Heryanto Arbi

Discussion in 'Indonesia Professional Players' started by skerning, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. skerning

    skerning New Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    Anyone here remember the hard smasher Heryanto Arbi? Anyone knows where is he and what is he doing after his retirement?

    Heryanto Arbi is always remembered for his hard smashing, one of the best badminton player feared by many bcos of his smashing. If football has Brazil in playing the beautiful game, badminton has Heryanto Arbi as the first player to have attack smashing gameplan in the old 15point format. No one does that in 15 point format and in my opinion, Heryanto Arbi's amazing play is what inspired contemporary attacking play by Lin Dan.
  2. event

    event Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    Hmm. Is it a coincidence that you should ask about Arbi in, of all weeks, the one when he's just finished the Masters Games?
  3. skerning

    skerning New Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    Don't quite understand. What Masters Games? I certainly think Heryanto Arbi deserve to be mentioned in this Professional Players forum. Anyone knows if he is into coaching, business? Arbi was a superb athelete. I still remember him terrorizing Rashid Sidek with his smashes from baseline.
  4. Sealman

    Sealman Regular Member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    Believe he has his own badminton brand Flypower :)
  5. Yong2509

    Yong2509 Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Petaling Jaya

    Just to share, as i got the info from an old magazine. Enjoy!

    Some of Heryanto Arbi's Achievements - Titles he has won:
    1993 All-England (bt Joko Suprianto)
    1993 Taiwan Masters (bt Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen)
    1993 Japan Open (bt Joko Suprianto)
    1994 All-England (bt Ardy Wiranata 15-12, 17-14)
    1994 World Cup (bt Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen)
    1994 Asian Games Gold (bt Joko Suprianto 15-7, 15-1)
    1994 Taiwan Masters (bt Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen 15-3, 15-2)
    1994 Hong Kong Open (bt Ardy Wiranata 15-9, 15-11)
    1995 World Championship (bt Park Sung Woo 15-11, 15-8)
    1995 Hong Kong Open (bt Alan Budi Kusuma 13-18, 15-13, 15-4)
    1995 Korean Open (bt Fung Permadi 15-12, 15-6)
    1995 Japan Open (bt Joko Suprianto 15-8, 15-8)

    That's all the info i have.

  6. Ferrerkiko

    Ferrerkiko Regular Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    audit assistant
    Hey bro , how u know Heriyanto arbi inspired Lin dan to play attacking badminton ??:confused:
  7. Yong2509

    Yong2509 Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Petaling Jaya
    Jump Smasher!

    Unsure about that, but i know for a fact a lot of coaches (from all over the world) studied his game, as he was the dominant player at that point in time - from '93 to '95. I am sure the coaches from China have incorporated some of his technique onto the new generation of players.......just my two cents.:D
  8. CLELY

    CLELY Regular Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Too bad Hari failed to win any medal at Atlanta OG 1996, lost to Rashid Sidek in bronze medal match.
  9. Ferrerkiko

    Ferrerkiko Regular Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    audit assistant
    Its a pity Indonesia cant produce another player like Heriyanto arbi, that's why in today badminton is dominate by china & Lee chong wei now.
  10. JasonMichael

    JasonMichael Regular Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    Myself and Hariyanto Arbi

    This is me Taken with Arbi at the world chinese championships 2006 at Puchong. I played him in the first round.

    Attached Files:

  11. tckang

    tckang Regular Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Con man (I do sales)
    Jason ?
    Wow, without the photo i think i don't know thats u. This is Kang, used to be from MOX, last time we used to play in Saturday evening at Megah. Long time no see.
    So how is Arbi's skills after so long in retirement? Is his smash still so deadly? How's the outcome?
  12. JasonMichael

    JasonMichael Regular Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    I think I should know u :p... yes I remember playing at that session. But its been a long time. Arbi's skill's is still very good, eventhough he's not as fast as before. But his jump smashes are still there, but he uses it rarely now.
    I think he is doing very well in his own business.

