Why do women do high- serves, and men low-serves?

Discussion in 'Techniques / Training' started by JustinG, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. JustinG

    JustinG Regular Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    Hey, I often wondered why women mainly do high-serves while men, mainly do low-serves in singles.
    Do men and women play singles that differently?

  2. thejym

    thejym Regular Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    San Diego
    At lower and intermediate levels of play, both men and women tend to serve high. This is because the opponent's attacking play is not so strong or dangerous.

    In order to be successful with a low serve, you must be very quick. It doesn't take too much skill to push a low serve deep into a corner, but at higher levels of play, men in particular are willing to do this because they would rather not give the opponent the chance to attack on the serve.

    Women normally do not have as strong of a smash as men do. At higher levels of play, women tend to be quite strong defensively.. strong enough that they are fine with giving up a nice high serve for the opponent to attack (if they so choose), because they know they can retrieve it without much difficulty. It will cost them a lot more energy, however, to retrieve a deep push that results from their low serve.

    Just keep in mind that these are generalities. Some women will do low serves effectively, while some men will do high serves.

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