Okay, great! Let us all know how it goes. I can't make it this weekend (15-16th), but I will definitely check it out next weekend.
Played over the weeknd with a group from marina. One of the players is pretty good tournament grade i would suppose.They only play over the weekend on sunday.I will be there both saturday and sunday this weekend.
I was there today (Saturday) at 1, but there weren't any badminton players. The people working there told me you basically need to come with a group to play badminton; it's rare that you can randomly find people. So who wants to form a group I would love to get a group together to play either weekends or after work on weekdays. Email/message me and we can coordinate.
Hi jay, I would love to be part of group and play regularly. I am open for weekends or weekdays after work. I went in today at 3pm and there was nobody, so i just had the gym people put up the court and asked one of the people around if he could play. I am open to come in tomorrow to play if you can. Let me know either way, my email is sanveer76 at gmail
Badminton in Monterey Hi I also just moved from Salinas and have been playing badminton for 15 years. I also play regularly in Hawaii. You can reach me thru klgc73@gmail.com and we can arrange or meet or form a badminton club here in Monterey. Anybody interested to form a group let me know Keith
More interested people Hi all, My name is Dan and I'm from Salinas. a few people and I are playing Badminton at Hartnell College. My friends and I are trying to find a group of people to play with and hopefully a place that will allow a few hours of gym time to do some. According to prior threads, weekend mornings at Monterey Sports Complex is the place to be. I'm checking a few places in Salinas to see if there is any other possible places to play. I may talk to Hartnell to see if they will start a club or something. Let me know and let see if we can't get something together.
hi dan, there are a few of us who play on the weekends and on friday afternoons at 3.30pm. We will be playing at 3.30 this friday. We are definitely interested in forming a club. The more the merrier.my email is sanveer76atgmail.com Let us know if you want to play this friday.
Interested Thank you for the offer. Unfortunately, I work until 5pm during the weekday. If we can't get something going after work, then weekends are always do-able. I've checked the open gym times at Motnerey Sports Center. It sounds like availability is based on whoever gets there first. CSUMB has good open gym times. I'm not sure if they have the badminton equipment or if that is something our group must provide...I'll check into that. CSUMB seems a little cheaper in price to use their gym. Please let me know if there is any groups out there who play during the weekend or weekday nights. I'm totally down and have 4 others that would be down, as well. My group of friends are between beginner and intermidate. Thanks
Hi, Weekends are doable for us (me and Jay) as well. The only reason we dont play on the weekdays after 5 is because the Monterey Sports center Gym is reserved for basketball till 8.00pm and we cant really get them to setup badminton courts for us after 5.00pm. If you can talk to CSUMB to setup badminton courts after 5 pm for all of us on weekdays that would be great and all of us can join in. Let me know either way, this saturday will work for me. Let me know if you are interested to play on saturday, around 11.00 am or any other time that is acceptable to you. thanks s
hi dan, Any updates from your side in regards to CSUMB or Hartnell College. Just following up to see if you need any help to get our little club going to play regularly thanks S
UPDATE for anyone looking for a place to play: there is a good sized group that plays at the York school in Monterey, Mon & Wed 7-9 PM, friendly people and a good range of skill levels.
My wife and I have been in Monterey for a little over a year and have only been playing each other at the Presidio of Monterey gym. We would love to play other people to mix it up and are very interested in the play at the Monterey Sports Center (I stumbled across this thread this morning). How would one get started playing with others there? And how much does it cost? Thanks!
Hey Jay, I am wondering if York school is still opened for badminton on Mon & Wed 7-9 PM? i went there on Monday around 7pm, there were nobody.
any other badminton group ? so do you know any other badminton group ? if you do, can i join ? thanks
There are a few people who play at the Monterey Sports Center. I'll PM you contact info. Also, tentative date for York reopening is August 8; if you PM me your email address I'll get you on that email list.
Hello Benny I am living in Monterrey too since two months and am looking for some action to, I used to love to play badminton but since i have moved to central america (about 8 years ago) i did not play anymore but i would love to pick up again. Jay would it be possible to get also in touch with the people playing in york to get in touch with them when they plan to reopen? my email is Jasper.verhenneman@gmail.com thanks Jasper
Hi: I just move to Salinas and look for place to play badminton. Can anyone tell me where to play??? Hunter2012
Hunter, Welcome to the area! There's a good sized group that plays at York High School's gym, Monday & Wednesday 7-9 PM. Hope to see you there! -Jay