. CCC Badminton: Frequently Asked Questions (QAFs) Greetings, There are many questions asked (via phone, email, personal contact, etc ...) from players wishing to participate in our CCC Badminton Club activities. It is best for us to start this thread. Please feel free to post your questions in this thread. Our CCC activities have grown quite extensively. To avoid confusion, it is best to deal with one question at a time. Below, we shall answer some of the questions frequently asked. Cheers... chris-ccc .
Where is the website for CCC Badminton? . Question: Where is the website for CCC Badminton? Answer: click here .
Where is the forum site for CCC at Badminton Central? . Question: Where is the forum site for CCC at Badminton Central? Answer: click here .
When/Where is CCC having Coaching And Training Sessions (CATS) . Question: When/Where is CCC having Coaching And Training Sessions (CATS)? Answer: (1) For CCC Badminton Club: click here (2) For Private Group: It can be your choice of place/day/time. .
When/Where is CCC having Social Games Sessions? . Question: When/Where is CCC having Social Games Sessions? Answer: (1) For Wednesday night at MSAC: click here (2) For Friday night at Waverley: click here These 2 threads are quite big. Please read what were posted in the past 7 days. .
Where can I get a CCC Membership Form? . Question: Where can I get a CCC Membership Form? Answer: click here .
Any children's program held by CCC? . Question: Any children's program held by CCC? Answer: click here .
Any veterans' tournaments/matches for CCC players? . Question: Any veterans' tournaments/matches for CCC players? Answer: There are 2 tournaments coming up in 2009: (1) 12th Australian Masters Games, Geelong: click here (2) 7th World Masters Games, Sydney: click here .
Who are our CCC Badminton Officers? . Question: Who are our CCC Badminton Officers? Answer: click here .
Why am I having problems posting at Badminton Central? . Question: Why am I having problems posting at Badminton Central? Answer: click here .
How do I add in my name for the Wednesday Social Games at MSAC? . Question: How do I add in my name for the Wednesday Social Games at MSAC 'Booking In List'? Answer: click here .
How does our CCC Handicapped Games/Competition system work? . Question: [FONT=Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif]How does our CCC Handicapped Games/Competition system work?[/FONT] Answer: click here .
Driving to MSAC, where do we park our cars? . Another question asked frequently is... Question: [FONT=Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif]Driving to MSAC, where do we park our cars?[/FONT] Answer: [FONT=Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif]Below, in the attachment, is where you can find 4 main areas to park. Shaded in [/FONT]Yellow (1.Southern Car Park & 2.Multi-Deck Car Park) are the parking areas controlled by MSAC. Shaded in Purple (3.Lakeside Car Park & 4.Along Canterbury Road/Aughtie Drive) are the areas controlled by Port Phillip Municipality. Most of our players park at the Lakeside Car Park.
What is the difference between Group Coaching and Private coaching? . Another question frequently asked... Question: [FONT=Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif]Regarding to coaching, what is the difference between Group Coaching and Private Coaching?[/FONT] Answer: When you attend our CCC Badminton Group Coaching, it is like you attend a school/university class/lecture. I give instructions/pay attention to the whole group of trainees. When you want Private Coaching, it is like you have a private tutor. I pay attention on just you alone. .
Are there particular clothing restrictions when playing at CCC? . Question: Are there particular clothing restrictions when playing at CCC? Answer: Yes. Non-marking shoes must be worn. We wish not to damage any Badminton court floor. .
What scoring system is CCC Badminton using? . Question: What scoring system is CCC Badminton using? Answer: CCC uses the BWF Rally Point Scoring System. For those who are new to this scoring system, please refer to the attachment below. .
Technical Specifications for Yonex rackets . Question: What are the technical Specifications for Yonex rackets? Answer: Perhaps this could help: click here .
Why is it not possible to 'Private Message' chris@ccc? . Question: Why is it not possible to 'Private Message' at Badminton Central to chris@ccc? Answer: The 'Inbox' for chris@ccc is usually full most of the time. Try sending your email to his address: chris@cccbadminton.com .
When is CCC Badminton having Social Games at Aqualink Box Hill? . Question: When is CCC Badminton having Social Games at Aqualink Box Hill? Answer: Every Thursday night. For more info: click here .
How strong are the players at CCC Badminton Club? . Question: How strong are the members at CCC Badminton Club? Answer: From Beginners to Advanced Level. For more info: click here .