Someone can download and record from rtm1 then distribute them to the folks here. Not sure if it will work. Anyone trying?
RTM1-Better video website This website broadcast RTM1 with much better video quality. Or, you can open window's media player, then click on open, open url, then paste the follow link: enjoy!
Sorry, I make a misstake, I check the file source, this is the same as the one someone posted it earlier.
stupid request????? Heyyyy, no live broadcast of MAS & KOR Open 08 (replaced by arsenal vs tottenham), damn INA Astro. But, if u ve vision 1 (INDOVISION), there' ll be HKG OP 07 (repeat) @ 19.00. Here s my another question : is there somebody in BC able 2 submit SPECIAL REQUEST (have special right) to broadcast all SS in INA ASTRO / VISION 1, esp; world champs, all england, OLYMPICS, thomas & uber, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :crying::crying::crying:
i am confused... does that finals start at 1.30pm (according to tournament software)? just checked the rtm and starhub schedule. live matches will be shown at 2pm. will the viewers miss the first match - XD ?
roller & everyone RTM 1 will air the Finals 2 pm to 6.30 pm, Msia time. Starhub gets RTM1, so same schedule. Yes you will miss 1st half hour, just like Semi F. And as usual there's the annoying news at 3 pm (5 min), 4 pm(5 min), 5pm(15 min).
Live Webcast of Finals on RTM... ..go and click on this link!: