Do u think Cat will do this to her Uncle????? BWF takes no action on LD for his misconduct...y shud Cat sue Uncle for making her laugh till faint?
wah, my name and reputation are being flung around like nobody's business. should start charging for it, have to copyright it somehow ....
have to be like that .... ummmm .... one! yeah, haha, it's all good, nice to have a less serioud thread once in a while, emotions seem to heat up too often nowadays.
hey, now ur status different liao, u r carrying the title of 'Sir', knighted by CAT, so.....reputation n popularity increase...
ahah, oh yeah, need to get the mods to change my username. i think Lord sounds better than Sir. Lord Dreamzz .... has a nice ring to it.
Sir is Sir Alex Ferguson (spelling check, please!)..... shhh...(better don't post non-sense too much, later got ban....)
wow, with 2 more picks, possibly 20 points or more, you could have easily made it into the top 5, at least the top 10.