lol i should train more on footwork too. prety slow atm. im workin on my abs atm... starting all over again >....< newaes yeup apacs is a malaysian brand. lethal 70 is made in malaysian just US model i mean that it is like the same as lethal 50 but just us version. its head heavy racket and stiff+ i guess on the l70 i no, good quality rackets lol u have lcw's blood to become lcw #2 since ur originally from his hometown ..random much.
LCW #2? Hahahaha no no, i know LCW is very very good,i like his fast footwork (that's why i wear LCW limited edition shoes haha), but i still like Lin Dan combative style. That's why i wear yellow yonex shirt (i can't afford Li Ning's shirt), black yonex short. (Lin Dan's colors) Haha. I use Taufik's Zslash and black knee cover.It's funny i know haha at least it motivates and push me in a positive way in badminton.
lol i want lin dans offensive style and lcw's defensive style. homg if i have that, i'd be godly lcw limited ed. shoes? ?? .. whats da model 0.o newaes lin dan fan here too. lol . i iwsh i had the money to buy da clothing as long as it motivates and push yhu in a positive way in badminton.
haha how i wish i have lin dan's skill and mentality, lee's footwork and taufik backhand haha. lcw limited edition shoes model is SHB101LTD blue and black color. I buy the shirt once a month haha not everyday. The replica version is around $25+ or -. If Li Ning, i still can't afford, one badminton short, very beautiful, black color, already cost you $80 (if i'm not mistaken). The national team shirt cost $100+ ^^' (sweating). I love the Sudirman cup 2009 China national team shirt, yellow color, with some grey, white and black.
lol nice players "usage" .. lol so thats the shoe. seem someone with a pair in the club i play in. its .. eyescatching. What . shorts 80$ ._______. dayums it better look smexy lol someones in style on the courts (H) i only have a yy all england 100th ani black shirt no money for clothing . maybe next year ^.6
i've been using 2 nano 900 power (white) rackets for about 2 years now, and they're still serving me well. I string at 27/30, i've clashed rackets with people before, and they're still good. And the feeling of the rackets is almost identical to the yonex counterpart (armortec 900 tech.). Apacs makes quality stuff.
haha thats nice to know cept on .. i dont see it around. and i own a lethal 70 personally. interested in the edgesaber z slash thou. by chance , did u try it?
ROFL akward enuff, i was staring at those shoes nonstop for like a minute (A).. thatts how eyes drawing it is
Haha correct! That's how it draws attention haha. WHOAH 1 minute? So long........ Haha wear like a pro, make sure don't wear long pant and spectacles (the longer the pant, the more amature a player seems to be), wrist band, knee cover, will send a silent message to your opponent: "Beware! I'm an experienced player." But make sure you play properly haha. Last time i was embarrassed by two 40+ years old uncles cos i underestimated them haha. Nowadays i apply liquid wax on my shoes, make it shiny. When i do service,thump thump the foot lightly and check properly make sure not step out of the lines, opponent will look at the shining shoes, without any notice, FLICK an overhead serve.Haha. Let them run to the backline/wrongfooted. (this funny tactic may not work all the time.)
^. well not shure cuz i was watchin him play. partly his games but from a distance , it was mroe of the shoes lol intimediation... if thats how u spell i like it lol tht sucks .. 2 40+ :O :S lol u keep ur game in style isnt yhur 101 shoe shiny blue already? more wax ? lol. jokes. mhmm ur tactic looks . i'll c .
haha that's one of my funny tactic, i've got other more scarier tactics too in serve haha example "The 3rd Eye" service with my both eyes closed. "The Last Train", "One Way Ticket" ,"One Night Stand" very tricky shuttle placements. "Sad But True" a disallowed way (in IBF) to do a serve in nowadays game haha. I named my trickshots in service. I can earn at least 5-6 free points in service if i'm in a good form. ^^ in double game i have "Blitzkreig", "The two Zeppelins" haha all funny names. Some uncles are experienced, never underestimate them, i learned my lesson once, and left me wondering walking out of the circuit. But luckily now i can beat them ^^'
lol lets not even talk bout how pro u are now ^.6 . but ROFL creative much ? lol nice names for each of ur services/trick shots really interesting im still nub , no tricks in my book atm
haha i'm not pro but rather sometimes comical. Tricks cannot use very often, opponent will read my game like an open book. I will start to play in a more serious, more killer touch, straight forward and more focus ^^
lol someones getting serious here now now we're talkin xD mhmm agreed. tricks cant be used often. i just try to get my opponents off timing so they hit a bad shot, them BAM ^.6