari Minggu adalah sesuatu yang istimewa bagi pria yang akrab disapa Koh Kris tersebut. Itu adalah satu-satunya kegiatan rutin yang dihabiskan bersama keluarganya. Selain itu, waktunya lebih banyak dihabiskan bersama "anaknya" di Pusat Bulu Tangkis Indonesia di Cipayung, Jakarta Timur. Ketika Jawa Pos mengajaknya untuk membahas kondisi terkini bulu tangkis tanah air, dia pun menjelaskan dengan bersemangat.
    Indonesia memang memiliki banyak pebulu tangkis besar. Rudy Hartono, Tan Joe Hook, Icuk Sugiarto, Joko Suprianto, sampai Taufik Hidayat yang masih aktif. Namun, tipikal seorang Christian sangat sulit dicarikan pada pebulu tangkis lain. Bayangkan saja, 35 tahun mengabdikan diri untuk PBSI, semangatnya tidak pernah mengendur. Selain keluarga, bulu tangkis lah perhatian utama Christian.
    Bandingkan dengan mayoritas pebulu tangkis Indonesia lainnya, baik yang masih aktif maupun yang tidak. Mereka memiliki memiliki banyak kesibukan lain di luar olahraga tepok bulu. Mulai membuka perusahaan peralatan olahraga, menjadi pengusaha minyak pelumas, maupun menjadi pengusaha jasa transportasi. Pelatih fisik legendaris Tahir Djide misalnya, dia juga menjabat guru besar di UPI Bandung. "Keinginan untuk memiliki usaha sih ada. Tapi, saya tidak berbakat untuk itu, karena itu saya lebih memilih untuk terus mengisi waktu di bulu tangkis," paparnya.
    Christian adalah orang yang sulit menolak permintaan orang lain. Jika dia memiliki barang yang bagus, kerap kali barang tersebut diberikan pada orang lain yang memintanya. "Saya tidak mau berbisnis karena takut bangkrut. Jika membuka toko olahraga misalnya, saya bisa saja memberikan secara cuma-cuma kalau yang membeli adalah teman saya," seloroh Christian sambil tertawa.
    Itu yang membuat Christian menjadikan bulu tangkis sebagai sisi utama kehidupannya. Sejak berkiprah sebagai pemain nasional 1971 sampai kini, dia tidak pernah bosan untuk berkeringat di tengah lapangan. Di usianya yang sudah begitu senja, dia tidak segan untuk langsung mendampingi pemainnya berlatih di lapangan.
    Aktivitas lain yang cukup menyita waktu Christian adalah menonton siaran olahraga di televisi. Tidak hanya dilihat, partai besar biasanya dia rekam. Kini rekamannya mencapai ratusan buah yang disimpan di Cipayung. Ketika sedang senggang pada jeda latihan pagi dan sore, dia mengisi waktu menyaksikan rekaman yang dia miliki. "Mayoritas rekaman pertandingan yang saya miliki adalah sepak bola. Ada pula bulu tangkis, tenis, Formula 1, maupun MotoGP.
    Sepak bola adalah olahraga favorit Christian selain bulu tangkis. Semasa kecil dia sering memainkan olahraga paling digemari di dunia tersebut. Alasannya sangat sederhana, karena sepak bola tidak perlu biaya banyak untuk memainkannya. Christian merasa banyak berhutang pada PB PBSI. Semua yang dia raih saat ini tidak lepas dari bulu tangkis. Selama masih dibutuhkan, dia akan terus ke Cipayung untuk membimbing "anaknya" berlatih.(nanang prianto)

