Credits to badmintoncn! What do you think? Fully recessed, no oldschool stringing pattern compared to Tiger and Dragon. Looks a bit like a Duora 10 Mk2 get into a McFlurry machine and call me paranoid these U shape grommets at 12 o'clock... Comes in 3U, 4U, 5U. Will Europe get it in 2026? Will it cost 300 EUR?
I like that colourway! Just ordered a dragon as li ning uk have offers on currently, so I'll have to stick to looking at pictures only ': )
So basically.... Lining realised 90 Tiger and Dragon was a mistake, and rectify it by combining both with some additional tweaks?
So, what is the gimmic now? What spec it come compare to existing lineup 100, 90 Dragon/Tiger, 80. Slim shaft? Stiffness? Compact head? Head heaviness? Above all, how much?
They did it with Moon and Sun before and released a Bladex900 NEW before. I guess they noticed that this siblings thing don't work. According to the pictures: It is a compact fully recessed frame with a 6.4mm shaft. Data: 李宁 雷霆90NEW 拍框材质 MED高弹性碳纤维 高分子储能减震材料 拍杆材质 M46+T1100 ULTRA高弹性碳纤维 高密度减震系统 球拍规格 3UG5、4UG5、5UG6 建议磅数 3U≤31lbs、4U≤30lbs、5U≤29lbs 击球手感 3U硬、4U适中、5U适中 球拍挥重 3U稍重、4U适中、5U稍轻 My assumption: It is an updated Axforce 90 Tiger.
I thought this was just a 'New' thread started...i didnt have Lining calling their racket 'new' on my bingo card.
I want to believe that the racket itself is only called "Axforce 90" and they added the New just for the promo adds. Does anyone has a clue what the first part of this means?
Well, the new BladeX900 was THE mistake actually. It tried to become the successor of Nanoflare 1000z Pro, but felt less responsive. The Sun is better IMHO.
someone has tried this and said it feels like 100z but friendlier still consider to take this one anyone can share their experience?
Wouldnt it be overlap with Axforce 100. But well, Lining is known to be like this anyway. The old model is very alot yet their spec is somehow close to each other.
That's how I'd describe the 90 dragon. Maybe they dropped the tiger and repaint? This is my copium, having acquired enough dragons to last me until I can't play any more!
Instead of "friendlier 100zz", my initial feeling is more like "90 tiger with faster swing and smaller sweetspot" but I've used it for just 2 hours only... hope I can share more things after better synchronized with the racket
Would you mind sharing some pictures? "smaller sweet"? How? Same head size, fully recessed but NSP which enlarges the sweet spot.
May I ask what NSP is? Since I already sold the tiger in early 2024, the comparation photo is taken with the dragon (afaik dragon and tiger has the same head size, pls let me know if I'm wrong). Hope the photos are clear enough 90new head is shorter yet wider compared to the dragon After 4hrs with 90N, I'm still struggling to consistently hit the sweetspot
Thanks for the pictures. NSP = New String Pattern. It means that the top crosses have no shared holes and the outer mains are parallel. The shorter handle is an important info. That's a big difference for doubles play. Wider and shorter head could be the stringing. Have you strung both rackets by the same stringer? Normally a shorter head is also more narrow and shorter and wider is quite unusual. That could really be the reason why you feel it has a smaller sweet spot. Are they the same total length?
Ah, so that's what NSP is. Thank you for the information. Both were stringed by the same shop but I'm not sure about the stringer. Both are using no 1 boost 27/28 lbs.. I'll compare them again when it's time to change the string When compared it side to side I believe they have the same total length. I will try to measure them later
neat, but I wish li ning would bring back the 3D calibar frames. They had more weight and whip in the head than the axforce line ups