Leicester Badminton Club - Leicester friendliest badminton club :)

Discussion in 'UK' started by leicesterbadder, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. leicesterbadder

    leicesterbadder New Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Hi badminton player,

    Would you like to play badminton every week to get out the house, out of work, destress, meet new people?
    If the answer is yes to any of the above, you can come to the right place.

    We are a new badminton club called Leicester Badminton Club that I setup a couple of weeks ago but we have been playing for nearly 2 years here in Leicester.
    We normally play either Monday or Thursday, depending court availability either at Braunstone Leisure Centre or Beaumont Leys (Leisure Leys).

    We currently have enough players for 2 courts but of course people sometimes cant make it every week, so it varies depending on the total number who can confirm the week before.

    I am looking at players of mixed abilities to allow a variation between games and to also, hopefully, be able to learn off one another.
    We already have mixed abilities from beginners through to intermediate but no professionals as yet :)

    We don't play professionally but more of a fun and de-stress at the end of the day.

    You can see our details on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=39739991924&ref=nf and our website, once ready, will be at www.leicesterbadmintonclub.co.uk.
    I have posted up next week badminton session at 2pm, Braunstone Leisure Centre for 1hr.
    If you are interested let me know so I can ensure that there will be enough courts available. Though we do rotate to allow for a small rest bite. :)

    You can contact me on hello@leicesterbadmintonclub.co.uk and I can send you further details or if you would like to discuss further, but hope the FaceBook page will be handy.
    If you are interested, you are more than welcome to come and play with us.

    Hope this helps. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Michael Cheung
    Badminton Officer
    Leiester Badminton Club - Leicester friendliest badminton club :)
    w: www.leicesterbadmintonclub.co.uk
    e: hello@leicesterbadmintonclub.co.uk

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