Live TV in Indo is there any one know, if ASTRO in Indo will broadcast live or Indovision will take it? if ASTRO not broacast live :crying:
Just information, no LIVE broadcast from Astro Nusantara (based on its web) for upcoming MAS SS/08 meanwhile another INA cable TV Indovision will air All England 2008 in its program called Vision1 Sports next March. it's not on cctv 5 for semi, for GD sports, sch not out yet. check it yourself nearer the date
yupp Astro Super Sport INA will not broadcast live SS Malay and Korea I already complain to them .... and they said that Astro will take my request for inquiry and they promise to me if most of Astro's customer demand for badminton live like SS or GrandPrix then they will consider to broadcast it consistently... coz astro Ina ever broadcast SS but not consistently so I wish and hope all Astro's customer that love to watch Badminton live will complain and push Astro to broadcast it come ... let push astro together ..... hopefull in next badminton live Astro INA will broadcast it...
u can watch RTM1 online : go to or
oh my.. i notice tat all of the match involving malaysian is in court 1, but normally the tv court is in court 2,so is tat mean tat we won't be able to watch them???
RTM 1 will start broadcasting at 2 pm Msia time. There'll be 5 min news every hour at 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm. So, dont get irritated when that happens, government station, like that lah. LCW & WMC are scheduled to play on court 1, means most prob they will only show matches from that court - interesting too. Boring China WD is on Court 2 Oh yeah, for newbies & those overseas, commentary is in Malay for RTM. Only cable tv, Astro(must pay monthly subscription), commentary in English. If you like commentary, download those vids later when some BCers record & upload them.
How do you select RTM2? They ask for registration and login/password, which I don't have for streaming.