  13. tckang

    tckang Regular Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Con man (I do sales)
    Cool ....
    U will sure know me if you see me. The guy that you once said "need a lot of trainings on badminton ,......hahahaahah ;)"
    That is a long time ago indeed......i have since move on and now working in Beijing. Still play badminton a lot ;)
    Catch up when i get back ....
  14. JasonMichael

    JasonMichael Regular Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    I think I also need some training again... :) getting lazy here.
    Hope you can pm me your email so we can keep in touch.

  15. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hariyanto Arbi


    Hariyanto Arbi Tak Pernah Jauh dari Bulu Tangkis

    Memulai Lagi dari Bawah

    Sudah hampir 10 tahun Hariyanto Arbi gantung raket. Namun, dia tetap tidak pernah jauh dari lapangan bulu tangkis. Bukan lagi menjadi atlet, tentunya. Juga bukan pelatih. Dia telah memilih menjadi pengusaha peralatan dan perlengkapan olahraga serta bulu tangkis.


    KERINGAT jatuh dari wajahnya. Rasa lelah juga tampak tergurat di wajahnya. Namun, pria tersebut belum juga beristirahat. Dia tetap saja mondar-mandir menemui para koleganya. Berbincang dengan salah seorang rekan, setelah itu bergeser untuk berbicara dengan teman yang lain.

    Begitulah Hariyanto Arbi, pria itu, Jumat malam pekan lalu di GOR Bulu Tangkis Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta. Kebetulan, malam itu di tempat tersebut dilangsungkan turnamen bulu tangkis yang melibatkan dirinya sebagai ketua panitia pertandingan.

    ''Inilah salah satu kegiataan saya saat ini setelah gantung raket. Tapi, saya tidak merasa lelah. Apalagi, kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari wahana promosi usaha saya,'' tutur Hari, sapaan karib Hariyanto Arbi.

    Dia merupakan salah seorang pebulu tangkis terbaik yang pernah dimiliki Indonesia. Dia lahir di Kudus, Jawa Tengah, 21 Januari 1972. Hari bertarung di pentas bulu tangkis internasional mulai 1990 hingga 2000. Beragam gelar telah direngkuh.

    Hari dua kali meraih gelar juara All England pada 1993 dan 1994. Pada 1994 dan 1995, dia menahbiskan diri sebagai juara dunia. Putra pasangan (alm) Arbi-Hastuti tersebut juga turun menjadi bagian sukses Indonesia dalam Piala Thomas pada 1994, 1996, 1998, serta 2000.

    Setelah Piala Thomas 2000, Hari memutuskan gantung sepatu. Setelah meninggalkan gelanggang, dia bergelut di jalur bisnis. Dia membuka usaha. ''Usahanya juga tidak jauh dari dunia yang saya geluti, yakni bulu tangkis,'' ujarnya.

    Bersama beberapa rekannya, dia mendirikan perusahaan bernama Flypower. Perusahan tersebut didirikan pada 2003. Sebagaimana dikatakan Hari, perusahaannya memang bergerak tidak jauh dari bulu tangkis. Yakni, menyediakan peralatan dan perlengkapan olahraga, khususnya bulu tangkis. Misalnya, sepatu, raket, kaus, bahkan karpet lapangan bulu tangkis.

    ''Saya memilih berbisnis karena sudah banyak rekan yang menjadi pelatih. Selain itu, ini didorong rasa kecewa atas penghargaan pemerintah kepada mantan atlet,'' ungkapnya.

    Setelah berpikir panjang dan berdiskusi dengan beberapa temannya, dia memutuskan berbisnis dengan mengusung bendera Flypower. ''Produk pertama kami adalah sepatu. Itu menjadi andalah kami. Kenapa sepatu? Saya dan teman-teman memilih sepatu karena ini awalnya didasari oleh ketidakadaan sepatu bulu tangkis pada masa itu,'' paparnya.

