Hey There !! NEW SEARCH FOR MENTAL ALERTNESS Riddles / Guessing Games is coming to the corner. This is a game in which requires player(s) to guess some kind of information, such as a word, a phrase, a title, or the location, so on and so forth. I started a new thread after i found out, im out of the topic under “Jokes”, and there is no other related topics come near to this, hopefully will get approval from. the Mod Objective(s) :- -To fight for the Title-Holder of Riddle Game in End of Yr2007 -To test your ability for thoughts, and the power of reasoning and inference effectively -A passive way of Relaxation after a hard day's work Rules & Regulations :- -Player(s) requires to solve the Question(s) by guessing a solution, this is an individual game (unless stated), therefore no quoting from other's answer can be accepted. -The faster & earlier a player(s) answers the Question(s), the HIGHER the point(s) will be given. Point(s) strategy will be given in the coming post. Please take note. -Illogical guessing, senseless reasoning, a confuse meaning will therefore cause the deduction of mark(s). -Each Question shall be answered in the duration of 2 Weeks, unless the quantity of player(s) consisting of a smaller amount. -The answer(s) and Points of Player(s) will be posted immediately after the dateline. -Rules & Regulations will be added or modified from time to time. THE FIRST QUESTION of GUESSING GAME WILL BE POSTED SOON !!! HAVE FUN & ALL THE BEST !!! Warmest Regards, Angela~
Quote: Originally Posted by angelatby M,T,W,T,_,_,_. Guess wat is the next 3 alphabets? ANSWERED BY BOODYBOY : F,S,S ? EXCELLENT !!! CORRECT ANSWER REASON : M,T,W,T,_,_,_ = M,T,W,T,F,S,S = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
1ST QUESTION (28TH MARCH 2007): A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?
no, you always misquote me and simply think.. so bad of you.. i need to use my money for badminton purpose, not to give to u.
Answer as per 28th of March 2007 Answer: The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper. BoodyBoy : 3 (points before 28th of March 07) Winnie : 3 (as per 28th of March 07) Azabaz_Ipoh : 3 (as per 28th of March 07) Jack : -1 (no answer(s))
2nd Question : Murderous Wife 2ND QUESTION (04th APRIL 2007): A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
alamak.... shoot picture then hang for the picture to dry.. i sleeping when you post the question.. how to be the first one to answer?? not fair... put more challenging question ler.. haha..
Photographer, as others have said before. Shot the picture, developed it in the water, and hung it out to dry.
yeah cooler, i totally agree with you. ha ha ha. though trying to paste a cut body would prove impractical. he he he
LOL, u wanna confuse everyone here? How can, this is a competition!! Be patient, harder questions will be coming, after i roughly know everyone's level of intelligent okay? I cant simply start with tough question that fast. Still have more than thousands of questions to go. Mark(s) Strategy :- Rated - * : Win Point = 3 Lose Point = 0 No Answer(s) = -1 Amended but Correct Answer(s) = 2 Rated - ** : Win Point = 6 Lose Point = 0 No Answer(s) = -1 Amended but Correct Answer(s) = 4 Rated - *** : Win Point = 9 Lose Point = 0 No Answer(s) = -3 Amended but Correct Answer(s) = 6 Rated - **** : Win Point = 12 Lose Point = -3 No Answer(s) = -3 Amended but Correct Answer(s) = 9 Rated - ***** : Win Point = 15 Lose Point = -5 No Answer(s) = -5 Amended but Correct Answer(s) = 12