Armortec 900T(4U) and Victor BS9,BS10, and BS11

Discussion in 'Racket Recommendation / Comparison' started by BombaTwIsT, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. BombaTwIsT

    BombaTwIsT Regular Member

    Feb 24, 2006
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    Southern CA
    I currently use an Armortec 900 Technique (4U) US Coded and its a great racket! I am able to defend pretty well and a little bit of power is still there since its still a little head heavy in a way. I'm not a power player, i'm more of a control person, i don't generate very hard smashes.

    I tried a friend's Kason Carvel U-3 a couple of days ago and i fell in love with it because of how easy it was to manuver with it.

    Now I'm looking for a racket to experiment with that is more manuverable and is also good for defence specifically, Victor rackets, either the BS9, BS10 or BS11.

    Which one of these are best for manuverability and defense in doubles and how do they compare to the AT900T(4U)? thanks!

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