Due to the recent explosion of increasing numbers of fake rackets, people need to be aware of sellers from China. As fake rackets have been very popular in China for years (holds more than 50% of the market), several major fake racket sellers are now having their eyes at the international market. Especially aiming at US, Canada, and UK areas. When you are dealing online (either website or eBay) with racket purchases, you need to be extra careful if the seller is sourcing from China. From a quick look of online auctions of Yonex rackets held by China sellers, 9 out of 10 auctions are fake rackets. I will advise people to do some researches of the products before ordering online. Such as what is the look of the racket and what is the "right color" of the product...etc. It will minimize your chance of losing money to fakes!! PS: Information on How to tell if a racket is fake/real are everywhere in BC. You can use "Search" function to find out more about it.