Feeling about China vs Malaysia Semi-Final

Discussion in 'Thomas/Uber Cup 2002' started by Ricky, May 16, 2002.

  1. Ricky

    Ricky Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Hong Kong
    Perhaps I'm not good enough to comment about matches last night, but I would really like to share some of my feeling.

    As a Chinese, of course, I was disappointed after China losing in the Thomas Cup "again". However, objectively speaking, I do agree that Malaysia deserves the result. Or put it in other words, China men team still has major deficiencies which must be improved in order to become the number one men's badminton team in the world.

    I've read a lot of discussions from various Chinese forums in last 12 hours. There are many negative comments about Bao and LYB, and a lot of people saying that LYB should put Lin Dan for the 2nd single match because Lin is stronger mentally. In my opinion, I don't totally agree with this view - who can sure that Lin will win before the match ? I also saw Lin played poorly before.

    No one can become the top player suddenly. Bao definitely needs improvement on mental side to avoid getting too nervous in emergency situations. However, is it really fair to blame everything to a youngster ? As some other people pointed out in those Chinese discussion forums, why don't we blame those double players ? It is because they've no chance to win therefore we all rely on the Chinese single players to win the Thomas Cup. There is no one to be blamed but the Chinese team must realize their own problems (the main problem is on double as we all know) and look forward to fix them. In my opinion, Bao was playing quite ok but he made a lot of mistakes because he was too nervous and has been put with too much pressure to win the game for the country. I really don't think we should expect so much from such a young player (other young players like Taufik also had significant fluctuation on performance).

    Haflz, in my opinion, has poorer skills than Bao. However, he can much better mental control. In fact, he looks claim all over 5 games in a situation which there are so many Chinese crowd to support the opponent - this is definitely something deserved some credit. However, with more improvement on mental side, or simply under less tense occasion, I think Bao can easily beat him (some people said that Haflz has better physical fitness than Bao, this is probably true as well, but I think part of the reason why Bao was getting exhausted in the last game was because he was too nervous).

    The match between Xia and Wong is terrific, it is one of the most excited men single under the 5 x 7 system I've even seen. Look at the jump smash of Xia with slow motion, I rarely seen him to jump so high. :)

    Regarding the Wei and Chan double, even though they had demonstrated speed and aggressive offense, I still think their defense is relatively weak, especially for Chan. There are some passive shots which they still didn't handle very well. Choong and Lee didn't play too good as well last night, but they have more average performance in almost all areas and their defense are quite strong. In short, I think Wei and Chan are beated "technically" by Choong and Lee.

    There is a Chinese slogan called - "hit the loser and take the winner". I really don't think we should take this attitude to any of the players whose play last night. All of them, including Wong, Bao, Haflz, Wei/Chan, ... have tried their best and they are all eager to win the matches. They really deserve more respect from, rather than blaming ... Remember, no one can always win.

    p.s. There are some comments about those line judges as well. I personally can't imagine how can LYB "affects" those judges to make decisions which favor the Chinese team. Honest speaking, mis-judges always happen in any games.
  2. viver

    viver Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Vancouver, BC
    I did not watch the games, but I do fully agree with you on Bao. It's too much responsibility for a young player. I may add that he is relatively inexperienced in a big tournament like Thomas cup. Being a select player of a badminton power house, representing a country with over a billion eyes watching over your shoulder, and having just the simple responsibility to win the match - for myself, I would say my legs would felt like a ton just walking out to the court not to mention play.

    In fact the problem with China is what you have pointed out - the doubles. Having performed poorly, the burden rested on the singles' players. This extra responsibility was probably a little bit too much for Bao. After all, in my opinion he did the best he could. And in big competions like the TC, nobody is a sure winner.

    Instead of lamenting, better look on how to improve the men's doubles performance. Improved doubles players and with current singles players, China will increase significantly the chances to win the thropy next time.
  3. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    I think the match was not 'very exciting'.

    It was very, very exciting!

    I think if line judging is poor, then the standards must be set by the Koreans. It has been said they are very poor.

    Personally, I never what to be a line judge unless it's the service line or centre line.

    can't understand the mentality of some the chinese forum participants. Last time, Ji Xin Peng was the villain in the 2000 Thomas Cup for losing to Taufik. Four months later, he is a hero for winning the Olympics!!

    I agree with Ricky, how could LYB predict to put Lin Dan 2nd singles? It's all about strategy and some days the strategy goes against you.

    Even M'sia's strategy of of Hafiz at 2nd singles. I was thinking 'wow'. If he wins, great! If he loses, the M'sian coaches would get villified.

    Some people are just not rational.

    BTW, I was very impressed at Hafiz's mental game. Apart from the bad line call lapse, he won the game on mental strength. Even PEHL said he favoured Hafiz when Bao was leading in the 5th.
    PEHL can tell us the subtleties of the players. More similar commentary please!!!!
  4. Adel

    Adel Regular Member

    May 16, 2002
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    Evanston, IL, USA
    Absolutely. Some of the comments I read on Chinabadminton were so MEAN... goodness.

    And I was surfing the Worldbadminton forum just now. It's really hilarious coz the posters are so CRAZY. I used to find them offensive but I think it has gone too far to be even offensive anymore!

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