    Nama: Christian Hadinata
    Lahir: Purwokerto, 11 Desember 1949
    Istri: Yoke Anwar
    Anak: Mario Hadinata dan Mariska Hadinata
    Tangan Bermain: Kanan
    - SD Kristen, Purwokerto (1962)
    - SMP Kristen, Purwokerto (1966)
    - SMA Kristen, Purwokerto (1969)
    - Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Keolahragaan, IKIP Bandung (tingkat III, 1971
    Karir pemain:
    1971 : - Juara nasional berpasangan dengan Atik Jauhari
    - Juara Asia berpasangan dengan Retno Kustijah.
    1972 : - Juara All England berpasangan dengan Ade Chandra
    1973 : - Juara All England berpasangan dengan Ade Chandra
    1978 : - Juara Asian Games berpasangan dengan Ade Chandra
    1979 : - Juara All England berpasangan dengan Imelda Wiguna
    1980 : - Juara Dunia berpasangan dengan Ade Chandra
    - Juara Dunia berpasangan dengan Imelda Wiguna
    1981 : - Juara Jepang Terbuka berpasangan dengan Lius Pongoh
    1982 : - Juara Aian Games berpasangan dengan Ivana Lie
    1983 : - Juara All England berpasangan dengan Boby Ertanto
    1984 : - Juara Indonesia Terbuka berpasangan dengan Boby Ertanto
    - Juara Indonesia Terbuka berpasangan dengan Ivana Lie
    1985 : - Juara Piala Dunia berpasangan dengan Ivana Lie
    Memperkuat Tim Piala Thomas selama enam kali dengan pasangan berganti-ganti (antara lain dengan HAdibowo, Liem Swie King).
    Karir di luar pemain:
    - Pelatih pelatnas (mulai 1985)
    - Pengurus PB PBSI
    - Direktur Pelatnas PBSI
    - karyawan PT Djarum Kudus

    Restoran Istri Jadi Langganan Pebulu Tangkis

    Christian Hadinata beruntung beristrikan Yoke Anwar. Wanita berambut lurus itu selalu mendukung setiap aktivitas sang suami. Dia tidak pernah mengeluh, meski hari-hari Christian dihabiskan di Pelatnas Cipayung. Pada usia yang sudah menapak senja, dia tidak banyak menikmati kebersamaan dengan sang suami.
    Untuk mengisi hari-harinya, Yoke menjalankan sebuah restoran di Jalan Panglima Polim, Jakarta, bernama Cangkir Cafe. Usaha tersebut mulai dirintis sekitar tiga tahun lalu. Setiap hari mulai pukul 10.00 WIB sampai 18.00 WIB dia menyibukkan diri di kafe tersebut. Nama kafe dipilih karena selain menyediakan makanan lezat, Cangkir Cafe juga bisa menjadi tempat asyik untuk tempat ngobrol. "Tidak seperti kafe kebanyakan, Cangkir Cafe tidak menjual minuman keras. Menu utama yang disediakan adalah makanan dan minuman," papar Christian.
    Cangkir Cafe menyediakan aneka menu masakan, mulai dari makanan khas Indonesia sampai cita rasa Eropa. Untuk menu Indonesia ada makanan khas Bandung yaitu karedok. Spagetti adalah salah satu makanan khas Eropa yang tersedia. "Menu yang paling digemari adalah sate kambing. Kata pelanggan, sate kambing kami empuk seperti roti," tukas Yoke sambil tersenyum.
    Dari dunia bulu tangkis Christian memiliki banyak kenalan. Hal itu menjadi salah satu keuntungan tersendiri bagi Cangkir Cafe. Banyak pebulu tangkis pelatnas yang mengajak serta keluarganya menikmati menu-menu spesial Cangkir Cafe. Salah satunya adalah keluarga besar Taufik Hidayat. "Pak Agum Gumelar (mertua Taufik, Red) paling senang makan sate kambing di restoran kami," cerita Christian.
    Kehidupan keluarga Christian bisa dijadikan salah satu contoh atlet sukses Indonesia. Dia berhasil menyekolahkan kedua anaknya meraih sarjana di universitas luar negeri. Ketika kedua anaknya sudah sukses mendapatkan pekerjaan, dia tidak kehabisan semangat untuk terus mengabdi. Sementara Istri dan keluarganya selalu mendukung pengabdian Christian.(ang
    Jual Rumah demi Pendidikan Anak

