@s_mair created this thread to ask members if manufacturers overdo it with their racket releases and flood with too many products. To discover if the brands are really overdoing it, I want to ask BC how long everybody keep a certain model in the bag as go-to? It is important to ignore here impulsive purchases just to try out or for collection. I mean the racket you use most of the time and not only carry around. Please give a vote in the poll. I also want to hear your point of view, the reasons for the switch and why the lifetime ends. Also ignore clashs, sinking etc. I want to find out what is the average time of the members when they find a model which work for them and when and why they decide to move on to a different model. The aim is to collect data from members to use for a further discussion. You can also write your reasons for changing in this thread. Do you have impressions, that something really improved in racket design which you notice? Or are you forced to change a model, because you don't have any opportunities to buy it again? What racket got to early discontinued for you? There is also the other way around, that you keep a racket longer than you want because of missing replacement/alternatives. What racket is it? I beg everybody to not open any side discussions with textwalls or hijack this thread to talk about racket technology, flexible vs stiff and so on. There are other threads. We are a badminton forum and I don't want to read here any comparisons what in tennis, squash, cricket, baseball, soccer or chess. Please respect that. Thanks.
I've probably changed rackets once a year. Usually its due to curiosity of a new technology or they release such a nice design I can't stay away haha. The longest I've kept the using the same rackets was probably my Aeronaut 9000C. I mainly switched because it was causing my tennis/golfers elbow to flare up. The fact the Halbertec 8000 has such a beautiful design made it easier to switch over haha. The other one I could think of was my Victor Jetspeed S10 Original Color. I had used a 4U for roughly 6 months before switching over to a 3U once they became available in my country. Had those JS10s till I switched over to Li Ning. I do agree that the manufacturers are releasing way too many models. Li Ning was the worst when they had release 4 different variations of each of their rackets. (Drive Boost Combat...)
Decades ago I used to change rackets every few months. I go to Asia every year and I'd buy a few just to be curious. These days when the body no longer able to keep up with the strain, I hardly buy new rackets anymore. The only factor is when rackets breaks and replacement can no longer be found. So maybe every 3 to 5 years these days.
I was never a player that changed rackets, and normally would keep getting the same brand and model when the current one breaks. As such I have limited experience with rackets. My current rackets are over 20 years old and still good for the amount and level of my play.
I have a bad habit of changing rackets, just to try and see which one "sticks" with me. Before the pandemic, I was swapping almost every week to find one which suits me. Took me almost 2 years to finally settle on one - a Nanoray 750, which I used till pandemic hits. After a long hiatus, and when I started playing again, I got the Nanoflare 700 and held to it for 1+ year, before the "switch-a-roo" bug hits again. Trying many types of rackets and not sticking to one for more than a week, till I tried both TKFE and Auraspeed 100X. That 2 stuck with me for a few months, and then swapping again.... finally, got to 88S Pro 2nd gen, and still using it till now.... well, then 3rd gen is out... so "minor swapping" now I guess?
Once I find one I LOVE I use it at least 3-5 years. But when I decide to change it takes me a year and 6-10 rackets testing to find a new "one" to use for 3-5 years. Reasons for changing? After year 4 or 5 I just want to change because of paint jobs. Get tired of pulling out the same old paint job over and over. That said if there was such thing as hydro dipping or repainting a racket I would probably never change. I would just find the one I love and repaint it every so often. I never switch for technology or marketing junk. Just want the Halbertec 8000 paint job on my TKFE or NF700.