    Dia menceritakan, pada masa dirinya bermain, belum ada sepatu khusus bulu tangkis. Yang sering dipakai para pebulu tangkis pada masanya dan era sebelumnya adalah sepatu indoor. Fakta itu disebut Hari cukup ironis. Sebab, sudah bermunculan jago-jago bulu tangkis, tapi tidak ada sepatu khusus untuk pebulu tangkis.

    Karena itu, Hari pun tergerak untuk memproduksi sepatu khusus bulu tangkis. ''Saya juga tertarik dengan filosofi letak sepatu yang di bawah. Itu dengan status saya saat itu. Saya memulai usaha ini semua dari bawah, dari nol,'' tegasnya.

    Hari memang memulai usahanya dari bawah. Benar-benar dari nol. Dia hanya berbekal keyakinan serta modal uang hasil tabungan saat masih aktif menjadi pemain. Hari menyebut dirinya tidak memiliki ilmu dari bangku sekolah yang cukup tentang manajemen dan pemasaran.

    ''Saya belajar sambil menjalankan usaha ini. Awalnya cukup berat. Tapi, saya yakin dengan apa yang saya yakini. Tuhan pasti akan melihat setiap usaha keras umatnya,'' urainya.

    Dia mengakui, keyakinan itu pula yang menjadi kunci suksesnya di arena pertandingan. Sebagai atlet, Hari memang sempat divonis mentok pada awal karirnya di pelatnas. Tapi, dengan kepercayaan bahwa Tuhan pasti akan melihat usaha keras umatnya tersebut, Hari mampu bangkit dan berhasil meraih banyak gelar.

    ''Hal itu pula yang menjadi pegangan saya dalam menekuni bisnis ini,'' ungkapnya.

    Hasilnya, Hari menuturkan, dari usahanya tersebut, dirinya bisa hidup cukup bersama keluarganya. Kini, usahanya juga berkembang pesat. Produknya kini tak hanya beredar di Indonesia, tapi juga telah ada di Malaysia, Filipina, serta Singapura. Bahkan, beredar pula di Jerman, Prancis, dan Guatemala. (miftakhul faham syah/diq)


    Nama asli : Harijanto Arbi

    Nama familier : Hariyanto Arbi

    Julukan : Smes 100 Watt

    Lahir : Kudus, 21 Januari 1972

    Orang Tua : (alm) Arbi-Hastuti

    Istri : Wiwiek Wiral (32)

    Anak : Jordan Hariyanto Arbi (8) dan Justin Hariyanto Arbi (7)


    Juara All England 1993 dan 1994

    Juara Taiwan Master 1993 dan 1994

    Juara Jepang Terbuka 1993 dan 1995

    Juara Hongkong Terbuka 1994 dan 1995

    Juara Dunia 1994 dan 1995

    Juara Asian Games 1994

    Juara Asian Games 1994 (beregu)

    Juara Piala Thomas 1994, 1996, 1998
  16. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hariyanto Arbi

    Dapat Ganti Medali Emas Olimpiade

    PERTENGAHAN 2000 Hariyanto Arbi memutuskan gantung raket. Hari -sapaan karib Hariyanto Arbi- mengakhiri kibasan raketnya setelah sepuluh tahun bertarung di pentas dunia. Dunia bulu tangkis mencatat bahwa Hari mundur setelah berhasil meraih setumpuk prestasi.

    Torehan pebulu tangkis asal Kudus tersebut memang cukup komplet. Dia berhasil meraih dua gelar bergengsi di sektor tunggal pria, yakni kejuaraan dunia dan All England. Bahkan, tidak hanya sekali dia merebutnya. Tapi, dua kali.

