Help needed moving over from nylon to feathers cant find my touch...?

Discussion in 'Shuttlecock' started by Jasonr3255, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Jasonr3255

    Jasonr3255 New Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    westcliff on sea
    I have recently taken up badminton and have been playing with a nylon Yonex mavis 300 shuttlecock. I have been steadily improving and I can play all the smash and drop shots confidently as I am a natural ball player I used to be a proffessional snooker player so the hand eye co-ordination is there. I realise that all tournaments use feather shuttles so they must be better. However I have recently started using a Quill Feather shuttle and to be honest my game has started to deteriorate quickly. my touch has completely gone, and what I have noticed is once the feather starts to break the shuttle weight becomes uneven and it drops on to my raquet at the most unusual angles. I would liken hitting the shuttle similar to hitting a spanner sideways. It has started to take the enjoyment away compared to the soft flowing feel of the nylon and I hit about 50% more duff shots compared to the Nylon. My question to those in the Know is. Is this normal when transferring from nylon to feather and will time make make the adjustment to my game. I am using a Carlton Fireblade so it is a fairly decent raquet.
    Help Needed
  2. justsomekid

    justsomekid Regular Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    dont worry, for some it just takes a bit longer to get used to it, for me i feel better playing with feather one day and nylon the next. i use feather for training with my coach and nylon for school games/practice etc. also u can try different brands of feather/speed to match better with your mavis 300 to make it easier on yourself. if duck feather are breaking too fast then i suggest spending more on goose feather or higher grade feather birds, they rarely break and only breaks higher on the tip rather then the middle of the feather.
  3. biggybil

    biggybil Regular Member

    Jul 8, 2010
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    agree, i have been playing for quite sometimes now and feather is quite hard to master in the begining specially if you started with nylon birds. the quality of your feather birds make a big different for your transition process. as they always say you get waht you pay for .. there is a thread that DinkAlot did on feather review. do a search and read it there is plenty of info for you to learn about feather, as the don't all fly the same and for sure do not all feel the same when hit. In regard to you situation its just a matter of momentum.. birds slows down much faster then nylon my guess is that you swing ahead of time so you miss your timming. Happens to me all the time when i switch in between.. best trick is to play against a wall for 5 to 10 min to get use to the speed and the feel then do your proper routine warm up shots strock on the court before you play any game and make sure you give it a good 15 min at least.. thats what i do anyways, hope that can help you out.


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