Hello. I’m fairly new to this site and was wondering if anyone could shed any light upon recommended badminton clubs around this area? Please post or IM me if you can recommend anything, Thank you.
There is a club called Four Oaks that plays at Streetly Youth Centre that play in the birmingham league I think. I think someone else posted a link to the birmingham league website not long ago. That had more club info on it. see http://www.birminghambadminton.org/venues.asp
I know some of the people who play for Four Oaks, and the ability ranges from County level downwards. I'm considering playing for them next year myself. There is also the Streetly Singles League which is held at the Streetly Youth Centre. This is due to start May 7th, with 4 divisions. If you're interested in that let me know and I'll email you all the details.
That sounds interesting. I have trained at streetly a couple of times so am friendly with the centre. If you could email me some details it would be a huge help. Have not played for long, am 18 and would like to start quite low. What would you recommend. Look forward to hearing from you. Dave