    Perhatian yang begitu besar pada dunia bulu tangkis tidak membuat Christian Hadinata teledor dalam mengurusi keluarga. Dua anaknya, Mario dan Mariska, kini sudah mapan bekerja di salah satu bank dan perusahaan interior di Jakarta. Itu tidak terlepas dari bekal pendidikan yang diberikan sang bapak. "Saya sangat bersyukur Mario dan Mariska bisa menyelesaikan studinya dengan baik. Apalagi kini mereka sudah memiliki pekerjaan yang lumayan," papar Christian.
    Mario dan Mariska beruntung menjadi anak seorang Christian Hadinata. Mereka bisa menikmati pendidikan yang sangat baik. Keduanya meraih gelar sarjana di salah satu universitas kenamaan di Perth, Australia.
    Tidak mudah bagi Christian untuk mengantarkan anaknya menjadi sarjana di luar negeri. Meski selama bertahun-tahun merajai dunia, tidak banyak materi yang dia kumpulkan. pada era 1970-an sampai 1980-an, price money turnamen belum sebesar sekarang.
    Agar Mario dan Mariska bisa menyelesaikan studi dengan baik, Christian sampai menjual rumahnya. Uangnya dipergunakan untuk membeli dua apartemen. Satu apartemen di Pondoh Indah yang ditempati sampai sekarang. Satu lagi di Australia, dibeli ditempati dua anaknya yang sedang belajar. "Itu harus kami lakukan karena biaya sewa rumah di sana sangat mahal," ungkap Christian.
    Kini kedua anak Christian sudah memiliki pekerjaan yang layak. Christian pun tengah menunggu anaknya berkeluarga. Dia memiliki harapan agar cucunya kelak ada yan meneruskan kehebatannya sebagai pemain bulu tangkis. "Mario dan Mariska tidak terlalu suka bulu tangkis. Semoga saja cucu saya nanti ada yang seperti saya," harap Christian.

    Punya Sentuhan Ajaib, Berbeda Pasangan Tetap Juara

    Usai menjadi juara nasional pada 1971, mulai 1972, Christian Hadinata menjadi penghuni pemusatan latihan nasional (pelatnas). Karirnya sebagai pemain pelatnas cukup panjang sampai 1980-an. Dalam periode yang begitu panjang, Christian telah gonta-ganti pasangan.
    Namun, Christian tidak mengalami masalah besar ketika harus berganti pasangan. Dia seolah memiliki sentuhan tangan ajaib yang mampu mengajak rekannya menjadi juara level dunia. Ade Chandra adalah pasangan legendaris Christian. Setidaknya sembilan kali mereka menjadi juara ganda tingkat dunia, termasuk di All England.
    Ketika Ade Chandra mundur, Christian berpasangan dengan Tjuntjun. Pergantian itu tidak membuat pamor Christian menurun. Bersama Tjuntjun pada 1977 dia dianugerahi gelar "Pemain ganda terbesar dasawarsa ini" dalam konferensi olahraga dunia Malmoe, Swedia.
    Christian juga tangguh ketika bermain di nomor ganda campuran. Bersama Imelda Wigoena dia sukses merebut gelar juara All England 1979 dan Asian Games 1982. Pasangan ganda campuran Christian lainnya adalah Lie Sumirat.
    Sentuhan midas Christian juga ditunjukkan ketika dia menjadi pelatih. Dengan tangan dinginnya, Tony Gunawan/ Candra Wijaya, sukses merebut medali emas Olimpiade Sydney 2000. "Kunci sukses seorang atlet adalah stamina, mental, dan skill. Itu semua bisa diraih dengan kerja keras," papar Christian mengenai resep suksesnya.

