CCC Badminton: Social@MSAC Fri 7:30pm-10:00pm Greetings, On Friday 4-January-2008, our CCC Badminton will commence a weekly Social Badminton Session@MSAC. Please feel welcome to play with our CCC Family of Badminton players. We will meet on Court No.9 @MSAC, every Friday night from 7:30pm. If you have any questions, please post here in this thread or mail to me at this email address: And for my phone contact numbers: 0419-542-037 (mobile) 03-9306-2186 (land line) Cheers... chris@ccc .
Where is this venue called MSAC ?? A few people have asked... "Where is MSAC ?". This link will give the required answer. Link = .
Fees Structure: CCC@MSAC for Social Games played every Friday night . Many have asked about our Fees Structure for our CCC Badminton Social Games@MSAC to be played every Friday night. Answer... $8 for CCC Club Members, $10 for Visitors .
MSAC is located in Melways (ref. 2K D7).. . I am still getting messages from players who have not visited MSAC before. Perhaps, the link provided above does not show the location clear enough. Please refer to your Melways Street Directory... and you can find that MSAC is located on page 2K D7 (next to Albert Park Lake). .
CCC Badminton Club uses the 21 Rally-Point Scoring System.. . Please be informed that our players@CCC Badminton Club have been using the New Scoring System(NSS) which was introduced by the BWF 2 years ago. Anyone unfamiliar with the NSS, please do not hesitate to ask me to explain how it works. .
Social@MSAC: Courts No. 9, 1 & 2 . For Friday 4-January-2008, we will meet at 7:30pm @Court No.9, and from 8:00pm onwards we will be located @Courts No.1 & 2. If you have any questions, please post here in this thread or mail to me at this email address: My phone contact numbers: 0419-542-037 (mobile) 03-9306-2186 (land line) .
The confirmation of players who are coming is appreciated ! . Greetings, It is hoped that more of our players@ccc will be more definite in whether they are coming or not, and then post in this thread. The confirmation of players who are coming is appreciated. Cheers... chris@ccc. .
true true. who can forget some of the lonely nites where we all play singles for the whole nite (box hill and certainly wantirna CCC) comes to mind? is lewellyn coming to wednesday/fri MSAC? cos the "pay next week and save" (will explain more tomorrow nite) idea can be resurrected if him and I can work this together. Due to the nature of MSAC in terms of court booking, it might be a good idea to fast track this for wed/fri MSAC CCC. i can commit and wouldn't mind doing this extra work in terms of admin but i also need backup (lewellyn). I need to work out how members would communicate to me since apprarently forum is only good for announcement but not interactions and ideas.
"Pay for next week and Save" system . Hi hkhung, For your suggested "Pay for next week and Save" system... You can do it by yourself with me. Just collect their prepaid fees and record their names, and give them both to me a session in advance. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid, as helmut says it). Llewellyn will not be attending our sessions@MSAC, so I will be the one to work with you. Also, if less than 8 players are interested in this system, it is not worthwhile for us to carry it out. Cheers... chris@ccc .
got you. let's hope Llewellyn would be 100% when we go back to wantirna, i miss our usual single tussle at the end of the nite. agree. i will sell this idea tonite at supper time. If people like it, i will advertise it in coming weeks. cheers. thanks once again you decide to help me on this idea. c u all tonite!
Pasta & Pizza for Supper@CCC . I think it is better to inform players during the Badminton session because not all players will attend supper. BTW, our supper will be Pasta & Pizza. A tastier and cheaper restaurant is located only 2 minutes drive from MSAC. .
How European Badminton Tournaments are conducted . Well, 6 players attended our Pasta & Pizza supper... and we enjoyed some discussions. * Jonas-C explained to us how his European Badminton Tournaments are conducted. * Jonas-C also explained how his London clubs apply colours for their 'Peg Systems'. * Agreed to have Dinner (instead of Lunch) for our Chinese New Year 2008 Celebration. * To encourage players to 'car pool' when attending our sessions@MSAC. * Talked about hkhung's 'Pay for next week and Save' system. * Explained how to join our CCC Badminton group@Facebook. * Players to indicate whether they will/will not be attending via CCC@Badminton Central. BTW, it was great to welcome David-T coming from Werribee to join us@MSAC. .
The link to our CCC Badminton group@Facebook . The link to our CCC Badminton group@Facebook can be found to be located at: Today, Saturday 5-January-2008, we have 70 members. .
return of supper time report! Chris's supper time report, welcome back! Chris, it might be useful to tell people the name/address of the pizza supper place so they can all come and join us next time. If in luck, we might even get some people who finish partying in city to just come for supper. Well, that's happened before in box hill and glen waverley@ccc. obviously i would need to type this up as a draft to get interest. i will try to do that next couple of days. we agreed on date(2/2 sat day), time (7pm) and the place (same place as last year - remind me never to sing sad songs in karaoke, hang on maybe we could dance rumba to do that), it should be easy to go from here. this is suggested for the people who all live in glen waverley (siva, andrew H comes to mind). although we need to further investigate how to do this for them since we don't see them coming to MSAC CCC anymore. anyway, i will suggest this to andrew next time i talk to him on MSN.
CCC Badminton Supper Place: Patony Pizza . The name/address of our pizza supper place... Patony Pizza Restaurant 274 Clarendon St, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 phone: (03) 9690-2611 The map location can be found to be located at: .
Thank you for letting us know that you are coming . Hi Hagane, I've just returned home after a morning coaching session. And I've replied your a sms too... "Yes, come and play tonight". And thank you for letting us know that you are coming. .
CCC Chinese New Year 2008 Badminton Dinner namelist... . Greetings, Please update our namelist at this thread located at: Cheers... chris@ccc .
To welcome David-O tonight, Friday 18-Jan-2008 . Please make David-O feel welcome tonight, Friday 18-Jan-2008. It's his first time ever, coming to play with us@CCC Badminton. .