Hi guys, I've been playing badminton in Bangkok for a few years, started at Soi Klang. I'm now in the UK playing tournaments, league and taking level 2 coaching course (returning to Bangkok to coach). Soi klang has nice courts but no "club". 71 Sports Club has a "badminton buffet" as they call it, which means you pay depending on how many games you play, and the coach/organiser decides who plays who. starts 6pm - 11pm on Fridays, Phra Kanong soi 41. Good standard with singles after 10pm. Normally will cost 150 baht for the evening. A step up is at Sathu Pradit (further on that Sathorn). Not nice surroundings and far away, but a nice place inside, great courts and a high standard. Twice per week there. There is one coach with just passable English at a baking hot club in Sathorn soi 1, but all others speak Thai only. For any more info add me to Facebook using dustyhen@hotmail.com.