    Paling Rajin, Pangkat Naik, Enggan di Belakang Meja

    Reshuffle kepengurusan PB PBSI periode 2004-2008 yang dilakukan Sabtu (6/1) lalu memberikan berkah tersendiri bagi Christian Hadinata. Pangkatnya di Pusat Bulu Tangkis Indonesia (PBI), Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, naik, dari koordinator ganda pria menjadi kasubid pelatnas. Kini dia memiliki kewenangan untuk menentukan kebijakan pada semua nomor.
    Dia juga memiliki kewenangan untuk menentukan pengiriman atlet ke luar negeri. Pengelolaan pelatnas secara umum juga tugasnya. Mulai dari surat menyurat sampai pengelolaan sarana latihan. Namun, Christian merasa kurang cocok untuk mengemban misi struktural tersebut. "Biarlah saya bekerja yang berkeringat saja. Tugas di belakang meja biar dikerjakan Lius (Pongoh) saja," papar Christian. Lius Pongoh sebelumnya menjabat kasubid pelatnas. Kini dia naik pangkat menjadi kabid binpres.
    Berdasarkan pemantauan Jawa Pos, Christian memang pelatih yang paling rajin. Dia menjadi pelatih pertama yang datang ke pelatnas, sebelum jam enam pagi. Dia masuk ke Cipayung ketika lampu lapangan belum dihidupkan. Dia juga baru pulang ketika lampu lapangan sudah dimatikan.
    Christian juga tidak segan untuk turun langsung ke lapangan. Dia lebih banyak memberi contoh langsung, dari pada memberikan instruksi dengan perkataan. Masing-masing pelatih memang memiliki metode pelatihan tersendiri. Namun, dari segi keseriusan dan semangat yang ditunjukkan, Christian bisa disebut sebagai yang paling baik.
    Dengan jabatan barunya, Christian harus berkeliling semua sisi lapangan. Sebelumnya, dia hanya memberikan fokus pada lapangan sektor tengah dimana ganda pria berlatih. "Saya akan lebih capek, namun saya lebih senang jika bisa memberikan sumbangsih yang besar untuk bulu yangkis tanah air," ujar Christian.
  2. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Good story..

    bh185008, i read thru it quickly, it's a nice article...btw, if you don't mind providing us the source of the article also??..
    now, any "brave" soul out there:D willing to help us in doing the translation task??(ie. indra, babonimut, DoublesPlayer, ssuly, Krisna)-thanks in advance..;):cool:
    #2 ctjcad, Jan 10, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2007
  3. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hi ctjad,

    its from today's news...:)
    Reason why i admired Christian apart of his dedication...he loves his family so much ...i met him once in Perth (I am a friend of Mario hadinata (his son) while we were studying in Curtin Uni in Perth)....

    Christian and his family is an Australian Permanent Residence i hope someday he will come to Australia and coach the Australian badminton team...... but after reading those article above....i dont think that will be possible...:(
  4. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    bh185008, thanks for providing the source:cool:
    Re abt Mr. Hadinata being an Australian P.R. holder, hmm, i didn't know abt that until now. Actually i've expressed a few of my views on Mr. Hadinata in other thread(s)-i'll try to find those and post the links here..
    Thanks for sharing a bit more info to us;):cool:
  5. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
  6. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Will let you know..

    ..i'm familiar w/ those links-thanks again & will post the links, here, once i find those posts..:)
  7. indra

    indra Regular Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    OK ..I will do the translation:)
  8. Smichz

    Smichz Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Student,Tour guide,Marketer
    Beijing,Guilin,K.L & Jakarta
    Yup..i absolutely agree with that.He's one of the main reason that indo badminton still doing something in international stage.OO..gotta remember that place,so that i can meet with some players haha...N hope that someday in the future,there'll be more ppl who can be like him in indo badminton..
  9. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Agree with you Misch...and Thanks Indra for helping the translation.....
  10. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    opps what i meant was Smichz.....
  11. CLELY

    CLELY Regular Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    2 thumbs up for Ko Chris to produce many world-class MD! Everlasting dedication for PBSI, hmmm very rare to find this type of person. Salute to him, maju terus!
  12. indra

    indra Regular Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    Translation by Indra

    Christian Hadinata's loyalty to Badminton

    Not interested in running a business for fear of going bankrupt
    Badminton and his family are the two that have filled Christian Hadinata's life.
    The 57-year man has spent most of his time for Badminton, from which he has made a living.

