Is badminton good for your heart?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by justin, Jan 26, 2001.

  1. justin

    justin Guest

    My doctor friend told me he lost a good friend in the badminton court. He was supposing a fit person, but had a massive heart attack, at the age of 40+

    Do you all hear any similar stories? I am in the late 30's, and like to play attacking game, and wonder if I should mellow down a bit?

    Any expert out there who can advice?
  2. KL

    KL Guest

    I am no expert but if it is of any help I am about your age and

    gaining weight. My doctor tells me that if I don't play badminton

    at least twice a week I am going to die from a heart attack.So

    many cases of people in their twenties dying in football, maybe

    your doctor may say it boils down to genetics and

    lifestyle.Some say badminton is less strenous than say,squash

    Even Rudy Hartono had a bypass operation a few years back.

    Perhaps it is really on a case by case basis.People like say

    Tan Aik Huang,Eddy Choong Misbun or even Erland Kops are

    still playing as veterans. Like I said I AM NO EXPERT, just

    relating my 2 cents experience.
  3. Zclyh3

    Zclyh3 Regular Member

    Aug 22, 2004
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    Not employed during academic school yeah
    San Leandro/San Jose, CA
    I recall a coach in my school who still plays. But I ironically he just clears and drops..he never smashes..he lets his partner perform that task. As for me, I'm around 17 and love the sport. Besides, I've grown taller and quicker..hehe.
  4. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    Those who suddenly collapse in their mid twenties - they are more likely to have a condition called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) which can be related to genes.

    A true heart attack(myocardial infarct) for a person in their midtwenties would be very rare. Another condition called Type I hypercholesterolaemia would be a culprit here.

    For myocardial infarcts at the age of forty or above, one has to take the risk benefit ratio. Taking up a vigorous sport in after years of inactivity is not a good idea. It was not uncommon to hear of exactly this happening in people who took up squash. And again, I have heard (though not researched) that the benefits of exercise are lost after a peiod of inactivity. i.e. regular exercise is OK but when you stop, the long term benefits are lost.

    Of course, you are going to hear of people collapsing on court but you don't hear so much of the people who collapse doing everyday activities (and how often does it happen?). And you definately won't hear about the people who DON'T get a heart attack from exercise. (get the idea?).

    Peronally, I think those people who smoke and play are at a real high risk.
  5. KL

    KL Guest

    Good to have experts in the forum.While on subject of smoking,

    I had relatives dying from "coronary" something or other and

    usually post mortem links it to hardened arteries( caused by

    smoking )unable to clear clogs caused by cholestrol.I try to

    advise my friends who smoke and play( who are well educated

    people) the views of cardiologists but they shrug it of as the

    'usual experts talking nonsense.'

    Maybe it would be good to have regular advice in this forum,

    we hear of so many promising players hampered by injuries.

    The latest tregedy is for players over 40 to land badly and

    breaking their ankles or achilles something and having to

    hobble to work in crutches or retire and play golf.Can anything

    be done to avoid this ? Thanks for any replies.
  6. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
    Likes Received:
    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    "I try to advise my friends who smoke and play( who are well educated
    people) the views of cardiologists but they shrug it of as the
    'usual experts talking nonsense.' "

    They all say that until they get a heart attack!!
  7. May

    May Guest

    Feb 15, 2005
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    R u a doctor?????

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