I hope I don't miss any rules as set by the thread originator. I too think this is a very good topic to be investigated. Definitely manufacturers are releasing models way faster than b4 and using the naming game to entice buyers. Hint hint YY. But this is all marketing 101 and capitalism. My current go to racket is Victor 100X 4UG5 (1yr+ and counting). I switched permanently from Astrox77 1st Gen 4UG5(2yrs?). And before that, Nanoray Z Speed (2yrs). However in-between Z Speed there were many other short flings....mostly didn't last me afew mths or so. Just wanted to try the feel of LN, Mizuno, Gosen, Apacs. However non of them offered me anything great enuff for a switch so I stuck to my Z Speed. Cos my favourite player used it and is used to set the fastest smash record. Small head and stiff shaft...very fast to me. Then Astrox 77 came, offering me a difference that I can feel. I tried the other models from the Astrox series, felt some difference but not good/significant enuff for me to change. The ArcSaber Pro...all the hype...but that's it to me. Then Nanoflare this I feel the diff and the 700 made it into my bag. Victor then released the synthetic handle. Again is a diff that I can feel and nobody else has it and I tried it and I got the 100x as my defector racket. LN for most of their release offer me nothing significant. Was it Aeronaut series with holes at the T joint area? Total rubbish. After many years still same only approach with no innovation just a new paint job. As another user has pointed out, age and financial standing also made a difference. As we age, I reckon we just like to keep things simple, stay within comfort zone. So the I'm way less likely to change. Bottom line is, I will only change racket only it claims to offer me something different from what I'm using now. A diff than can be felt. Not some mkt crap like how many % sharper, faster or powerful....is the feel the most important. Take Gosen twisted frame for example, it offers almost zero diff to the play feel. Just pure cosmetics. Like wise the slots on the LN raket...it says more aerodynamic! Another load of crap. And I almost forget to mention the Doura series by YY. 1 side for forehand and the other for backhand? Like who the hell can tell in one of the world's fastest game. And 1 final point, not only are the release too fast for us the consumers. It's too fast for the Pros too. How often do we see players either not swapping or swapping back to their OG rackets? Not many are immediate adopters. Many actually don't change. Until that model reaches end of production. Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
I started playing regularly in 2018. Like many beginners I wanted to get big smashes so I bought rackets like 3U Z-force II, 3U Astrox 88s, Astrox 99 etc. I got elbow issues so I switched to balanced/speed rackets, starting with a 3U Victor Auraspeed 90s around 2018/2019. This racket stuck with me every since. I still consider it as one of my main rackets, but I also use other rackets, swapping between them for several reasons. First, the 90s is out of stock. There is always a risk that if I break it, it will no longer be possible to find a replacement. Second, as I get older, I feel that 3U rackets are more demanding for my shoulder and elbow. Also my level has improved, so my matches are much faster now. 4U rackets suit me more since they are faster and with improved technique I can generate as much power as the 3U rackets. Since I could not find a 4U version of the 90s, I go for other balanced/speed rackets such as Arcsaber 11 pro and the BS12 SE. I basically swap between these three rackets now. In my opinion there are slight differences between rackets. But the difference are more towards the "feel" of the racket, and not how well they perform. Rackets from 2018 for me still perform as well as rackets released today. It could even go further than that. I borrow my friend's BS12 original model to play from time to time and it still feels great. I still test new rackets when I have the chance but I probably won't invest in one unless they give me the feeling that they will greatly boost my performance (which I suspect is unlikely but who knows). Also top end rackets nowadays is 2 times more expensive than in 2018 which I think is insane.
I started playing badminton in 2019. From 2020, I started using Bravesword 12 3U until about a couple of years ago when I started buying (and selling) new rackets. The main reason was I wanted to get a 4U racket as I wanted a lighter racket (I'm not as fit as I used to be as I have been exercising less due to busy work schedule) and another reason was curiosity. I use Astrox 77 Pro 4U now. And I still keep my two BS12 in my bag as backup - still a classic in my view that is hard to replace by the newer rackets. Product architecture of the major brands has become too messy.
I personally play the N7II since 2018. I also created a thread at BC to find a replacement for the N7II. The reasons were quite simple. I wanted something new, because of the flood of new rackets I got the feel that there is something better available and also got the impression to miss something. At the end I decided to keep it until I ran out of rackets. I would appreciate if @kwun or @Cheung can make this thread sticky. I think this topic is timeless.
