The full paragraph is

One other category of tournament, the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points. Although this level is not part of the HSBC BWF World Tour, it is an important part of the pathway and entry point for players into the HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments.

I think that Super 100 is also included in the world tour finals ranking.
The bold words did not mentioned about Finals.

My explanation above should bring enlightment.
The bold words did not mentioned about Finals.

My explanation above should bring enlightment.

According to BWF Statutes Section 5.2.2.

8. BWF World Tour Finals
8.2. Qualification and invitation

8.2.1. At the end of the BWF World Tour year the top 8 men Players, 8 women Players, 8 men’s doubles, 8 women’s doubles and 8 mixed doubles pairs in the BWF World Tour Ranking (BWF World Tour Ranking published on a date decided by BWF, but at the latest two weeks before the start of the BWF World Tour Finals), will be invited to compete in the BWF World Tour Finals.

BWF World Tour Ranking and HSBC Race to Guangzhou Rankings is the same thing. However, this is my own interpretation.
@TSO22 I know what you mean, but I am referring something that is misinterpreted somehow.

Please read my explanation here.

When something is not clear, there is other statement with the strong definition. Level 6 tournament is out of 26 tournament mentioned by BWF. Those Statues Section 8.2.1. is about BWF World Tour Final Ranking.

Check the page of the formerly Destination Dubai Ranking here :

And if any misinterpretation made due to the wording in BWF Statues, they will revise it later. But the intention to exclude Level 6 from World Tour Finals qualification is clear enough, isn't it?

Until now, the BWF World Tour website remain under construction. I remember at that website mention 2018 World Tour Rankings
and that's the normal BWF World Ranking as usual :

So, I do make some explanation here about the BWF World Tour Ranking is different with BWF World Tour Finals Ranking. The last one is present as it changed from Destination Dubai Ranking.

The wording BWF World Tour Ranking makes it confusing by now.
Let's bold this word :

BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points.

The other is BWF World Tour Finals Ranking (formerly Destination Dubai Ranking).

More clear here:
So you're saying their are three rankings? The World Tour regulations already mention 'World Ranking' and 'BWF World Tour Ranking' as being separate. Do you really think that there is a separate 'BWF World Tour Finals Ranking' as well? Or is it more likely that somebody just decided to add the word 'Finals' to the ranking page on tournamentsoftware?

I wonder if the Super 100/Level 6/Grand Prix just has the 'HSBC' and 'World' removed from it because HSBC only paid enough to get its name and logo attached to 26 tournaments, not 37.
So you're saying their are three rankings? The World Tour regulations already mention 'World Ranking' and 'BWF World Tour Ranking' as being separate. Do you really think that there is a separate 'BWF World Tour Finals Ranking' as well? Or is it more likely that somebody just decided to add the word 'Finals' to the ranking page on tournamentsoftware?

I wonder if the Super 100/Level 6/Grand Prix just has the 'HSBC' and 'World' removed from it because HSBC only paid enough to get its name and logo attached to 26 tournaments, not 37.
No. There are still 2 rankings, the normal ranking and the world tour finals qualification ranking.

There has been a separate BWF World Tour Finals Ranking here :
The word 'Finals' has already added into TS before BWF announced the names of each level.

The removal of the 'HSBC' and 'World' from the Super 100/Level 6/Grand Prix is another sign of the initial intention to exclude Level 6 from World Tour Finals qualification I guess.
But the intention to exclude Level 6 from World Tour Finals qualification is clear enough, isn't it?

Until now, the BWF World Tour website remain under construction. I remember at that website mention 2018 World Tour Rankings
and that's the normal BWF World Ranking as usual :

So, I do make some explanation here about the BWF World Tour Ranking is different with BWF World Tour Finals Ranking. The last one is present as it changed from Destination Dubai Ranking.

The wording BWF World Tour Ranking makes it confusing by now.
I see what you're saying now. I disagree that the intention to exclude is clear, however. I see it as a sponsorship technicality. I don't think they intend to rename the BWF World Ranking by inserting the word 'Tour' but that is just my guess. I'd be more inclined to believe it was a typo on the page that is no unavailable. As for the "Finals Rankings", that only seems to appear on ts. Also, the passage that I linked to says specifically that the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points, naming not only the ranking points system but also including the sponsor's name. Why mention it on the BWF World Tour page at all if its points are only feeding the BWF World Ranking, which would not make it in any way different from the World Championships, team events, and the International Challenge and below?
And if any misinterpretation made due to the wording in BWF Statutes, they will revise it later.
Oh, I wish this were true but unfortunately, I've been struggling with convoluted and self-contradictory BWF regulations for years now. :D
I see what you're saying now. I disagree that the intention to exclude is clear, however. I see it as a sponsorship technicality. I don't think they intend to rename the BWF World Ranking by inserting the word 'Tour' but that is just my guess. I'd be more inclined to believe it was a typo on the page that is no unavailable. As for the "Finals Rankings", that only seems to appear on ts. Also, the passage that I linked to says specifically that the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points, naming not only the ranking points system but also including the sponsor's name. Why mention it on the BWF World Tour page at all if its points are only feeding the BWF World Ranking, which would not make it in any way different from the World Championships, team events, and the International Challenge and below?
Oh, I wish this were true but unfortunately, I've been struggling with convoluted and self-contradictory BWF regulations for years now. :D
The passage that you linked also to say specifically that :

Players on the Tour compete in the 26 tournaments throughout the year gaining ranking points towards qualification in a race to the year ending finale, the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals – the best of the best.


