Hello, Following the placement issue with my previous stringmaster 3700 (side supports arms too short). I decided to upgrade to a stringmaster deluxe with Ennox tension head. Just received it on thursday but still having issue placing the racket. The side supports arms seems not symetrical and only one side is touching the frame ... I've tried S_mair technic by pulling both side before tightening to avoid play and the issue is still there ... Did someone faced the same issue with this machine or it's an issue with it and need replacemend from tennismann?
Yes, definitely loosen the main tower and see if you can turn it enough to make both arms symmetrical. If that’s not enough then you might have to send it back to get the arms adjusted.
Thanks guys, tried that and is was fine. There was much less play in the towers on the 3700 pro so i was used to tight the tower before adjusting the arms. Thanks again, i was affraid that i was unlucky to get a brand new machine that has a failure again
Solution see posts #2 and #3. Loosen the main towers and rotate them until all arms arm are symmetrical and fix the towers again.
bonsoir, comme je le disais dans mon message, j'ai déjà bouger les 2 tours centrales, mais il reste toujours au moins un côté des supports qui ne toiuchent pas totalement le cadre de la raquette
Réessaie avec une raquette dessus. Tu peux serrer un peu la raquette et ça devrait le faire. Just one note, try to reply in english so that everyone can understand and reply to you. It doesn't matter if there are mistakes. You can also use google translate.
you haven't seen my previous message with the 3 photos? A racket is installed on the board, but not all arms touch the frame
I did. What I meant was to loosen the towers as s_mair said and try to fix that with the racket on it. The 2 towers will adjust themselves and you will juste have to tighten the towers
To avoid any further misunderstanding - use this lever to unlock the main towers: Once unlocked, they can be rotated a couple of degrees to fine adjust. The existing distance from side support to the frame seen in your picture should easily be corrected that way.
Thanks for the explanation. I unlocked the 2 turns to adjust the side arms, but there is still a support (the one at 10 o'clock) which is not completely glued to the frame.
And you cannot rotate the main tower even more in the other direction to make it touch the frame? Easiest process to do this is as @akatsuki2104 proposed: 1) unlock both towers 2) take a racket and put it on the machine as you normally would (don't acutally tighten the 12/6 o'clock supports of course!) 3) close all side supports until all four of them touch the frame (the towers will center themselves basically) 4) lock both main towers in that position There is so much play in both towers that I just can't imagine it impossible to get all supports to touch the frame.
This is exactly the process, when I got my machine and the whole reason I went with the 1 knob to adjust the side supports was that I thought out of the box it'll centered the racket itself but boy was I was wrong. So once you got your towers to have the side supports proper distance. 1. mount your racket and adjust the 12 / 6 oclock supports so it loosely holds the racket and this also helps you adjust the height of the 12/6oclock supports so your racket frame will lineup between the two places in the side supports. 2. then start turning the side support knobs and it'll angle the towers so that the side supports all touch the frame. *my towers turn quite a bit, and even 1 of the arms can slide up and downwards quite a bit so it clunks, never figured out how to stop it but meh* 3. recheck the side supports if they are properly distance and readjust as necessary then lock in place and it should be good for majority of rackets. *maybe when you get to compact heads you may run into the problem again, so I would suggest you try it on a smaller head racket, for me zf2 got me setup till now* If this still doesn't work RIP no clue unless the knob doesn't turn them synchronized
Bonsoir, j'ai suivi ce qui était indiqué dans les différents posts pour que les supports latéraux touchent le cadre de la raquette. 1) Ok pour positionner la raquette à 12h et 6h, mais chacune doit être à égale distance de sa tour centrale. 2) Avant de ramener les supports latéraux, il faut rattraper le jeu des bras en les écartant au maximum. Ramenez d'abord ceux de l'arrière sans serrer complètement, puis ceux de l'avant. Une fois que tous les supports touchent le cadre, il faut régler finement le serrage de l'ensemble pour qu'il n'y ait plus de mouvement possible. Voilà, merci à tous pour l'aide apportée.
This doesn't help the current owners of this machine, but I've heard that they are currently working on an improved fixation of the main towers with slim to none play that will make sure that they are aligned perfectly from the beginning. I've seen pictures of it on a prototype machine and it looks well done and will be a clear overall improvement of the whole turntable construction. This change is supposed to be implemented along with some other things in what looks to me as a kind of overall facelift version by the end of 2025 or even beginning 2026 though. So for everybody thinking about buying one of these in the near future, it could be worth holding your horses for another year if your impatience allows it.
Toutes les machines Tennisman.de sont montées avec ces supports latéraux, à l'exception du stringMaster pro 50 LE electronic qui possède des supports "chudek". Le problème avec les supports Deluxe est qu'ils ne sont pas réglables. Une fois le réglage effectué, il n'est plus nécessaire de répéter la procédure. Il suffit d'utiliser le serrage des bras qui tend également vers 12 et 6 heures. Attendons de voir quelles seront les adaptations.
Je viens de voir que Tennisman dispose également de supports Badminton Chudek spéciaux, conçus pour le Deluxe. ceux-ci :