    On Sunday (7/1) CH did not do his routine activity because he had a special appointment with the Jawa Post that will interview him. As such, he could not have lunch together with his family.

    Eating lunch together with his family on SUndays is his favorite activity because that's the only regular activity that he can do together with his family. CH, affectionately called Koh Kris, spent most of his time with his "children" at the Indonesian Badminton Training Center at Cipayung, East Jakarta. He was very enthusiastic when asked by Jawa Post on the latest condition of Indonesian badminton. Indonesia has legendary shuttlers such as Rudi Hartono, Tan Joe Hook, Icuk, Joko and TH. But, Christian is very different. Imagine, he has dedicated his 35 year time to PBSI, his dedication has never diminished.

    [TO be continued] He..he...sorry. I got to go...:)

  13. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Here are the links that i've found..

    ..bh185008, i know there are probably a couple other forgotten or missed threads, but here are some links which have my views of coach Christian. Btw, you can read the rest of the posts which are in those links;):).: (posts#11, 15) (post#145) (post#21)
  14. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    You are one "brave" soul, indra..

    ..appreciate once again for volunteering and helping out with the translation, indra. I know a lot of "jubilant" souls in here are ecstatic for your effort!:D ;) Looking forward to you finishing the translation for the rest of us!thanks a bunch!!;) :cool:
  15. babonimut

    babonimut Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Christian Hadinata's loyalty to the world of badminton
    Source: (Thursday, 11 January 2007)
    Translated by babonimut

    No intention to have own business due to fear of bankrupt

    Badminton and family. Those two things that filled Christian Hadinata's life. Christian earned his living from the skill to play with badminton racket. Badminton still took up most of his time till his age of 57. On last Sunday (7/1) Christian Hadinata could not carry out his normal routine. He could not have lunch together with his family because he had a special appointment interview with Jawa Pos. "Just go ahead first, I would catch up later on," said Christian to his wife, Yoke Anwar. Having lunch together on Sunday with his family was something very special for a man like Christian who was affectionately called "Koh Kris". That was the only routine that he spent time with together with his family. Besides, most of his time was spent on his charges at Cipayung National training centre, East Jakarta. When Jawa Pos asked him to comment on the current development of Indonesian badminton, he uttered his explanation eagerly.

    Indonesia had many badminton greats. Rudy Hartono, Tan Joe Hook, Icuk Sugiarto, Joko Suprianto, till Taufik Hidayat who was still active. But a typical Christian was hard to find among badminton greats. Imagine 35 years of commitment to the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), his spirit never faded. Besides his family, badminton was Christian's main focus. In comparison with other Indonesian badminton players, active or non-active, other Indonesian badminton players had their own activities outside badminton. From opening sports shops, being businessmen running oil companies to being businessmen running companies providing transportation services. The legendary physical trainer Tahir Djide, for example, was a lecturer at UPI, Bandung. "I had the intention to start my own business, but I have no talent for that. I have chosen to spend my time on badminton," uttered he.

    Christian was a man who was difficult to reject other people's requests. If he owned a great product, most often it was given up to other people who requested it. "I do not want to start a business because of fear of bankrupt. Opening a sports shop, for example, I could easily give out freely if a customer was a friend of mine," said Christian with a laugh. That was what made Christian to choose badminton as the centre of his life. Ever since becoming national player from 1971 to date, he never felt bored perspiring on court. In his advanced age, he never hesitated to spar with his charges training on court. Other activities that also took up quite a bit of his time was watching sports channels on television. He didn't just watch, he also recorded some big matches. Hundreds of his recorded media were now being kept at Cipayung. In between breaks during morning and afternoon training routines, he spent time watching his recorded videos. "Majority of my recorded videos are soccer matches. There are also badminton, tennis, formula one and MotoGP," said he. Soccer was his favourite sport besides badminton. When he was young he play soccer - the world's most popular sport. His reason was simple, because soccer did not need a lot of expenses to play. Christian felt in debt with the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI). All things he achieved were related to badminton. While he was still needed, he would still continue to come to Cipayung to help his charges training. (nanang prianto)

