Chinese is an ethnic group, Indonesia is another. But Muslin is a religion. People can always change their religion anytime with or without reasons. While people cannot chance their ethnic group, cannot change their race. There are lots of Muslim in China itself. So there must more Chinese Muslim in Indonesia, because Indo is a Muslim country. And also most people may deny they are Chinese even though they are ethnic Chinese. So, Firda could be a Chinese-Indonesian, and Muslim as well.
firdasari remain the only indonesian in the last quarter WS won in 3 sets 16-21, 21-14, 21-14. make an upset again after the other 3 quarter finalist have been beaten by the their oppennent... first quarter was won by chinesse wich upsetting the up comeback indonesian WS maria kristin yulianti .21-16, 21-19 the second quarter provided the top 10 player lost Yao jie by australian player in rubber sets 21-23,21-17,21-14 third quarter dislayed min jie pai beaten by wang linling from china in 3 sets 21-13,16-21,21-19
hendra/joko have booked their semifinal by beating unseeded rusian pair in the last match this evening in 3 sets. they leading quite easily in the last sets, won by 21-12 after 2 close encounter in 2 preveous sets 21-18,19-21. has been a good day for indonesia today, by only lost one player in quarterfinal round.
I'm so happy !! the french pair Stoyanov/Eymard are in semi final ! =) Great achievement for france ! ^^
you are wrong, man firda is from 'aceh etnic' just becos her face is typical chinese .. you also gues she's a chinese