If you think the video can't tell CH is cheating, then you should provide your statement to convince some of the members here. By saying NOT conclusive didn't prove a damn thing of what we've seen on the video so far. couldn't agree more lol
remember that it's "innocent until proven guilty". because you think he's GUILTY of cheating, you have to show CONCLUSIVE evidence or else he's "free to walk"
Remember there are two different kinds of counties on earth running 2 different type of justice systems - 1 is "Innocent until proven guilty" and the other is "Guilty until proven Innocent. I guess both you and I are in a place which is running the first type.
If a video evidence is not conclusive of cheating..then somebody should prove that it's NOT Chen Hong who is playing. Anyways friends next time you watch a badminton video look for how the shuttle is being handled...you may discover more of these cheating caught on camera.
my view of CH turning away from his opponent, with the shuttle in his hand is really just a way of regaining wind... so dat while he does not face his opponent, he can choose not 2 return the shuttle back to TH to start another rally... yet.
I think this is all getting blown out of poportion since in theory if I smooth out the feathers on a bird while playing a game, I would be altering the flight path of the bird deliberately and therfore I would be cheating. Under the scrutany of many of you guys, that would be caught on camera and called cheating. The same if I do anything to the bird. As far as I kno, squeezing the bird like that, especially tournement grade birds does not do much in terms of flight path alterations. Another possibility is like bigfatfish suggested. What if he is doing that to regain mental focus and giving the bird a squeeze is just a way of reconfirming his confidence?
ROFL after reading all of this, eagle and all of u such apparently u guys have created some grudges against Chinese Players obviously for the reasons that they are too good but clearly think about. In a crowd of such, with judges and refs sitting everywhere do u think that move cud possibily be counted as a cheating move? LOL
As i know,China is one of the nations that would do anything to get a win,even sometimes they have to violate the rules.They don't really respects sportivity,just the result,is which is a victory. From what i have seen,there's still some uncertainty i have,of what CH was doing.But,shouldn't he just change the shuttle when it's should be changed,instead of just doing something to it.They didnt pay for it,unlike us,so,it's unnecessary to do it.Simply just ask the ball umpire to change it.The shutter will be much better than when u do tricks about it,unless if..HE got some other intentions. So,even if CH didnt cheat,he surely violates the rule of IBF about tampering or doing tricks to the shuttle.So,why bother?Just simply change the shuttle.
Well they do it all the time. I've heard , i've seen and i've been told by the players too. And some even taught me how..
The video is not working for me, but from what i've heard, CH supposedly "squashed" the shuttle and returned it to TH so he can serve. Maybe he does alter the shuttle when he serves himself, i donno. But it seems rediculous that he would do that and hope TH doesnt notice lol
Ever wonder why video evidence alone cannot be used in many courts to convict a person? It is strange and sad that in this modern and supposedly civilised society, we are sometimes blinded by our own subjective view and opinion and jump to judgement on other so easily. We, who always want to be treated fairly, can yet condemn a person and call him "cheat" without given him an opportunity to defend. Such double standard.
Very interesting...... Some strong comments here but a very short thread. People must love Chen Jin more than they love Bao Chun Lai and Chen Hong.