Please see this video The blue player was in the middle and red player in the back(Attack position). He hit a backhand drive shot and move to the left of the court. His parter then cover the right side(Def position) After the drive shot, why didn't he pull back to the middle and keep the (Attack position)? if the oponent clear to the backhand side, his partner can just move over and smash, drop, etc.
As the blue player rooting on the front left. It create a big open area on the front right. If the opponent cross drop it to the front right corner, it would be troublesome to take. But this is badminton. No exact formula of what player must do. It simply take the risk by staying in attacking but having hard time if the opponent do good right front dropshot, or play more safe by spliting into def position. Both you & his choice is possible, depent on self skill, partner skill, & both opponent skill. All that factor what makes player decide of what to do.
1. In this situation, after the backhand drive shot, the blue player can pull back to the middle and catch the "opponent cross drop" if need. 2. We are discussing the most effective way to move to gain the upper hand and win the point.
No. You need to watch the whole video (not just the short) where he explains the theory of playing the backhand drive and holding the same position.
If someone can get a winning cross drop off a flat straight drive near the tramlines, congratulations. Your partner should have moved forward enough to get to it though. If someone can lift a flat straight drive over your head from that position and you can't get back quick enough to smash it then you're probably not capable of rotating, but it's unlikely that's the case.