good stuff ants, please keep us updated on the news of the players and draw as soon as you hear. so hard to get good, reliable news about badminton from other sources. also, 1 quick question, do you ever sleep?!??
dudes, the original draw for the men's team event has been restored.... according to the New Straits Times....
As of yesterday on the other thread "Malaysia had a comfortable win over Team Japan. However some of them did struggled a little in the first set. Our young doubles Lin Woon Fui/Tazari did raise some concern after their first outing playing against Japanese Pair. Maybe they got a little jittery. Hope its all over and look foward to the second round. Our KKK/TBH have no problems here. KBH did indeed feel a little pressure playing his first match. All he need is first win and a win he got. Its rest day today... as everyone is getting excited to witness the opening ceremony in few hours time..."
... and now Malaysia beat Hong Kong 3-1.... P.S. Why was it 3-1? The official PDF Report mentioned Malaysia won 3-1, while the website said 4-1.... Which is correct, and what caused this confusion? sorry, didnt watch d match, was away!
oh, d dead rubber doesnt need 2 b played?? Then how come the commentator said that in Group Matches, ALL matches have to be played, like the first day??
The commentator assume that all matches has to be played. Hafiz was sounded by Misbun for his loss to Ng Wei.. poor guy. Anyway i would not say that he deserve it. Good thing its Ng Wei in the early rounds. Hafiz just lost the momentum. And not used to playing 1st Singles. Hope he will play better next round.
Lee Chong Wei was rested. Later in the day after Msia vs HK match, the coaching staff definately feel uneasy about the match. Good thing that Msia won. But it might go down the drain if something happened to one of our players like that happened to WCH in TC. We expected Hafiz to win , but he lost narrowly to Ng Wei, KBH looked like a amatuer playing against the "arrogant" looking Chan Yan Kit. But KBH didnt let us down at least for now. Fui Lin/Tazari did infact lost to the HK pair before during the PhilippineOpen. But this time the Msian pair didn't waste the opportunity to dispose the HK pair. Anyway time to look foward now. heheh
thanks for the info. I feel that KBH improved a lot since WC. Wong CH is also recovering gradually. Maybe Hafiz should take a rest next round.
No... Hafiz brings more surprises and laughs to me than even Taufik can. KBH is playing much better, since at least he is more comfortable winning matches that he should win(from a reasonable perspective). LYB should have included XXZ in the team to ensure a win against WCH if it ever happens.. LOL. Too bad, XXZ is not playing singles anymore.
Malaysia coaching staff need to re-evaluate their players, especially Rexy. I don't think the Malaysia doubles are as good as Rexy stated. Just look at the score lines against Hong Kong, we barely beat them and I don't think we can beat the Indonesia either. What a shame and the toughest test is right ahead. May the force be with us!
No point argue over spoilt milk... decisions has already been made. What the team needs to do is to focus their task on hand. What we need to do is to support them.
No updates on the girls ? Do extend my congratulations to WMC !! I think she did a brilliant job thus far. Thanks ants for your updates.
WMC is great. If there is no China national team members in the tournament, she should be able to win the title. Sometimes, WMC also beat CHN players occasionally. I think her level of playing is compatible with China national champion Zhu JJ. Both Zhu JJ and WMC have superb defense, and run fast to save every points.