Ha ha ha, don't open the Pandora box! "They" incl the sport federations may put in anything or any label there but for sure HKSAR is NOT a country, and will never be a country
Sorry to say... hongkong is not a seperate country. You might have known about the ongoing protests etc ?. If it is a separate country, it wont happen at all.. and I think hong kong still uses chinese national anthem.. why that so?.
Actually if the chinese get to know about this, they will **** the **** out of BWF. Trust me, I know some history. The reason china (or atleast the majority of it) didn't play until the 70s was because there was a dispute of who is the rightful government of china, What they actually mean is NOC, which a recognised olympic body that can be opened in any country or territory, by the permission of its sovereign of course. Scotland is a different case. Scotland is a country. Britain and the United Kingdom is just a union of nations, with each internal part being a nation. Not the case in china which is one single unified country by law.
Dear All A reminder that the forum does not permit discussions of race, religion and politics. There are many explanations of sports federations in other granted dispensations due to historical and political events. BC suggests interested persons do their own research and come to their own conclusions. But not to bring it into BC. Thanks
i did say "according to bwf" in my last post. from now on I better change the title to 'member association' rather than country
damn, Scotland is not a member association! why the Scots always causing troubles? post time 13.44 post removed ....
You are. http://www.bwfbadminton.org/file.aspx?id=601914&dl=1 Think about it, In what team events have you ever seen the UK play as a team
Malaysia and Denmark were 100% only this round. USA is 100% all the way so far. Malaysia: 2 - 1 - 1 Denmark: 10 - 5 - 5 USA: 1 - 1 - 1 Overall, Malaysia 50%; Denmark 50%, and USA 100%
UK plays as a team in the olympics. Also the correct word, also used by the IOC and Asian Olympic Committee, is NOC, not member association.
Badminton is an individual sport. Why country comes to bother? I really don't care where the players from. No matter it's a Chinese smash, or Scottish defense, as long as it's powerful, graceful, most important it wins, then it counts.
Haha, touche! sorry I didn't think it necessary to state that we are talking badminton here. Thomas cup, uber cup, Sudirman cup, euro championships team event and cwg team event for instance.
They don't really, they play for GB but not as a team, there is no team event just the individual championships at the Olympics.