If anyone has a chance to visit Muaklek, you may come and play at Muaklek Spa which is close to International College of Mission. We usually play everyday from 6pm until 9pm. You may find many different players from Malaysian, Indonesian, Viatnamese, Cambodian, and of course Thais... We will be play with any one.... Join us
Rick, are u still into badminton in Manila?! well, we're lacking badminton players here, at Asia-Pacific International University! any chance of coming to visit us?! we don't play at MuakLek Spa anymore! instead, the daily games have been switched to Chinese Temple nearby train station in MuakLek! or every Monday and Thursday we'll be playing at TPI Cement Factory!
update for the posting, MuakLek Spa is no longer an appropriate place to play badminton due to poorly management decision on court fee! The place is held at Chinese MuakLek Temple, nearby MuakLek train station. We play almost everyday except weekends. time is 20.00 till 23.00 or so depending on the number of players. Use RSL Silver, Bt 20 for court fee, and Bt 12 for each shuttlecock, 2 courts. Another decent place to play is at TPI Cement Factory, on KhengKoi district! the court is free of charge, 2 courts, hard-wood, and the price of each shuttlecock of each player is Bt10, RSL Red.