    Hari membukukan diri sebagai juara dunia pada 1994 dan 1995. Di arena All England, salah seorang lulusan terbaik PB Djarum Kudus tersebut menahbiskan diri sebagai juara pada 1993 dan 1994. Untuk negara, Hari juga memberikan kontribusi positif dari Piala Thomas. Dia turut membawa Indonesia berjaya di Piala Thomas pada edisi 1994, 1996, 1998, dan 2002.

    Prestasi yang benar-benar mengilap. "Namun, ada yang kurang, yakni medali emas Olimpiade. Jadi, waktu itu saya meninggalkan gelanggang dengan perasaan yang agak gamang," kata Hari.

    Hari bukannya tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah direngkuh. Dia mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya sangat bangga dan bersyukur dengan apa yang didapatkannya. Namun, Hari tetap merasa prestasinya kurang komplet tanpa medali emas Olimpiade.

    Sebab, bulu tangkis masuk Olimpiade justru di masa keemasannya. Tapi, Hari justru tidak mendapatkan prestasi di multieven olahraga terbesar di dunia tersebut. Sebagaimana diketahui, bulu tangkis secara resmi dipertandingkan di Olimpiade pada 1992 di Barcelona, Spanyol. Nah, dia tampil di Olimpiade 1996. Namun, waktu itu dia gagal mengulang sukses Alan Budikusuma yang meraih medali emas di Olimpiade 1992.

    "Semua pasti ingin menjadi juara di Olimpiade. Saya pun sama. Tapi, sekarang saya sudah agak lega. Sebab, saya sudah mendapatkan gantinya," ujarnya.

    Hari menyebut pengganti medali emas Olimpiade tersebut adalah medali emas World Masters Games 2009 yang dihelat Oktober lalu di Sydney, Australia. World Masters Games merupakan multieven olahraga semacam Olimpiade. Namun, even tersebut diperuntukkan bagi atlet-atlet kelas dunia yang sudah pensiun.

    "Bisa dikatakan, World Masters Games adalah Olimpiade-nya mantan atlet. Meski begitu, saya sangat bangga. Apalagi, saya mendapatkan dua medali emas sekaligus," ungkap Hari.

    Dua medali emas itu berasal dari tunggal dan ganda pria. Di tunggal, Hari menjadi kampiun setelah mengalahkan pebulu tangkis Jepang Shinya Aoki 15-12, 15-10. Di ganda, Hari yang berpasangan dengan Herman Laksono Lioe menang atas ganda Selandia Baru Dean Galt/Kerrin Harrison 15-8, 15-9.

    "Ini gelar pengganti yang sangat melegakan saya," ungkap dia.
  17. limsy

    limsy Regular Member

    Mar 14, 2008
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    u should know u need to translate the article if u want to post others language article
  18. bh185008

    bh185008 Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hariyanto Arbi

    Julukan yang Berawal dari Ledekan

    SMESNYA sangat keras dan tajam. Dia juga selalu menghabiskan banyak shuttlecock. Bahkan, hampir selesai melepaskan smes, baik yang tidak terbendung lawan maupun tidak menemui sasaran, dia selalu meminta pergantian shuttlecock.

    Dua hal itulah yang begitu melekat pada Hariyanto Arbi ketika beraksi di lapangan. Ingatan publik akan dirinya pun selalu berkisar pada dua hal tersebut.

    ''Senjata permainan saya memang terletak pada smes tersebut. Karena itu, saya selalu berusaha meminta pergantian shuttlecock agar smes saya terjaga,'' ujar Hari, sapaan karib Hariyanto, terkait dua hal yang melekat pada dirinya tersebut.

    Tidak bisa dimungkiri. Saat menyandang status pemain, dia terkenal dengan smes kerasnya. Karena hal tersebut, Hari sampai disebut-sebut sebagai reinkarnasi Liem Swie King, senior sekaligus idolanya. Pada eranya, King memang dikenal dengan senjata rahasianya berupa jumping smash yang tajam. Smes tersebut lantas disebut King Smash.

