Any fake APACS racket?

Discussion in 'Badminton Rackets / Equipment' started by ralph_lee, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. ralph_lee

    ralph_lee Regular Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Hi all,
    I understand there are many posts on how to check a real/fake racket.
    As I understand that Yonex and Lining are selling at high price, therefore many people are making the fake out of it.

    APACS original selling price is not high, approriately <RM350.
    Therefore would like to know is there any FAKE APACS racket in the market.

    Appreciate your comment. :)
  2. perfectgravity

    perfectgravity Regular Member

    Feb 18, 2010
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    The consensus is that there are no fake Apacs rackets. This is simply because it would not make any sense for a fake racket manufacturer to paint the racket as an Apacs and sell it for a low price; They could just pain it to look like a Yonex instead and get a lot more money from it.

    Some people post here and there about how they saw this one fake or how this shop owner told them there are fake Apacs. It could be true but I believe it's just hearsay, or just a way for the shop to make you buy from them.

    If you honestly think about it there is no economical sense to make fake Apacs rackets when the fake Yonex ones are either selling for a lot or are being sold in huge numbers on ebay for a cheap price; which in either case results in more profits that if they made and sold fake Apacs.

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