Hi guys, This is the official Melbourne University Badminton Club forum! The club committee will be using this forum to answer your questions, receive your feedback and discuss whatever you wanna talk about. Session changes, cancellations and club events will be announced here too, so please check in frequently! Thank you! MUBC Secretary.
Welcoming MUBC to Badminton Central !!! . Hi MUBC, Welcome to Badminton Central !!! To Club President JL, We shall catch up and organise some friendly matches and then some makan like we did in the good old years. Cheers... chris-ccc .
Thanks Thanks Chris. Yes, we can get some friendlies going. I do not know about the makan (food) after as i could never keep up with you. So long as it does not end up at 1 or 2 am, i will be fine. Cheers! Jerry
Great to see the club's video and photo collection Browsing your albums, I was taken aback by this picture. How do you judge anything when the sidelines are so many?
CCC Karaoke Party on 16-May-2009 . Hi Jerry, Don't worry about ending up too late into Saturday nights. We are still having our CCC Coaching every Sunday at MSAC, as before. Therefore , I cannot afford to stay up too late on Saturday nights myself. BTW, CCC is having a Karaoke Party on 16-May-2009 (click here). Hope that Jenny and you can attend. .
Hi Chris, Thanks a lot! We got the idea of having a forum here from your club. Please feel free to contact us to arrange friendly competitions too! I believe some of your members are already playing at our competitions as well as social games. Have a nice day! MUBC Secretary
Thanks for check us out! We get used to it. After a while, we don't even see the other lines. MUBC Secretary.
Thanks for invite Chris. However, we are away at present. We will catch up with you one of these days, later if not sooner. All the best. J & J
A visit at MUBC Sunday session on 3-May-2009 . Yes, Alex-L told me that you were away when I turned up for a visit at your MUBC Sunday session after our CCC Coaching yesterday, 3-May-2009. We shall organise something when Jenny and you return to Melbourne. .
Email me at chris@cccbadminton.com . Hi Jerry, Found that you tried to PM me when my BC PM Inbox was FULL. My mobile is no longer in use because of too many calls. Email me instead; at chris@cccbadminton.com Cheers... chris@ccc .
Hi All, Good day! I'm Walter Chew and new to BC forum. How are you all? The purpose of joining this forum is to get more information on badminton activities in and around Melbourne. I'm from Malaysia and play regularly (twice a week) in my age group of 30+ and above. I play for casual and not for competition. I consider my level of play to be in intermediate/advance stage. I have been playng this games for the past 10 years and looking for a group/place in melbourne to mingle with. Appreciates your feedback! TQ.
10% discount off the 2010 Australian Badminton Open ticket price . Hi Jerry, Tell players this message; ====== ====== ====== Start message ====== ====== ====== We can get a 10% discount off the 2010 Australian Badminton Open ticket price if we buy our tickets together. Info about the tickets is out. Click on this link: http://hosting3.sportingpulse.com/ww...kets_Promo.pdf If wishing to buy our tickets together, please communicate in this thread: http://www.badmintoncentral.com/for...e-2010-Australian-Badminton-Open-ticket-price ====== ====== ====== End message ====== ====== ====== .