Pretty much the same except I use it for longer. I used a karakal Ti-75 (which was actually a 3u) for over a decade even though they changed version after a year. I bought a few off a rep at a knockdown price and even though I was stringing at 28+ the things just lasted and lasted. Reasons for changing for me are discontinuation, and also physiological changes, I've had to go lighter as I've gotten older. I've been using an apacs fw73 for the last few years which I love and got really cheap, but I've managed to break a few so I'm not too happy about that and am trying out different options. The 99pro seems to gel with me but I'm not keen on buying something which is likely to get a new version soon. Also can buy 3 fw73s for the price of a 99pro, so I could just accept the breakage issue and stick with it. I really dislike changing rackets as it takes a lot of time and effort for me and I find it overwhelming. I don't find racket reviews helpful at all. I don't see any racket reps around these days either who allow me to try different rackets so that makes it even worse. I can't say changing a racket has done much for my game in the last 20 years or so apart from make it a bit easier physically. The big change I think was when the technology in the 90s allowed people to string to higher tensions. When I try different rackets there's only ever minor deviations on the strength and control of my strokes from my early 2000s rackets. I don't know anyone without sponsorship that changes rackets regularly, but I do know players that go through phases of frantic racket changing before settling on one. I know several at County level who like me buy many of a cheap racket they like and stick to them for years. I don't think there's much of a racket changing culture in the UK, nobody really discusses rackets that much apart from when someone's got a new one, but even then it's a fairly limited conversation.
My 1st badminton is using legacy racket from my dad. Use it till it broken after some few year. Didnt bother for new racket as im new, didnt understand but just banging the shuttle. Afterthat i goes to Babolat, forgot the series. That time i didnt follow any racket tech or anything, so idk which racket i should go, so i simply goes to the store, swinging around & buy something that feel nice on my hand. Again use it broken. Next, im starting to understand abit about racket. About balance & weight. I goes to the store & ask for specific type of racket instead of dryswing all racket. Im asking HH 3U racket & they provide me like 2-3 model. My choice fall to Lining Mega Power UC5000. I guest this is my starting journey where i grow exponentially. Probably around 3-4 year, im wanting to own new toy. Im googling around about racket & know about stiffness which worry me, am i good enough to handle stiff racket. At that time the choice i made is already narrowed Yonex LDF or VT10DG. ZF is out of option as i was to scare for its stiffness. Lining N9ii Victor TK9000 or TK770 Going to the store to specificly dry swing those 5 model & looking at my budget at that time, i pick TK770. So does my prev Lining racket stored in my bag. Not so long, maybe less than a year where everything is marketed as speed. I grow interest on speed frame racket. Reading its fast, powerfull & all its hype, really takes my hearth. Looking around i bought AVP but end up dislike it & stay in my bag forever. Few year after a friend of mine tell that his friend from other club want to sell his new Adidas P8. He know me & had test playing with it, so he know its my preference & offer it to me. I asked to had a try myself if i can before deciding & in the end i love it & become my main up till now. Probably 2 year or more which is recently, again im wanting new toys but im just holding back till few month back i had big clash which concern me. Looking around for the new release, its so damn massive of choice. Yonex 88D Pro (+ recently 3rd gen), 99 Pro, 100zz, plus the tour model for each. Lining Aeronaut 9000 C/D/Basic, Axforce 90 Tiger/Dragon, Axforce 100 Victor Legend, Ryuga 2, Ryuga Metallic, recently Ryuga pro. So much choice to look at & looking at my journey its 3 model option at 1st, grow to 5 model to look at, & now its more than 10 model. I feel so exhausted just to digest this so many product information.
I'm still using the same old 88d that I bought when I started. A few came along the way and gone after around six months of testing time.
I change every 3-6 month. Still trying to find my perfekt racket, but idk I guess I'm just an easily bored person. But currently getting the new Astrox 88S game. I'll see if this one stay longer.