    Name: Christian Hadinata
    Place of birth: Purwokerto, 11 December 1949
    Spouse: Yoke Anwar
    Children: Mario Hadinata dan Mariska Hadinata
    Playing hand: right
    - Christian Primary School, Purwokerto (1962)
    - Christian Secondary/High School, Purwokerto (1966)
    - Christian Senior High School, Purwokerto (1969)
    - Faculty of Sports, IKIP Bandung (level III, 1971)
    Playing Career:
    1971 : - National champion partnering with Atik Jauhari
    - Asian champion partnering with Retno Kustijah.
    1972 : - All England champion partnering with Ade Chandra
    1973 : - All England champion partnering with Ade Chandra
    1978 : - Asian Games champion partnering with Ade Chandra
    1979 : - All England champion partnering with Imelda Wiguna
    1980 : - World champion partnering with Ade Chandra
    - World champion partnering with Imelda Wiguna
    1981 : - Japan Open champion partnering with Lius Pongoh
    1982 : - Asian Games champion partnering with Ivana Lie
    1983 : - All England champion partnering with Boby Ertanto
    1984 : - Indonesia Open champion partnering with Boby Ertanto
    - Indonesia Open champion partnering with Ivana Lie
    1985 : - World Cup champion partnering with Ivana Lie
    Member of Thomas Cup Team for six time with different partners (e.g. with Hadibowo, Liem Swie King).
    Non-playing career:
    - Indonesian National Training Centre Coach (from 1985)
    - Indonesian Badminton Association official
    - Indonesian Badminton Association - National Training Centre Director
    - PT Djarum Kudus' staff

    Wife's restaurant a favourite hangout for badminton players

    Christian Hadinata was lucky to have Yoke Anwar as his wife. The woman with straight hair always supported all his activities. She never complained eventhough most of his time was spent at Cipayung National Training Centre. At her advanced aged, she rarely had the opportunity to enjoy the company of her husband. To occupy her time, she opened up a restaurant at Jalan Panglima Polim, Jakarta, called Cangkir Cafe. Cangkir means "tea cup". She started her business three years ago. She busied herself daily at her cafe from 10am WIB (Indonesian Western Time Zone) till 6pm WIB. The name "kafe" was chosen because besides serving delicious food, Cangkir Cafe could also serve as an exciting hangout where people could chat leisurely. "Not like ordinary cafes, Cangkir Cafe does not serve alcoholic drinks. The main menu served are food and drinks," commented Christian.

    Cangkir Cafe served various cuisine menu, from Indonesian special cuisines to western food. One of the Indonesian cuisine served was Bandung's favourite cuisine called "karedok". Spaghetti was one of the western food served. "The most preferred menu was mutton satay. According to our customers, our mutton satay is as tender as a loaf of bread," said Yoke with a smile.

    Christian got to know a lot of friends from the world of badminton. That was one of the advantages for Cangkir Cafe. Many national players brought along their families to enjoy Cangkir Cafe's special menu. Among its customers was family of Taufik Hidayat. "Mr.Agum Gumelar (Taufik's father-in-law) enjoys eating mutton satay at our restaurant," said Christian.

    The family life of Christian could become an example of Indonesian athlete's success. He successfully managed to send both his children overseas for university education and his children graduated with degrees. When both his children successfully managed to find jobs, he never ran out of motivation to continue his dedication. Meantime, his wife and family always supported his dedication. (ang)

    Sold own house for the sake of children's education

    His great attention to the world of badminton did not make Christian Hadinata inconsiderate in managing family matters. His two children, Mario and Mariska, who were now independently working with one of the banks and interior design companies in Jakarta. That did not happen without the share of family education from their father. "I'm very relieved that Mario and Mariska could complete their study successfully. What is more, they now have well paying jobs," said Christian.

