Gopichand dons new role NDTV Correspondent Pullela Gopichand will be in action at the prestigious Asian Badminton championship in Hyderabad, but in the different role of tournament director. He will be involved in organising the $125,000 event that will see the cream of Asian badminton in the city from September 6. "The level of competition here and the preparation which needs to be done for the Asian Championship is such that I did not have the time and also my knee did not permit me with the kind of injury I had," said Gopichand. He became coach earlier this year and he is running an academy at the same indoor stadium where the championship will be held. Gopichand is keen that his students gain by watching some of the badminton greats in action. "It is encouraging to see that I am able to help other players and promote the game to some extent. It makes me happy and gives me a push to work harder," he said. Gopichand says skipping this tournament doesn't mean he is calling it a day. But a world ranking of below 140 means the former all England champion has to go through qualifying rounds to play in any major event.
I also remember reading[in another article] that Gopichand's priority is still Singles...however he is thinking of playing doubles in next year's Thomas Cup