Guys do quote your age group and number of years playing badminton. I think is a useful info too. Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
I was going to vote for 5+ years but I don't see myself holding onto my current main at the end of April to mid May. So I voted for 6-12months more on that later... In the early years with limited funds it only made sense to keep a main racket for as long as possible even if its not the one but since you could only afford a racket, you just gotta live with it till it breaks then you can consider another. So I was using a Yonex mid-range for about a year then treated myself to an AT900T, ended up with 2 as my main for a while but thats the upper limit of my budget. Those kept me happy for 3 years. When Dinkalot did his startup brand it came just in time as my Apacs Nano died and one of my AT900T as well. In my mind it was a fun time / glory moment in BC as we were always anxiously waiting for the next release / colorway or model from Dinkalot Panda power. Being pretty affordable as well and able to choose specs that are pre-measured for each racket was a bonus to be able to get some consistency. The slower release and updates between models help kept it under control in over spending unlike the current brands in this era. But also the sense of excitement in supporting a startup smaller brand within the BC community lead me to purchase a few models back to back when I didn't really need too. Even tho I purchase like 9 different Panda Power rackets, I main the Trinity 2 v2 as they were my speed demons being headlight and built like a tank. My heavy hitter would be the Ultra 1 which I kept going back to with its black/yellow theme and the Ultra Pro with that marbling look. Both offer a solid punchy feeling like no other. When everything was getting back to normal and getting back on court I decided to retire the Ultra 1's & pros as I felt they served me long enough and should be put to rest. My Panda Power days were over after 10+ years. Plus it looked like Dinkalot was MIA so there no new replacements to look forward to anymore. So in mid 2021 I was looking trialing the top 3 brands YY, LN & Victor. It was quite more work buying rackets to try and re-selling if they weren't a fit, good thing about the covid-era was there was a shortage so re-selling them was basically more of a profit then loss. Got to try some many fantastic rackets that I occasionally take out for fun once in a while. In the end with the vast selection I decided I wanted an Aero-frame slightly HH stiff, extrastiff racket and ended up settling with ARS-PB with about half a year as a main. But compared to my early days of being cash-strap, 2 years of covid & not spending anything or traveling gave me extra funds for this badminton addiction, the urge to purchase something new more often just kept pushing me to try more and more Victor stuff. Fast forward to late 2022 I decided to restring my HL Trinity 2 and wanted something similar to it so a dozen of Victor models later not being able to settle on something similar and flipping between new additions and back to my main ARS-PB. Early mid 2023 I switched to the BRS-SE 55th, it wasn't the HL racket I want, far from it but it was HH, aeroframe and stiff enough to replace my ARS-PB. So back to why I voted 6-12 months? I am still looking for that HL racket, I been maining a HH racket for so long and want just a change but it seems like no one makes a racket that has a BP of less then 295mm these days. Latest disappointment was the BRS-LTD Pro being more HH then my SE 55th's. But I do have some contenders coming that are pretty close in spec and if they all check out in May I will switch over.
still using the AX99pro i bought in 2021 and i hope it lasts longer. unfortunately have no plans of getting or trying a new one with how expensive yonex/victor rackets now are and me currently being a stay at home dad. I would probably buy a new racket once all of my other rackets break or if I get back to having disposable income.
I used to play with the the original Astrox 77, didn't think much of the racket and was addicted buying new and popular rackets. But I didn't realize that it had the best specfications & feeling out of all rackets But once I tried an Astrox 77 Pro... Yonex really did it right. It was basically a faster Astrox 77... I really liked it to the point where for the first time I bought more than 3 of the same model. I'm even thinking of getting another one. I found out that I rather choose easy-to-use rackets with a feeling similar to Astrox 77 Pro. In this case, I had to wait 4 years to find a racket (like Astrox 77) that I will stick to hopefully for the next few years rather than months...