The sentence above, is absent at their initial posting. As I posted here:
BWF World Tour 2018

The {SponsorName} BWF World Tour is a circuit of 26 tournaments attracting the top world ranked players in singles (men’s and women’s) and doubles (men’s, women’s and mixed).

The 26 tournaments are divided into five levelsSuper 1000 (three tournaments), Super 750 (five tournaments), Super 500 (seven tournaments) and Super 300 (eleven tournaments). Each of these tournaments offers different ranking points and prize money. The highest points and prize pool is offered at the Super 1000 level. One other category of tournament, the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers BWF World Tour ranking points. Although this level is not part of the {SponsorName} BWF World Tour, it is an important part of the pathway and entry point for players into the {SponsorName} BWF World Tour tournaments.

The {SponsorName} BWF World Tour Finals held in December is the ultimate goal for players on the World Tour and only the top eight players in each of the five disciplines of the {SponsorName} BWF World Tour Rankings qualify to compete in the season finale.

Source :

2018 World Tour Calendar :

If Level 6 tournaments give points into World Tour Finals qualification, why did not they mention "into the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals tournament" instead of just "into the HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments."

One other category of tournament, the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points. Although this level is not part of the HSBC BWF World Tour, it is an important part of the pathway and entry point for players into the HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments.

For that sentence, joining Level 6 tournament is a stepping stone into joining Level 5 and higher tournaments. In this way, "also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points" is inline with the next statement.

I think both of us understand in which way my perspective and your perspective is taken.

I understand your point but I still stand with my initial understanding.

In this page, it mentions only one ranking which is World Tour Ranking. Traditional World Ranking (which includes WC, Olympics) is not mentioned in this page at all and that is reasonable because the article is BWF World Tour.

Yes, it mention that
26 tournaments throughout the year gaining ranking points towards qualification in a race to the year ending finale
One other category of tournament, the BWF Tour Super 100 level, also offers HSBC BWF World Tour ranking points.

In my perspective, these two sentences are linked.
Why do they need to separate? I agree to event, may be it is about sponsor technical reason. HSBC may want to sponsor only these 26 tournaments, including Level 6 is too much for them and may not worth the money in their perspective.

However, I think our discussion cannot go any further. We have our own (different) interpretation on those texts. Anyone of us may understand wrong but it is not our false anyway haha, it's BWF that make this confusion ;). Let's wait and see.
@TSO22 The last to not forget is, there is limitation for top players in joining Level 5 tournament.

If Level 6 included, why BWF need to limit the higher level (Level 5) and as indirect result, top players couldn't join any Level 6 tournament.

2.8. Top Committed Players are allowed to play a maximum of four Grade 2, Level 5 Tournaments unless BWF give a special exemption or provided that the Player participates in all Grade 2, Level 1-4 Tournaments.
No one could explain about this limitation and its relation with to include/not to include Level 6 I think.
In the end, BWF ended playing with words, hiding some information, wrapping things with camouflage in order to get deals with their sponsors.

More peoples will agree with above statement I guess.
You will be more confused if you insist on these things, believe me!

Old SSF : World Tour Final
Nothing Old : World Tour Super Series Premier
Old SSP : World Tour Super Series
Old SS : World Tour Grand Prix Gold
Old GPG : World Tour Grand Prix
Old GP : World Tour

The previous formal complete name is MetLife BWF World Superseries and people choose to stay away from the term World and the sponsor name
This time within a new name HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000/750/500/300, people will choose to stay away from the term World Tour and they would just use Super 1000/750/500/300 for the easy one.

Level 6 is given name BWF Tour Super 100, it's clearly not a part of BWF World Tour.

Level 6 is a pathway/entry point into others World Tour (not World Tour Finals).

5.3.6 Player Commitment Regulations said :

Top players couldn't play more than four Level 5 tournaments. Level 6 is not mentioned there (no regulation mention about Level 6 tournament for the top players).
I disagree
I don't see why it will be confusing. I will refer it as WTSSP, WTSS, WTGPG, WTGP and WT. Just replacing everything from number to alphabet

I don't think BWF will include Level 6 tournament into World Tour Finals qualification, after all.
BWF mentioned only 26 tournaments (3+5+7+11) as a part of World Tour.

Level 6 is given name BWF Tour Super 100, it's clearly not a part of BWF World Tour.
I know, that's why I said:
(should also accounted for calculating WTF participation as well)
Obviously, BWF has to come out and clarify their rules and regulations as regards the new tournament structure in clear simple terms leaving no room for misinterpretation as otherwise certain MAs will end up learning the hard way getting some of their players rejected from participating in Level 6 events and having some of their ranking points earned excluded from qualification to the World Tour Finals. That's simply not the right way to do things, so I suppose MAs who have doubts will write to or call up BWF for enquiries, clarifications and confirmations before taking any action.

However, I'd expect BWF to be more professional than that by getting their legal department to draft the guidelines, regulations and rules in clear unambiguous language, with illustrative examples to aid understanding.
a picture is worth a thousand words.