    Selain dikatakan sebagai reinkarnasi King karena smes tajamnya, Hari terkenal dengan sebutan Smash 100 Watt. ''Ada yang menarik dengan julukan tersebut. Julukan itu sebenarnya berasal dari guyonan saya sama Ardy (Bernandus Wiranata, rekan Hari di pelatnas) saat di Malaysia,'' ungkapnya.

    Hari menceritakan, waktu itu sekitar pertengahan 1995 menjelang bertanding dengan andalan Malaysia Rashid Sidek, dirinya sempat bercanda dengan Ardy. Kala itu, Hari meledek smes Ardy yang hanya 5 watt.

    ''Saat itu, saya juga bilang kepada Ardy bahwa lihat nanti malam ada smes 100 watt saat saya melawan Rashid Sidek,'' tuturnya.

    Guyonan tersebut sebenarnya dilontarkan Hari untuk memotivasi diri dalam menghadapi Rashid Sidek. Dia merasa perlu melakukan itu karena Rashid tercatat belum pernah kalah oleh pebulu tangkis mana pun di Malaysia. Hari pun tertantang untuk menghentikan catatan apik jagoan Malaysia tersebut.

    ''Hasilnya, saya berhasil menang atas Rashid Sidek. Guyonan itu sempat didengar seorang wartawan. Wartawan tersebut ternyata menggunakan guyonan itu sebagai julukan yang melekat pada saya hingga kini,'' paparnya.
  19. Yoppy

    Yoppy Regular Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Google translation

    Hariyanto Arbi Never Far from Badminton

    Starting from the Lower Again

    For nearly 10 years suspended racket Hariyanto Arbi. However, he still never far from the badminton court. No longer an athlete, of course.
    Also not a coach. He has chosen to be a businessman and sporting goods equipment and badminton. ---

    The sweat fell from his face. Fatigue also was etched on his face. However, he has not been well rested. He still paced to meet with colleagues. Chatted with one fellow, after it shifted to talk with another friend.

    That Hariyanto Arbi, the man, Friday night last week in GOR Badminton Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta. Incidentally, that night is held at the badminton tournament involving himself as chairman of the committee game.

    ''This is one of my current kegiataan after hanging racket. But, I do not feel tired. Moreover, this activity is part of the promotional vehicle for my business,''said Hari, greeting friends Hariyanto Arbi.

    He was one of the best pebulu countered Indonesia ever had. He was born in Kudus, Central Java, January 21, 1972. Hari fight in the international badminton scene from 1990 until 2000. Various titles have been being enfolded.

    Hari twice won the All England championships in 1993 and 1994. In 1994 and 1995, he consecrated himself as the champion of the world. Son of the couple (late) Arbi-Hastuti also fell to the success of Indonesia in the Thomas Cup in 1994, 1996, 1998, and 2000.

    After the Thomas Cup 2000, Hari decided to hang the shoes. After leaving the arena, he was struggling in the business line. He opened a business. The effort''was also not far from the world am I in, namely badminton,''he said.

    Together with several colleagues, he founded a company called Flypower. The company was founded in 2003. As the Haris, the company was moving not far away from badminton. Namely, providing sports equipment and tools, especially badminton. For example, shoes, rackets, socks, carpets and even the badminton court.

    ''I chose to do business because many colleagues who have become coaches. In addition, this encouraged a sense of disappointment over government's appreciation to former athletes,''he said.

    After a long thought and discussion with some friends, he decided to do business with Flypower carrying the flag. ''Our first product is a shoe. It became're us. Why shoes? Me and my friends chose the shoes because it was originally based on the absence of badminton shoes in those Haris,''he said.

    She tells him during play, no special shoes badminton. Which was often used by pebulu countered in his time and the previous era is an indoor shoes. The fact that ironically enough called Hari. Because, had sprung up-jago jago badminton, but there are no special shoes for pebulu countered.

    Because of that, Hari was moved to produce badminton specific shoes. ''I am also interested in the philosophy that lies beneath the shoe. That's my status at that time. I started this business from the bottom, from zero,''he said.

