japan team must support back nippon brand they will sure go shopping at jusco, isetan, kinukoniya pavilion is western brand all guess wrong.. kakakaka..........
haiya ants, if coack Park Joo Bong call u not to reveal., then u shud not open a thread about it mah... see!...ppls keep asking about the JAPAN team.. hehe
good idea! all split up, each one patrol a major shopping mall and alert the rest when ants is spotted.
but there r too many shopping malls la.. ask ants to be more specific.. hehe Pavillion, Midvalley, The Gardens, 1U, Sunway Pyramid, KLCC, Times Square.. too many leh..
Koo does frequent 1Utama before. But now in Hartamas. Okay... tips for you guys. Place that i bring them to is Curve,Pavillion,KLCC and some other place that they want to go. When? Hmmm... try your luck. But definately not whole day.. players got training.
haha then i cant stalk u guys d la.. i went to shopping alrdy today in midvalley.. im broke now.. the remaining money need to save to watch MO.. hehe nvm nvm.. i still got chance during MO
Hmm... ..yes, we know, we know...you'll have plenty of chances to meet the JPN team next week, winnie, esp. now that you probably have access to players courtesy of ants... *Btw, we haven't heard from your friend angelatby (Angela) for some times now..How is she doing??..Will she come to the M'sia Open?? If not, call her up to come and join next week.. ..wah, are you guys going to be the security escorts for our ants??..