Struggling to get onto BC on my PC for a proper write-up, but in brief: Myself and another owner of stringmaster deluxe had issues with the clamps base rear adjustment. He had a complete failure and sold me his bases. I took them apart and got advice on how to fix from the manufacturer* In short, a screw that should move is seized. I've also decided that the internal springs are too fragile. I've sourced some of the required springs - to be tested. Still need to blowtorch out the screw. Once i have 4 working OEM+ bases, I'll be open to trade for failed bases. We should be in the minority, but I'll mention it just in case. Got some juicy pictures and maybe video to follow. *Not recommended. Ideally, send entire rail back to be sorted. Unclear if this includes uprated springs. Also note. My warranty is 100% void now but I have no plans to ship half the machine to Germany for repair, so that's on me.
I should add that the 2 affected owners probably string more than average. Myself I'm doing around 5 a week. The other guy, a lot more!
The adjustment screw on one of the were blocked which I had to clean. For now, no failure yet apart from that (around 600 rackets)
@DuckFeet - could you be more specific on how the rear base adjustment (assuming the screw that runs parallel to the turntable and not the one directly under the press down lever) failed?
Im like 150 ish rackets in from end of May to now and only had clamp base unlock after locking it down. Felt it was weird because I'm sure I pushed it down like I always had, but its been ok since that last month without any tightening. Out of the box there is so much grease / lube where all the screws are, maybe we have to keep it moist?
Correct. The one accessed from the back, only when the base is in the middle of the rail. There is a grub screw that seizes inside inside a housing. My clamps have popped open a few times pre-repair. I'll try to add a picture.
Note that there is a separate adjustment screw that can solve the issue with the lever popping up. See video: The „rear end“ adjustment screw was very tight when I first used it, after that it has been fine on both bases so far. I can imagine that they apply some kind of thread paint after they set it up right in the factory to keep it from loosening on its own. And maybe they overdo it on some bases or just use the wrong kind of material there. In any way you have to be very delicate with the adjustments. Never go more then 1/8 turn or even less at once.
The first screw is the one I needed to adjust. The second one didn't help in my case. I will re-check adjustment on that one though.