    Hari was started from the bottom. Completely from scratch. He was armed only confidence and capital saving money while still active as a player. Hari called himself did not have knowledge of sufficient school of management and marketing.

    ''I learned while running this business. Initially quite heavy. But, I'm sure with what I believe. God would see any effort of his people,''he explained.

    He admitted, it is also the belief that the key to success in the arena game. As an athlete, Hari was convicted fixed time early in his career in Pelatnas. But, with the belief that God would see the effort of his people, unable to rise and Hari won many titles.

    ''It's also guided me in this business engaged,''he said.

    The result, Hari said, of his business, he could live with her family enough. Now, business is also growing rapidly. Its products are now not only circulated in Indonesia, but also in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. In fact, also circulated in Germany, France, and Guatemala. (miftakhul schools of Shah / diq)


    Real name: Harijanto Arbi

    Familiar names: Hariyanto Arbi

    Nickname: Snack 100 Watt

    Born: Holy, January 21, 1972

    Dear Parent: (late) Arbi-Hastuti

    Wife: Wiwiek Wiral (32)

    Son: Jordan Hariyanto Arbi (8) and Justin Hariyanto Arbi (7)


    1993 All England champion and 1994

    Taiwan Masters champion 1993 and 1994

    1993 Japan Open champion and 1995

    Hong Kong Open 1994 champion and 1995

    World Champion 1994 and 1995

    1994 Asian Games champions

    1994 Asian Games champion (team)

    1994 Thomas Cup champions, 1996, 1998
  20. Yoppy

    Yoppy Regular Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Google translation

    Change can be the Olympic Gold Medal

    2000 MIDDLE Hariyanto Arbi decided suspended racquet. Hari-greeting friends Hariyanto Arbi-ending wave of her racquet after ten years of fighting on the world stage. Badminton world records that Hari back after a stack of accomplishments achieved.

    Incision from the Holy pebulu countered that it is quite complete. He successfully won two prestigious titles in a single sector of men, the world championship and the All England. In fact, not only once he took it. But, two times.

    Haris booked himself as world champion in 1994 and 1995. In the arena of All England, one of the best graduates are PB Djarum Kudus ordain themselves as champions in 1993 and 1994. For the state, Hari also provides a positive contribution from the Thomas Cup. He helped bring Indonesia Thomas Cup triumphs in 1994 edition, 1996, 1998, and 2002.

    Achievement really shiny. "However, there is less, the Olympic gold medal. So, the time I left the rink with a rather uneasy feeling," said Hari.

    Hari was not thankful with what you've being enfolded. He revealed that he is very proud and grateful with what he got. However, Hari still feel his performance is less complete without an Olympic gold medal.

    Because, in the Olympic badminton instead of golden ages. But the Hari it does not get achievements in sports multieven the largest in the world. As is known, official badminton dipertandingkan at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. Well, he appeared at the 1996 Summer Olympics. However, this time he failed to repeat the success of Alan Budikusuma who won the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics.

    "Everyone would want to be a champion in the Olympic Games. I was the same. But, now I have some relief. Because I've got instead," he said.

    Hari called the replacement Olympic gold medal is a gold medal World Masters Games in October 2009 and the dihelat in Sydney, Australia. World Masters Games is a kind of Olympic sport multieven. However, the event is for athletes, world-class athletes who have already retired.

    "You could say, the World Masters Games is his former Olympic athlete. Even so, I am very proud. Moreover, I got two gold medals at the same time," said Hari.

    Two gold medals came from the single and double man. In a single, Hari became champion after defeating Japan pebulu Shinya Aoki countered 15-12, 15-10. On the double, paired Haris with Herman Laksono Lioe double win over New Zealand Dean Galt / Kerrin Harrison 15-8, 15-9.

    "This is the title of a very comforting place to me," he said.

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