sry but my prediction is JJS/LYD vs KKK/TBH in the final....MK/HS so far have not impressed me....brought to 3 games by the indians....and luluk/alven...their not good enough for the koreans
Amazing that INDO WD forced Chinese into 3rd set......not bad even if they lose....Hope they can create upset here
For MD: I predict MS/HS vs JJS/JYL...tough for Alvent/Luluk to beat Koreans....who knows as all of them have a day off tomorrow
wow the indo took one set... hehehe..... we fought back at the world level now.... good to see.... good to see...
I can't believe the Indo girls took a set off of the Chinese. Be crazy if there will be another upset.
if Indo pair play well...PBSI may change WD..LN/VM instead LN/NP...Pia can be a good double player too....Ia m too excited now...11-10 for Indo
Predictions Score My score for predictions is 75% (21 correct, 7 wrong), what’s yours? Men's Doubles FU H./CAI Y. - PRAPAKAMOL S./NGENSRISUK P. - correct LEE J. J./HWANG J. M. - KOO K. K./TAN B. H. - correct KIDO M./SETIAWAN H. - SAPUTRA H. K./WIJAYA H. - correct NJOTO A. S./WIRATAMA Y. H. - THOMAS S./KALLYAD THAZHATHE - wrong LEONG K. F./LAM C. M. - HADIYANTO L./CHANDRA A. Y. - correct GUO Z./ZHENG B. - M TAZARI M. F./LIN W. F. - wrong ANUKRITAYAWON S./NAKTHONG N. - MASUDA K./OHTSUKA T. - correct VALIYA VEET.L D./SRINIVAS VIDYADHAR - JUNG J. S./LEE Y. D.B - correct Women's Doubles GAO L./HUANG S. - QUAY S. L./LIM P. S. - correct BERNADET P./POLII G. - SUETSUNA S./MAEDA M. - wrong LEE K. W./LEE H. J. - VORAVICHITCHAIKUL/AROONKESORN D. - correct JIANG Y./LI Y. - KOON W. C. L./WONG M. C. - correct HWANG Y. M./HA J. E. - WONG P. T./CHIN E. H. - correct OGURA K./SHIOTA R. - CHIEN Y. C./CHENG W. H. - wrong NURLITA L./MARISSA V. - THOUNGTHONGKAM S./JANKRAJANGWONG S. - correct PIRZAMANBEIN B./SOLTANI KALEHMOSAL - ZHANG J./YANG W. - correct Mixed Doubles WIDIANTO N./Liliyana - ZHENG B./GAO L. - wrong LEE J. J./LEE H. J. - M TAZARI M. F./WONG P. T. - wrong KOO K. K./QUAY S. L. - XIE Z./ZHANG Y. - correct LEE Y. D./HWANG Y. M. - PRAPAKAMOL S./THOUNGTHONGKAM S. - correct Men's Singles LIN D. - NG W. - correct LEE H. I. - HASHIM M. H. - correct HIDAYAT T. - BAO C. - correct PONSANA B. - LEE C. W. - correct Women's Singles ZHANG N. - YIP P. Y. - wrong XING A. - HWANG H. Y. - correct LEE Y. H. - WANG C. - correct HIROSE E. - XIE X. - correct
That was very good from the INA girls. Not many teams can match up against the Chinese womens but man, they did hella good.
Rexy's threat to resign works ... yeah ... ... congrats KKK/TBH, if they keep progressing like this, they could be the real good candidate for Olympics Gold Medal in 2008.