    Mario and Mariska were lucky to have a father like Christian Hadinata. They could enjoy excellent education. Both of them graduated from a well known university at Perth, Australia. It was not easy for Christian to send both of his children overseas for further studies. Eventhough he managed to conquer the world many years, he did not get to collect much rewards. Tournament's prize money in the 70's and 80's were not as extensive as today's. In order for Mario and Mariska to successfully complete their studies, Christian had to sell his own house. The money proceeds were used to buy two apartments. One apartment at Pondoh Indah where he stayed till now. Another one in Australia, bought and lived in by his two children who were studying. "That was what we had to do because renting a house there was very expensive," revealed Christian. Now both his children already had proper jobs. Christian also waited for his children to have their own families. He was hoping that one day one or more of his grandchildren would inherit his great talent as a badminton player. "Mario and Mariska do not quite like playing badminton. Hopefully one of my grandchildren would become like me in the future," hoped Christian.

    Acquired amazing touch, winning championships with different partners

    After becoming national champion in 1971, Christian Hadinata was admitted as a member of national training centre from 1972. His career as national training centre player was quite long till 1980s. Within such a long period, Christian had changed many partners. However, Christian did not experience major problem when he had to change partner. It was as if he had a special amazing touch that was able to encourage his partner to be world champions. Ade Chandra was Christian's legendary partner. At least nine times they won international doubles titles, including All England. When Ade Chandra retired, Christian partnered with Tjun Tjun. The change did not affect Christian's reputation. Together with Tjun Tjun, in 1977, he was awarded the title "the greatest doubles pair in the decade" in the world's sports conference at Malmoe, Sweden.

    Christian was also highly skilled in the mixed doubles discipline. Together with Imelda Wigoena, he managed to win All england mixed doubles title in 1979 and Asian Games in 1982. His other partner was Lie Sumirat. Christian's amazing touch was also shown when he became a coach. With his cool touch, Tony Gunawan/Candra Wijaya, successfully won the Sydney 2000 Olympics gold medals. "The key to success of an athlete lies on stamina, mental and skill. All that can be achieved with hard work," revealed Christian on his recipe for success.

    Most hard-working, promoted, no desire to sit behind a desk

    The reshuffle in the Indonesian Badminton Association's officials who were serving term 2004-2008 brought certain blessings for Christian Hadinata. He was promoted from men's doubles coordinator to the national training centre sub-sector chief at the Indonesian Badminton Centre at Cipayung, East Jakarta. He now had the authority to determine policies on all sectors. He also had the authority to determine the overseas exposure of all players. The management of national training centre was also generally his task. From official correspondence to the maintenance of training facilities. However, Christian deemed himself unsuitable to carry out those structural missions. "Let me just handle work with perspiration. Let Lius (Pongoh) handle all the desk work," explained Christian. Lius Pongoh was previously the national training centre sub-sector chief. He was now promoted to be the chief of development and achievement sector.

    According to Jawa Pos' analysis, Christian was indeed the most hard working coach. He was the first coach to arrive at the national training centre before 6 am. He entered Cipayung when the courts' lights had not been turned on. He also went home when the courts' lights were turned off. Christian also did not hesitate to go "hands on" on the court. Most of the time he prefered to give direct examples than giving instructions with words. Each coach indeed had his/her own training methodology. However, in terms of seriousness and motivation shown, Christian could well be the best. With his new title, Christian had to follow up on all sides of courts. He was previously only focusing on the courts where the men's doubles training was conducted. "I would be more tired, but I'm happier if I could give great contribution for Indonesian badminton," said Christian.
  16. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Whoah, you stole the thunder..

    ...babonimut, whoah, that was quick. Thanks much for doing the translation for us again!!;) :cool:
  17. jamesd20

    jamesd20 Moderator

    Feb 24, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Leeds, UK
    What a hero and great role model inside and outside of badminton!

    Thanks for the translation:)
  18. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
    Likes Received:
    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    Thanks! That was a good article:)
  19. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks for the new links ctjad...and thanks for transalating it babonimut and indra...
  20. Elixau

    Elixau Regular Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Wow, great article!
    Great player also!

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